The night before.

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I had just got back from Larry's house. He had invited me over for some pizza and video games. I walk in to a familiar but not so pleasant smell. Alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. I quite close the door trying not to get any attention from my dad while in this state. It's darker than usual so I try not to run into anything but I manage to his my toe on the side of the in table by the coach causing me to scream in pain. This awoken the beast and he slums out of his room, smelling like vodka. "Why are you making such load noises." "My head is killing me." "You always be causing trouble in my life." "If you never did your mother would still be here!" This stung my heart. I tried my hardest not to cry. "Why did it have to be her." "She was my everything!" He started getting louder and started sobbing. He slumped on the coach and continued to cry. Why why did it have to be her. "This is all your fault!" "You killed her!" You you.. He passed out in a slobbery ball, tears falling from his eyes. I quickly ran and shut the door. I tear off my prosthetic and throw it on the bed. I sat down next to it and curled up into a ball and sobbed. It should have been me. Why did you have to leave us. Me. It's all my fault and my face is a reminder of this everyday. Oh I wish how I could take it all back! I finally calming down and got up. I put my pajamas on and put my glass eye in my cup. I take my meds and took down my hair. I but my prosthetic it it's place and crawl into bed. I hope I won't have a nightmare tonight. I get to got to camp tomorrow and see my friends. I can't wait to leave my place for awhile and forget all my troubles for a few weeks. I then finally close my eye and fall into sleep.


After Sal left I helped my mom clean up dinner. It would have been my dad's birthday but we don't acknowledge it. My mom still believes he just up and left us. He couldn't have left us. He loved us. I used to do a lot of fun things like fishing and bike riding with him. I look at my mom as she is getting the dishes cleaned. I clear my throat and she turns around. "Hey mom do you know what day it is?" She stops what she is doing and looks at me. I can see anger and sadness in her eyes. She looks at me and says "of course I do." "There isn't a day that goes by with out me thinking of him and how he just up and left us like this." "He left you and I don't know how he could have." "I miss him so much but I'm trying to move on." I can see that she is getting up set. I walk over to her and hug her. It's ok my. I know how you feel. I miss him to but I don't see how he just left us. It doesn't seem like it. Maybe he was kidnapped or something. She pulls away from me, tears streaming down her face. "How could you say that." "He left us." "There is no defining someone that left his family with no notice." "That's just shitty!!" I try to protest but she stops me. She walks to her room and slams the door. I stood there in the kitchen in silence for a moment. Then I get mad. I stare at the cup I have in my hand and throw it across the room causing it the shattered. Then regretting what I did cleaned it up and went to my room. I start throwing things in my room eventually landing on my bed with tears in my eyes. Oh dad why did you leave. We loved you. There was no reason to. We had a happy life. If your out there why haven't you tried to get in touch with me? Is there something I did that caused you to leave us? I then begin crying. I hold my pillow up to my face to muffle the sound. Mom doesn't need to see me like this. I then get up and change into pajamas and crawl back into the bed. At least tomorrow I get to go to camp with Sal and the gang will be there too. I then try to get some sleep.

"Travis what are you doing?" "Doesn't sound like sorting to me!" "Sorry sir I got distracted for a moment." "We'll pay attention to what you are doing or your gong to be in trouble!" "Yes sir." I had be distracted from my sorting of the bulletin papers to give out for church tomorrow. I was to busy thinking about going to camp. I would be able to get away for him for awhile. It had been a complete shock that he let me go. My mother was excited that I had shown an interest in the camp but my father wasn't to pleased about. "I don't see how he needs to go to that camp." "He should be working this summer and become a real man." " Oh now dear it would be nice for home to go." "A boy his age needs a friend or two." "And if he makes new one then they might come to the church." This delighted my father when my mother said that. He's always trying to get new members to come and expand the church. He had decided to let me go for that reason. I was so happy when he agreed to let me go. I get to leave tomorrow and even miss church for it. But he won't be dropping me off my mom will be doing that because he can't miss a single Sunday. I then finished sorting the bulletin papers and placed them in neat stacks on the welcome table as you wall in. I have been helping father a lot lately since I've been home. He told me once I get back that he is going to have I serous meeting with meet about becoming a member of his small group. "Some you have finally come of age to join my small group." I personally want looking forward to it but my dad made me have no choice. We got in the car and headed home. On the way there he started talking about it again. I noticed that he started to get mad because he started to get louder. "Son are you even listening to me!" "You should pay attention when your father is taking to you boy!" "Your in trouble when we get home!" I jerked back to reality with that statement. We got home and I tried to get into the house before he got in. I was then grabbed by the collar of my shirt and yanked back. I did a little scream and fell back. He stood over me with an evil grin on his face. You have be disobedient today boy. "What do you have to say for yourself hum!" I was about to give my explanation but was met with a slap to the face. It stung and I chocked back tears. He then picked me off the floor and held me up. "Don't you disrespect me like that again!" "You better be glad I'm still going to let you go tomorrow you little shit!" Then I was met with a few punched and slaps to the face. He then threw me down and kicked my ribs a few times. Then he stopped off to his offer and left me there. I got up and hobbled up the stairs to my room. I walked slowly to the mirror and looked at myself. There were red marks on my face and a few cuts. Then I lifted my shirt where the new bruises had started to develop. I put my shirt down and cleaned myself up the best I could. Then I hopped on me bed and hugged my knees and cried. Later my mom came in and helped me get my pajamas on. Then she tucked me in and kissed me good night. Then she closed my bedroom door and went to her room. This is the only thing I will miss. I won't miss him. I can't wait to leave this place for awhile. Just to get away. Away from him.

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