VIII. Dueling Club

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       "Come along everyone. Gather around," Professor Lockhart says ushering the students to gather around him. Harry groans. "He's teaching us?" "Now, Professor Dumbledore has let me start this club to train you all in case you ever need to defend yourselves, as I have in numerous occasions-- for full details, see my published works," he says with a smile. Harry and Ron roll their eyes. I couldn't help but giggle. "Now, let me introduce to you my assistant, Professor Snape." Professor Lockhart says grinning widely. All eyes turn to the end of the platform as Uncle Severus walks up. "This ought to be good," Alexander whispers from behind me. "He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Don't worry now, you'll still have your Potions master when I'm through with him," Professor Lockhart says, chuckling. He turns to face Uncle Severus. 

"Now, watch us carefully." Professor Lockhart and Uncle Severus bow to each other. They take a few steps back and raise their wands at each other. "Notice how are wands are ready for combat. Now, on the count of three, we will cast our first spells to disarm each other. One, two, three--" "Expelliarmus!" Uncle Severus says. A scarlet light appear and knocks Professor Lockhart off his feet, letting his wand fall into the crowd. A few students laugh, including Ron, Harry, Alexander and I. "Do you think he's alright?" Hermione asks looking at Professor Lockhart, lying on the floor. "Who cares," Ron and Harry say in unison. Professor Lockhart stands on his feet unsteadily. "Excellent demonstration! That was the Disarming Charm.. I seem to have lost my wand.. Ah!" One of the girls hand Professor Lockhart his wand. "Thank you, dear... Professor Snape, that was great thinking. Although, it was very obvious of what you were going to do. I could have easily stopped you, but I felt it would have been better for them to see the affect of the spell." Uncle Severus glares at Professor Lockhart. He looks away nervously. 

"Enough demonstrating! Let's pair you off to practice," he says. "Perhaps, it would be wiser to show them how to block unfriendly spells first," Uncle Severus suggests. "Excellent idea!" Professor Lockhart says as he scans the crowd. "Any volunteers?" I raise my hand instantly. No one else did. "Miss Bane, how generous--" "How about Malfoy and Potter?" Uncle Severus suggests. I look at Uncle Severus as Professor Lockhart nods and calls Harry and Draco on the platform. "Oh, that's so unfair," I say crossing my arms. Alexander pats my shoulder sympathetically. Uncle Severus talks with Draco as Professor Lockhart speaks with Harry. Draco smirks, as Uncle Severus walks away. I try to make eye contact with him, but he avoids me. 

"Professor, can you show me that blocking thing again?" Harry asks Professor Lockhart. "Scared, Potter?" Draco mutters. "You wish," Harry replies. Professor Lockhart joins Professor Snape to the side. "On the count of three, cast your spells to disarm your opponent, only to disarm! We don't want to be sending anyone to the hospital wing...One, two--" "Everte Statum!" Draco shouts. A bolt of light flips Harry backwards and knocks him on his feet. The Slytherin students laugh. "Get up, Harry," I whisper. Harry gets up on his feet. "Rictusempra!" Harry shouts, pointing his wand at Draco. A jolt of light hits Draco as he falls to the floor laughing and wheezing. The crowd starts laughing even more. "I said disarm only!" Professor Lockhart shouts. Draco manages to stand on his feet with the help of Uncle Severus. He points his wand at Harry. Harry does the same. "Serpensortia!" Draco shouts. The end of his wand shoots out a long black snake. The crowd gasps and takes a step back. The snake begins to hiss and slides towards Harry. Harry lowers his wand. 

"Don't move, Potter. I'll get rid of it," Uncle Severus says walking towards the snake. "Allow me, Professor Snape," Professor Lockhart offers. He flicks his wand at this snake, but instead of vanishing it gets angrier. The snake hisses and turns to the crowd. "Hungry, so hungry" It starts moving towards Justin Finch-Fletchley, hissing his teeth at him. "Leave him alone!" Harry says walking towards the snake. "Just one bite." The snake hisses at Justin. "What the," Alexander whispers from behind me. "I said leave him alone," Harry says again, coming closer to the snake. The snake turns to Harry and hisses. They stare at each other. The snake stops hissing. "Vipera evanesca," Uncle Severus says. The snake vanishes. "What are you playing at?" Justin asks Harry. Harry looks confused. He looks around. The students start whispering. Ron pulls Harry off the platform. "Let's go," he says as he and Hermione push him out of the room. "What was that about?" I ask Alexander. Alexander looks at me puzzled. "Didn't you hear him?" Alexander asks me. "Of course I heard him. He just saved Justin's life," I say. Alexander stands stunned. "Is that what he did?" "Uh, Alexander, you were right here. You heard him." "No Ellie... I heard him speaking Parseltongue."

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