II. Welcome to Hogwarts

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'Mama said, 
Fulfill the prophecy 
Be something greater 
Go make a legacy.'

          I carry my suitcase downstairs. "Let me take that for you," Uncle Severus says as he takes my suitcase. "You have everything?" He asks me. I nod as I look around. "Goodbye home, and hello Hogwarts," I say with a smile. Uncle Severus places his arm around my shoulder. "If you get into trouble, you'll be back here soon," he warns me. I smile at him and laugh his warning off. He goes to my suitcase and picks it up. "Come on, let's go," Uncle Severus says as we leave the house. We begin walking down the street when an owl comes to Uncle Severus. He opens the note from the owl and reads it quietly. "What is it?" I ask him. He sighs and looks at me. "It appears I won't be able to accompany you to Hogwarts. There is something I need to do," he tells me. "That's okay, Uncle Severus. Where do you have to go?" I ask him. "Just to meet a friend.. It'll be quick. I'll be at Professor Dumbledore's office soon. You go ahead," Uncle Severus says as he hands me my luggage. I nod and continue to walk down the street on my own.


     The sun beams down on me as I walk towards the entrance of Hogwarts. I look around at the ginormous castle. "It's beautiful," I say to myself. Finn pops up from my shirt pocket. "Finn! You got to stay hidden," I tell him quietly. Finn chitters. "Yes, I know you want to see the castle, but you can't just pop up unannounced," I tell him. He continues to chitter. "Yes, yes I'll give you a tour," I tell him. Finn tugs my pocket. "I promise," I tell him. He smiles and goes down into my pocket. I enter the school, holding my suitcase. There are rarely any students around. Now how do I get to Professor Dumbledore's office? I ask myself. 

"Are you lost?" A young voice asks me. I turn around and face a platinum blonde haired boy. He is dressed in a Slytherin robe. He looks at my luggage and then me. "New student? I didn't know Hogwarts let students enroll late," he says. "Um, I was in a situation which is why they let me enroll late," I say. The boy smirks. "What situation?" He asks me. "Um, I really should be getting to Professor Dumbledore's office.. Can you tell me how to get there?" I ask him. The boy smiles. He is quite handsome

"There you are, Miss Bane. I was starting to think you were lost, but it seems you're just socializing" a familiar voice says. I turn around and see a fairly older lady wearing a witch's hat on her head. She must be Professor McGonagall, I think. "Professor McGonagall, I was telling her how to get to Professor Dumbledore's office," the young boy says. I nod in agreement. "I was just on my way," I tell her. "Very well then, let's go. Professor Snape should be coming soon, but we're already behind schedule. He will have to meet us at Dumbledore's office," Professor McGonagall says as she begins to walk. I turn to the blonde boy and give him a soft smile. He smiles back and waves. He seems sweet, I think as I follow Professor McGongall to Dumbledore's office.

I enter into a big circular room. Portraits of previous Headmasters and Headmistresses hung on the wall. There are shelves filled with books and numerous amounts of instruments that I have never seen before. Professor Dumbledore stands by his desk. On his desk are a stack of books (mostly all by Gilderoy Lockhart), 3 sets of plain robes, and a beautiful barred owl sitting in a cage. "It's all yours," Professor Dumbledore says. I smile in delight. "Thank you so much, Professor," I say. 

"Surely I could have bought her an owl, Professor," Uncle Severus says, as he walks into the office. Dumbledore smiles. "Severus, it was no trouble. Look at it as a welcome gift to Hogwarts," he says to me. I nod and walk up to the owl. "Does she have a name?" I ask him. "Athena," Dumbledore replies. I smile at the name. "It suits her well," I say, looking at the large bird. "Very well then, have a seat Miss Bane," Professor McGonagall says pointing to a chair. I sit down on the chair. She brings forth a old hat. "That's the sorting hat," I say. They nod in agreement. Professor McGonagall comes to me to place the hat on my head. 

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