♡Capitulo Cuarenta y Tres - Surprise Name!♡

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Monse POV

On couch watching movies with Cesar and Ray and Norma, kisses Cesar hand, "Can you help me get up? I need to pee real badly." Smiles at Cesar helping me up and kisses his hand.

Gets to bathroom and pees and feels a small pain and holds side of counter texts Norma to come.

Norma comes in and holds my hand as I go through contraction, "Just breathe through it sweetheart." Does as told and with her help goes to bed and calls for Cesar. Norma checks my belly, "Do you feel the pain all over or just your belly area? Has the contractions been non-stop or has it been hours in between?"

I look at her while rubbing Cesar hand, "This is my first contraction since last night, the pain is all my abdomen and back and my feet feel numb. I feel little nauseous, but I did have sweets and barbeque wings. I wanted to make it past today at least so Lily has her day."

Norma looks at clock, "We going to keep an eye on your contractions if you have another one within the next 30 minutes we will take you to the hospital. I already text Dr. Maldonado and he said to let him know when we are on the way." I look at Cesar lay head on his chest, "Thank you Norma, I am glad we have a L&D nurse in the family."

Mini comes in after putting girls in guest room and hugs me soft and sees Cesar sad face, "Hey he is in your heart, and I can bet this little one going to be screaming just like his uncle and dad." I try to talk and gets Cesar hand tight.

15 hours later on the hospital bed breathing through a contraction and rubbing belly with fetal monitor on belly. Norma checks me over and rubs my knee, "Do you want to try and walk the hallway? You are only at a 4 sweetheart, we are aiming for a 5 to do epidural."

I nod at her and sees them move monitor and I stand with Mini and Cesar help we walk hallway and screams when feels a hard contraction after 30 minutes of walking. Head on wall as moves from side to side as Cesar rubs my back looks at Mini with tears, "I don't think I can walk more, I feel him kicking me hard on my bladder."

7 hours later it being 10 minutes after midnight of Halloween and holds both their hands as pushes hard and screams as baby drops. Looks at Cesar, "I want you to cut the cord and be the first to hold him besides Dr. Maldonado as we planned. I love you baby and our big boy almost here." Pushes again and feels the baby come out and looks at time with tears looks at Cesar cutting the cord and holding our boy after the nurses clean him. 

Cesar POV

Holding him brings him over to Monse and watches her as he nurses him once we in room and smiles, "He looks like you love, with my eyes and ears." She smiles at me and kisses me, "With the name of his uncle who is watching him."

Mini knocks at the door soft and comes in when we say come in and sees that Monse is burping baby. Looks at her, "Come over here sis, someone has patiently been waiting to say hi to his auntie."

Mini comes next to us and holds him with happy tears, "Congratulations you two, he is so handsome and has a mix of both of you. What's his name?

Smiles and gets Lily on video chat, "Hey sweetheart its time to tell mommy cousins name."

Lily smiles seeing her hold baby, "Mommy I have the honor of telling you the babies name, auntie and uncle gave me this job on my big day. The little boy you are holding who was born on daddys birthday, his name is Oscar Anthony Diaz. His first name by his strong uncle and middle name was Monse dad middle name." Sees Mini speechless looks at Lily, "We will call you later sweetie."

I hug Mini close as she cries and smiles at Little Oscar, "We wanted to name him after someone that we both respected. Oscar raised me and helped me be who I was, him and Monse got along at the end."

Watches Mini hold him soft and I take picture and holds Monse hand.

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