Breakfast brual

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I was the first one up and ready. I took this as an opportunity to take a shower. I usually take then before bed but today was different. I walked in and closed the door. I stripped them stepped in the shower. It was nice and warm. I stood there and took it all in. It woke me up good. I then heard the door knob turn and Travis walked in. Ah crap! I forgot to lock the door! Travis looked half asleep when he walked in and didn't notice at first. He then looked in my direction and froze. "Get the hell out Travis. I'm trying to take a shower! Didn't you hear the water going?!" Be fore I knew it he had ran out and slammed the door. I finished getting ready and walked to the mess hall alone. When I had passed by Sal he was out. I grabbed my breakfast and sat down at the usual spot in the corner. I decide to wait until they got here to eat my food.


I was so groggy when I got up. I got my things and went in the bathroom. I noticed that it was warm and steamy. Then that when it hit me that someone was in here. I turned and looked at the shower. I saw LARRY! He screamed at me to get out and before he could finish what he was saying I was out the door. I took my things to one of the bathrooms outside and got ready there. Then when I went to put my pajamas back I noticed that he had left. I then hesitatingly walked to the mess hall. I grabbed my breakfast and sat with Larry. It was an awkward silence until the other two came.


I woke feeling so refreshed. After last night's talk with Phillip I slept good for once. I hopped out of bed and got ready. I then went and woke him up. He turned over and looked at me. Then he got up and smiled at me. "Did you sleep any better?" "I slept so much better. I haven't had good sleep like that in a long time." "That's great to hear." He then got down and got ready. We walked to the mess hall together. On the way there he picked up a large snail. I asked to see if he knew what kind it was. He told me it was a rosy wolf snail. He said that they like to eat smaller snails. He then put it back down and we made our way there. When we got there we washed our hands at the station then got in line. When I asked for some eggs then women that was serving then looked at me with horror. "Why are you wearing that? It's not Halloween. Is this some sick joke?" Before I could say anything Phillip shot in saying "it's his prosthetic. His doctor prescribed it to him." She just gave us our eggs and went on her way. "Thanks for sticking up for me. I always hate when people act like that. It's so unnecessary." "No problem." We then made our way to the table where Larry and Travis were. They seemed awkward when we sat down. "So why are you to so quite. See something outside?" " oh yeah Travis got to see it all." Larry looked at Travis with a glare. Travis looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. "What's that supposed to mean?" Travis turned bright red. "He decided it would be a good idea to walk in on me while I was taking a shower and try to get a peek." "I told you I was half asleep and it was an accident. I saw nothing and once I noticed what you were doing I ran out." Larry smirked at him as he was even more redder now. We the busted out laughing at Travis. Eventually he joined in too. I then noticed someone making their way towards us.


I was the second one to notice a group of guys walking our direction. The leader of the group was tall and had his hair in a bun. He walked over to us and started at Sal. I felt nervous for they didn't seem the friendly type. "What's with the face mask freak? Trying to hide something I see." He moved his had close to Sal's face. I looked over and one of his side kicks was standing close to me. He was a little shorter than the guy with a bun and had shoulder length dark green hair. "What's with the earrings? You gay or something?" "No I just find them fashionable unlike you." I knew I shouldn't have said that. They both looked at me with anger. The one with the green hair grabbed me by the shirt collar and pulled me up. "You got quite some nerve talking to me like that." I gulped. I was no good when it came to fights and I seemed to always get stuck in them. Just then Larry stood up. " leave us alone or your going to get it!" "Oh so now you want to play tuff guy?" The guy with the bun liked that he was getting Larry mad. He then grabbed the top of Sal's prosthetic and gave Larry an evil grin. Larry stared him down. The next few actions seemed to happen in slow motion. He grabbed Sal's prosthetic, ripping it off and throwing it to the side. Sal had put his hands up to hide his face. At the same time Larry flew at the guy to a hard punch in the face. I was so busy watching that I didn't noticed being slammed to the ground by the guy that had me. I hit it with a thud.


I ran and knocked over the guy that had started going at Phillip. I punched him in the face which threw him back. He then kicked me in the stomach which Ed knocked me down. We then wrestled on the floor for awhile. He finally got up and got his friend. They walked away like nothing had happened. I then made my way to the bathroom. I stumbled in and looked at the mirror. I had a few scratches on my face but no black eyes this time. I then heard crying and looked around, I spotted Sal in the corner crying while Phillip was holding him. His hair was messed up and was hiding his face. I realized that his mask still must be out there. I turned to go get it but Larry bust through the door with it in hand. He looked the worst out of all of us.


Once the guy with the bun ripped Sal's prosthetic off it was game over. I jumped and talked the guy to the ground. I gave him a good punch in the face. He then returned it with several to my face. I then pushed him away. He tackled me to the ground and started punching me left and right. This guy was strong. He was practically the same height as me but more buff. I was used to fighting guys like Travis that had no meat on their bones. This guy knew how to win a fight. I kept trying to push him off me but he wouldn't budge. I thought of the only thing I knew that could save me. I kneed him as hard as a could straight to the crotch. He yelled in pain and I managed to free myself. I punched him in the face a couple of more times then ran to the bathroom. I grabbed Sal's prosthetic on the way. I got in and locked the bathroom door.


After my mask was ripped off I cover my face with my hands. I was then dropped to the floor. I knew Larry had gotten a hold of the guy and was after him. I quick peeked around the room for the bathroom. I spotted it and started making my way over. I was then grabbed by someone and they picked me up. Scared I started fighting back only to realize it was Phillip how was trying to help me. He then grabbed me and ran to the bathroom. Once inside he put me down. He pushed the hair back from my face looking to see if I had any injuries. Thankfully I didn't. The only thing I had was a small cut on my palm from where I hit the floor. I looked back at Phillip to see the injuries he had. He had some scratch's on his neck where the guy grabbed his shirt collar. One was bleeding pretty bad so I hopped upstairs and got a wet paper towel. I cleaned it up for him and threw the paper in the trash. I then sat in the corner and started crying. Why does this always happen. I wish I didn't have to wear that thing but if I didn't it would be worse. I always seem to get my friends in trouble. I then felt Phillip rap his arms around me. As I was calming down I heard someone run in. It was Travis. He looked at me but he couldn't see my face because I hid it with my hair. A few minutes later I saw Larry run in. He had my mask and gave it to me. I quickly put it on feeling relief when it snapped into place.


I looked up at Larry and he looked ruff. He had a black eye. I cut on his cheek and a bruised right hand from hitting the guy. I got up and wetted a paper towel. I cleaned him off and put another cold towel on his eye for him. He thanked me and I just smiled at him. We stayed there until it was time for the usual meeting area. We walk there and they announce that about group was going trail riding. I was excited and looked at the rest of them. Sal and Travis seemed fine but not Larry. He seemed almost scared at the sound of being around horses. I wonder what that is about?

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