The last week of school

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I looked in the mirror and sighed. I hated looking at my face. It was a permanent reminder of what I didn't have and that awful day that made me the mess I was. I took one last look before putting my prosthetic on. At least it's the last week of school before the summer. I pulled my hair back into my classic pig tails. I walk out of the bathroom and was met by Gizmo. I say hello and he rubs against my legs and purrs. I then yell to my dad that I was going over to Larry's place so we could walk to school together. I walk out the door, backpack in hand and headed for the elevator. I put my key card in for the basement level and the doors close. A few minutes later they ring open and I step out. I walk by chug who is getting a candy bar from the vending machine. He waves at me then goes back to getting his candy bar. I knocked on Larry's door and I'm greeted with a smiling Lisa. "Come on in Sal, he'll be out in a few minutes." I smile and come in, closing the door behind me.


I wake up and roll out of bed. I always hate waking up early for school. I quickly throw on some close and head for the bathroom. I brush my long hair with always gets tons of tangles. Then I brush my teeth and put on colon. At least it's the last week of school. Then I can play video games and hangout with friends. As I'm about done I hear a knock on the door and hear my mom welcome Sal. I hurry up and greet him. He stands up and we hug. Then my mom makes us a quick breakfast before we run out the door. We decided to walk today instead of taking the bus.


We quickly say bye and thank Lisa for the food before heading out the door. We decided to walk today since it's been so nice outside today. "Heya Sal ready for the summer?" I can't wait to play video games and stay up all night without having to wake up so early in the morning. I nodded my head in agreement. We finally reach the front steps and walk inside. I make my way to my locker which is mostly empty since we have started cleaning g them out last week. I then hear the all to familiar voice of a familiar bully. Travis Phelps. I hear him say "hey blue hair you always wear that sweater?" I turn around terrified that it's me but it's surprisingly not.


I wake up and hobble over to the bathroom. I lift my shirt up and look at the bourse that is nicely forming near my rib cage. Father was extra angry last night and got me good. I shook it off and got ready. I hurried down stairs and into the kitchen. My mother had made breakfast and was cleaning up the dishes she had dirtied. I sat down and started eating. My father walks in with the paper and as usual sets himself at the head of the table. I quickly swallowed my food and told him good morning. I would be in so much trouble if I dare talk with food in my mouth. He looks up from his paper and greats me with a smile. It was a fake one but anything was better than anger. I finished my breakfast and put my dishes in the sink. I thanked my mom and kissed her on the cheek. Then got my things ready and started heading out the door. I was called back by my father. I slunk my way back hoping all goes well today. "Son aren't you going to say goodbye to your old man?" "I wouldn't want to have to re teach you some manners son." I shook my head and said there was no need. He started at me sternly for a moment then went back to his paper. I said my good bye to him and rushed out the door. I decided to walk today because of the nice weather and to get my thoughts under control. He didn't get mad at you today Travis. Maybe today will be good. It is the last week of school before summer. I paused. Summer was a bit so pleasant time. I was home more often and that meant more time under my father's watchful eyes. I had to put on my mean persona. No one needs to see that broken down and scared Travis that I truly am. I step into school, scanning the crowd for a victim. I see my target and I lock in.


I get some of my art supplies out of my locker and see Sal looking at something. I looked further and see Travis. I could tell that Sal was upset and wanted to help. I didn't want to take part in it by I saw his pleading eyes and knew what I had to do.

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