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It was happening again. I was in the woods. I walked towards a clearing and peered out. I saw a woman sitting on a sheet with a picnic basket next to her. She wore a brown dress and had blonde hair. There was a child with her that had blue hair. I heard the boy tell the women that he wanted to go pet the doggie. He then ran ahead of the women. I followed him in the shadow. He stopped in front of a figure. Then the figure turned into a man with a dog mask on. I knew this all too well. I watched as the man pulled out a long silver thing. It was a shot gun. He pointed it at the child and prepared to pull the trigger. I then noticed that the women had spotted the man with her child and ran to him. Then I heard the click of the trigger. There was a load bang and an ear piercing scream. The women had fallen to the ground and the man was nowhere to be seen. I ran to her. There was a large hole were she was shot and blood was poring out. I screamed for help but no one could here me. She was fading fast. I heard crying and turned around, the child was covered in blood as well and pleading that she was going to be ok. I held the women tight in my arm and began to cry. I couldn't save her. It was my fault. ALL MY FAULT! I then woke up with a scream and began sobbing. I climbed out of the bed and huddled on the floor hugging myself tightly and shaking. It's all my fault! I could have saved her! I was so stupid to chase that dog. It should have been me to shou... I was hugged tight by someone. It was dark and I couldn't make out who it was. It didn't quite feel like Larry for they were too skinny. They helped my up and lead me out the door. We walked to a near by bench and then helped sit me down. I was still upset and they just held me. It felt good to be holding someone that could hold back. After a few minutes I get the chance to catch a glimpse of the person that was holding me. It was Phillip.


I had woken up to a scream and then load sobbing. I jumped up hitting my head on the ceiling. I then looked over the edge and saw Sal curled up in a ball on the floor. I looked around to see if anyone else was awaken by it. I saw that Larry was out and snoring quite loadly. I then looked at Travis. He was sleeping peacefully, twitching every once in a while. I then quietly climbed down and put my arms around him. He was shaking so I hugged tighter. After a few minutes when he seemed to calm down slightly I managed to get him up and move him outside. I didn't want the others to wake. I walked him down to the  near by bench so we could sit down. I felt him start to get upset again and I just held him. As I waited for him to calm down I looked at the lake. It was so pretty at night. I heard the bugs and felt the chill in the air that came with nights. I was taking it all in when I noticed something strange. There was a faint light down at the water edge. I looked closer and noticed there were two people getting in a boat. They seemed to be wearing robes with hoods. I watched as they got in and started going across the lake. I then felt Sal stir so I looked down for a moment then looked back real quick but they were gone. I looked down again and he was looking at me. I couldn't see his face that well since most of his hair was covering it. I then let go and sat back from him.


He looked back and I noticed that he moved away. I then panicked. My prosthetic! I don't have it! He might see the mess that is my face. I quickly try to hide my face with my hands. "Look you don't have to hide around me. I know we don't know each other that well but I won't judge." With this I slowly let my hands down and pushed the hair from my face. I was preparing myself for the worst. I then turn and look at him. He looked at me with a calmness to him. "Is it bad? I know I'm hideous looking." "It's fine. It looks pretty cool actually. I don't judge. My mom runs a tattoo place so I've seen all kinds of stuff.  I see people put some crazy stuff on there bodies that I know they are going to regret later." This made me feel better and I smiled at him. This is probably one of the only times he will actually get to see me smile. "Thanks for not getting freaked out by my appearance." "Not at all. I myself and pretty weird to most people." "Why is that?" "Well I'm pretty quite and like things most people don't so they see me as weird. I've just learned to live with it and know that as long as I'm happy with myself then I shouldn't care what people think of me. It does seem like your friend Larry thinks I'm weird. It doesn't bother me though. Let him think what he wants." "Yeah he can be quite the judger. I'm trying to work on him with that." We talked for a little bit longer then headed back to the cabin. I told him night and crawled back into the bed. I fell asleep quickly and this time without any nightmares.


When he looked at me a saw his face. He was missing an eye and had a big scar across the middle of his face. He had two simi smaller ones on the side were he was missing the eye and was littered with countless smaller ones on his face. The top of his nose was gone and part of the skin near his mouth was missing exposing a few of his teeth. Yes it was bad but he didn't ask for it. He looked cool like something my mom would tattoo on some biker guys arm. We talked for awhile after this then headed back to the cabin. I looked back to the lake to see if I saw the hooded figures again and saw nothing. We then returned to our beds. As I climbed back into the bed I couldn't help but wonder what I had witnessed on the lake. Who were those people? What were they doing out there on the lake?

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