The trail of  terrors.

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We walked to the stables. We grabbed helmets and sat on some bleachers. They instructed us on how to ride and and control them. Then the horses came out. We were going to go on some trail riding. We all got up and stood in line to get the horse we would be riding. Larry still looked nervous. When it was my turn for a horse I was given a white one. It's name was moon dance. I got on with ease and got lined up ready to go. I have done several trail rides and were always so much fun.


I was the next in line. I got a brown hire that was named brownie. I had trouble getting on. I had never rode one so I didn't quite know how to get on. Once I did I was better. I guided my horse in line behind Phillip's. It was easier than I thought when it came to guiding them. I sat and waited. I petted it some and it seemed to like it.


After Travis got his it was my turn. I was given a big black one. When I went to get on I was having a difficult time. The person that was helping out just picked me up and put me on it. I got embarrassed by it but at the same time was thankful. I guided my horse behind Travis's horse.


I watched as Sal got onto his horse. I was funny watching him try to get on. Thankfully I don't have short people problems. Once he got on and got in line, it was now my turn. I wasn't a big fan of horses. When I was younger I witnessed my uncle get trapped by one. It traumatized me for awhile. I was given a brown and white one. I got on way easier than Sal did. I hesitated before I made it move any. It's ok. It's calm and not spooked at all. Your on top. Not on the bottom. I then moved it into line. There were a few more people behind me and a few in front of Phillip. We then started off on the ride.


We started off. We rode through the one of the main trails. We walked by the water and I got a glimpse of the ducks again. Who knew those ducks would cause so much trouble. We then rode to a more shaded part of the trail. It was so pleasant seeing the light from the trees light the shaded path. All was peaceful until I heard a horse start making a loud noise.


We started off and I was nervous. The horse was kind to me and practically knew what it had to do. As we rode passed the water I saw those ducks again. Stupid ducks almost cost me my life. They seemed so happy with themselves, just swimming around. We rode some more and got to a shaded part when I heard a horse. I froze. I looked round but it wasn't mine so at least that part was fine. I looked a back and saw what was happening.


As we rode off I was lost in thought. The fight still had me rattled some. Seeing the calm water made me feel at ease. I noticed those ducks that had made us tip over. I wonder if they laughed at us for that. I know if I was a duck I would probably laugh at the silly humans. We rode on into the shade. After a few minutes of being in the shade I heard a horse. It was so loud that it made me jump causing my horse to stir some. I turned around because Larry was behind me and knew it probably wasn't going to be good.


We started off and I was scared. I kept talking to myself to calm me down. We rode by the water and I spotted the ducks. It was kinda funny when Travis freaked out over them. They were so harmless. I've noticed he tends to freak out over some things. I chuckled to myself. We went got to a shaded part I started looking around. I noticed something was making its way to me. It slithered it's way closer and I saw that it was a snake. I panicked hoping my horse wouldn't see it. It unfortunately did. It stopped and started neighing loudly. It then jumped up and this caused me to slip off. I fell to the ground and it started kicking. I managed to dodge them but one did get me in the side. I rolled over in pain. I looked up and it had ran off into the tree line. I was so distracted by it that I didn't notice the snake was very close to me. Before I could get up to move it struck me in the arm. I screamed and moved away holding my arm. I was terrified. I never felt more vulnerable in my life. I started crying which is not something I do often but I had had a day. First I get beaten up then a horse kicked my and now a snake bite. I notched that the people I the front had gone off to get the horse. The people behind me had turned around and started heading back from where we had come. I then felt someone grab me and pulled me into a hug. I just sat there trying hard to calm down. I looked up and it was Phillip.


I knew what the noise was immediately. I told the other person in front to tell the counselor what was going on. I hopped off my horse and tied it to a tree. I then had to the noise. I saw that Larry's horse was in distress and reared up. I saw him fall off and hit the ground. Then the horse went to kicking. Thankfully he only managed to get a small kick to the side. I then saw it run off. I then ran and told the people that had witnessed it to turn around. I then ran to Larry. He had screamed them held his arm. I looked and saw a snake moving back I to the brush. After everyone had left except Travis, Sal and I, I ran to him. He was laying on the ground crying. Sat down and held him, carrying to calm him down. Once he was calmed down enough I took a look at his arm. There were two holes were the teeth had went in. I noticed there was not swelling like it would if a venomous snake had done it. "Larry it's going to be alright. The snake that bit you isn't venomous but it will hurt for awhile." I then helped him to his feet and slowly got him up. He winced in pain and I lifted his shirt to see a nasty bruise where the horse had kicked him. He was still slightly crying and leaned over. I then instructed Travis to get off his horse and help Larry to the infirmary place and that we would meet him there. I then grabbed his horse and tied it to mine. I the jumped back onto mine and Sal and I headed back to the stables. We got there and got off. I told the staff what happened. Then me and Sal walked down to the infirmary to meet up with Larry.


I helped Larry to the infirmary office and explained what happened. I then lead him around to the bed. The lady looked him over and left. She came back with some ice. She then started cleaning his arm and bandaging his wounds. She then told him to lay down in one of the sock rooms and to stay there the rest of the day. I helped him there and got him to lay down. Poor Larry he's gone through so much today. I know I'm not the fondest of him but I wouldn't wish him this bad. A few minutes later Sal and Phillip came in.


Travis helped me to the infirmary place. It hurt bad every time I walked. When I finally got there, Travis explain what happened. I was sat down in a bed and a lady came in with an ice pack and some bandages and meds. I put the ice pack on my side. Then she cleaned up my arm for me and wrapped it up. She then gave me some pain meds and told me to got in one of the sick rooms and to lay down for the rest of the day. Travis helped me get to one of the rooms and helped me get settled. It felt so good to slay down. I then saw Sal and Phillip walk trough the door. Sal rushed over to see he giving me a hug. He let go once he noticed I had winced from the pain. "I'm so glad your alright! I thought I was going to lose you." "You wouldn't lose me dude. I'm too tuff to stop." We laugh at that. "Thanks for saving me Phillip. Maybe you aren't so weird after all." "It's fine. I guess I'm lucky for knowing a lot about animals and how to deal with them." Then they left. I stayed out like to lady said. I was ore but not in too much pain thanks to the meds. I soon felt drowsy and drifted off into sleep.

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