Special guest

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We had visited Larry off and on the rest of the day. I brought him some fresh clothes and helped him change. I saw the big bruise on his side where the horse kicked him. When it was bed time I crawled in the bed with him. I didn't want him to be alone. The bed was small so it was a tight squeeze but I managed. When I woke up in the morning I brought him some breakfast. The lady came in and checked on him and said he could do light activities today if he wanted. He decided to take it easy one more day. I said I would check on him throughout the day. I then went to the cabin and changed. Then I met up with the guys at our usual place. The guys that beat us up made there way over. I freaked out. Larry wasn't here to protect us and the only that possibility could was Travis. They sat down and looked at us. Then the one with the bun spoke "heard what happen to your friend. He seems pretty tough though. We wanted to apologize for yesterday. That was uncalled for." He then said his name was Kevin and his brother was named frank. They then got up and left. I looked at the other two to make sure I had heard it right. "I can't believe they had the audacity to come and say that. They acted like nothing had happened!" "Travis chill. We got an apology and we weren't even expecting them to do that. I saw that's good enough." I agreed with Phillip. It was good that they apologized for yesterday. We then cleaned up our food and headed for the meeting place. We sit down and wait for the announcements.


The boys had sat down and were waiting for the announcements. A few minutes later one of the staff memes came and said that they would be having a special guest today and that it was from a local place. A then tall, blond man stepped out. He introduced himself as pastor Kenneth from Phelps ministry.


I looked over at Travis and he was was shocked. "This is what my father meant by project." I turned back and looked at his dad. I had never seen Travis's dad before. Now I know where the night blond hair comes from. Then man was tall and slim like Travis bit slightly more built. We wore a black shirt with the classic minister's collar and jeans. He talked about the church for awhile. "Now before I close today I want to pray for you. I'm going to pick a few of you to come up individually." He then started walking around, picking people. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I was then made to stand up and go to the front. "And now my sone Travis will come up here and assist me." I watched as Travis got up and made his way to his father. He then instructed Travis to lay a hand on the person and he prayed over them. Every time that got a little closer to me. They got done with the person next to me and then it was my turn. "Now why would you hide your face child? I demand you take that off right now young lady." "Um I'm actually a boy" "oh so a big sinner then. Travis take this mask off so we can heal this boy of his sins." Travis walked over to me. He looked scared and unwilling. "Do it now son! He needs to be healed." Travis just stood there looking at me. "I'm getting impatient son!" Travis looked at me for help. He didn't want to do it. "Son if you don't do it now then I will!" Travis then reached down and I clipped the first strap. I pushed him away. "Don't resist child for you are a sinner and need healing." Travis's dad then reaches down and yanked my prosthetic off my face. He started at me with horror. "It's you!"


I took the child's mask from him revealing his face. I looked at him in shock. It was him. The one that I had tried to kill all those years ago. Here he was standing in front of me with the mess I had created. This made me mad. I had intended to kill the boy but got his mother instead. He looked back at me with fear. I beloved he made the connection as to who I was. He ran. He grabbed the mask out of his hand and ran. I quickly ended the session and left grabbing Travis and pulling him aside.


I watched helplessly as my father pulled Sal's prosthetic off. I saw his face and saw all the scares that had messed up his face. I looked at my father and there was something in his eyes that I hadn't seen before. It was pure fear. Sal then grabbed his mask and ran off. I then saw Phillip get up and followed me. He looked at me with discuses on his face. I then heard my father rap things up and the crowd dispersed. I then was grabbed tightly by the shoulder and pulled aside out of view of everyone. Oh no. This is t going to be good. "Son way did you disobey me?!" Before I could say anything I was back handed hard across the face. It stung and the tears came. "I'll deal with this when you get back!" He then slapped me again then left me. I looked around to see if anyone had seen. I spotted someone at the edge of the tree line and it was Larry. I quickly ran to a bathroom and locked a stall. I started crying historically. Why did he show up. He's not even supposedly be here. Poor Sal. I tried my best to keep it from happening but it did anyway. He must hate me. We had become such good friends but that's probably over. The sound of the door opening disrupted my thoughts. The person then stopped I front of my stall. I recognized the shoes. It was Larry.


I stood up as Sal went running. I looked at Travis with a glare. I then followed him. He had ran all the way back to the cabin. I found him crying on his bed. I hugged his and he hugged back. After he calmed down he chocked out a few words. "He he did this." "Who did Sal?" He looked up with his scared face. "Travis 's dad did this to me." I was confused. He then explained how when he was young a man with a dog mask trued to kill him with a gun but his mom saved his. This however disfigured him and left his mother dead. I was shocked to hear that. This made me sad to think that someone that could be so respected by the community be such an evil monster.


"Open the door Travis I know your in there." I had seen what happened with Sal then what happened with Travis and his dad. I had been feeling go so I decided to hobble my way to see what was happening. I stood in the tree line so I wouldn't be seen. I then heard the door click and pushed it open. I saw Travis huddled in the corner holding his knees up to his chest. I held out my hand and he took it. He got up and dusted himself off. "So does your dad do that to you often?" "Please don't tell anyone. It will only get worse for me and it s already awful to deal with." "I won't as long as you apologize to Sally." "Never thought he would do that. He's gets to carried away sometimes." I looked at h and noticed his face had a hand print from where his father had slapped him. "What are you doing up anyway? Shouldn't you be resting?" "Well I felt well enough to go see who the special guest was. Boy this I see a show." We then walked back to the cabin. Sal was glad to see that I was up and somewhat moving around. I told h that I saw what had happened and that I was sorry for that. He then looked at Travis. Anger came across his face. Travis profusely apologized to him and Phillip both. Trying to explain his side of the story. Phillip forgave him but Sal still looked mad. I had never seen Sal this mad before.

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