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I rushed in and saw Sal. He was hooked up to a bunch of machines. He had bandages wrapped around his wrists from were he had been cut. The nurse came in and checked on him. "Your friend is going to be out for awhile. He had to rescue each several blood transfusions and was unstable for awhile. He's pretty stable now though. It so sad to see when teenagers try to kill them selves." "He didn't try to kill him self. He was attacked and they hurt him like that." "It's ok we seen this before. There's no need to try to explain it." She then left the room. L poked over at Sal. He was asleep. He has his prosthetic off and his hair as messy. I then called my mom and told her the situation. She picked me up and we headed back to the apartments. I went to Sal's place and grabbed his extra prosthetic for him. I also told his dad what had happened. He quickly grabbed his things and ran out the door. I was left in the apparent alone with gizmo. "It's ok Giz your human will be back soon." I reached down and petted him for a bit. Then I left for my own apartment. I got there and my mom was on the phone with the people from the camp office. "I'm going to go up there in a few minutes to get all your things and the rest of the boys things. I want you to stay here and try to get some sleep. It's going to be a long day for you." I bobbed and she kissed my head on her way out. I went to my room and laid on my bed. I tried to go to sleep but my mind was racing.


I walked in and saw Phillip. His leg was propped up on a pillow and had a cast on it. He waved me over and hugged me. "Oh thank goodness your ok. I saw what your dad tried to do. I scacifced my leg for you. How are the rest?" "Kevin got stitched for his cut on his face and Sal is in ICU but is getting better." "That's good. Well the doctor had to but a few screws in my ankle so all be on these the rest of the summer." He pointed to the crutches on the wall. We then talked for a bit. Then I went to the front desk and called my mom. She came over with my father as well. He acted like nothing had ever happened. Right before I left I said I needed to ask the lady one more thing. I walked over to her and told her what was going on with my mom and I. A few seconds later security came in through the front door and took my dad away. I had finally had enough.


It had been several days. Both boys were home from the hospital. Sal was taking it easy at home and seemed to have reconnected with his father. Phillip was laid up in the bed most days while his ankle was recovering. Travis's dad was arrested and charged with child abuse and attempted murder. They found no evidence of attempted murder and dropped that charge. He did however spend 3 months in jail and was on parole for the next year. The family stayed together  it he was less physically violent. He mostly kept to himself a lot. The cult seemed to disperse and there was not activity from it for awhile. Lisa got all of the boys things from the camp and was given a refund. Kevin and his crew went home. He has a scar on his right eyebrow from when the cut. The boys spent the rest of the summer doing there own thing. Larry and Sal hung out and would invite Phillip and Travis over from time to time. Sal's heaped ip nicely with faint scares from his injuries. Travis got a job at the local food market and Phillip was give a duck for his birthday. There summer was one that they wouldn't forget.

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