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When the text is in italic bold it means someone is in a memory/dream.

Dippers POV

"Did you know you look even more amazing with blue eyes?" Bill asked.

I rolled my eyes and snuggled deeper into Bill's chest. We were cuddling on our bed. not really paying attention to the movie that played on the screen in front of us.

"I look amazing no matter what," I replied.

"Woah! You would've never said that before, what's with the big personality change?"

Signing contentedly, I looked up at Bill. I flashed him a large and joyous smile.

"Just being with you, has made me realized that if I am perfect to you, then I am perfect to myself." I whispered softly.

Bill said nothing as he rested his head on mine, falling asleep. My thoughts wondered to Mabel.

What would she think if she saw me like this? What would she think if she knew I was demon now? I wonder if she still hates me for what I did. I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

Third POV

"Dipping dot! Give it back!" Mabel whined.

"Not until you promise not to tell her," Dipper said sternly, holding up Mabel's star sweater.

Mabel had walked in on dipper writing a love letter to Wendy. She read over his shoulder for several seconds, before snatching up the paper out of his hands.

"Fine I promise, but it's been two years! Just say what you feel already!" Mabel huffed, as she flopped down onto the floor.

"I-I can't . It's easier to pretend and believe a lie than getting rejected. Most people like you Mabel... Other than Pacifica, loves you. You don't know what it's like to be rejected by someone you love." Dipper said, sighing violently.

Dipper handed Mabel back her sweater. He sat down next to her putting his head in his hands. His heart feeling heavy.

"You don't know what it feels like not to be wanted..."

Mabel put an arm around her brother, pulling him closer to her. Hoping to comfort him.

"Dipper...I do know what it feels like not to be wanted. Remember Jack from third grade? He was the cutest guy at school and I liked him so much but he thought I was too weird so he told me to go away. So I do know what it feels like..."

"Mabel, after he said that you stalked him until you found his house, and wrote 'I love you Jack!' on his drive way with acrylic paint! Then after that you guys became friends after he did the same to you." Dipper said. 

He bit his lip, holding back his anger. Why couldn't his sister understand?

"Yeah but he still pushed me away, that still counts," Mabel smiled.

Dipper stood up and glared at her. He clenched his fists tightly, fighting back tears as he stared at the floor.

"No it doesn't. You don't know what it's like to be the shadow of you! You don't know what it feels like to have even your own family members look at you with disgust. You wouldn't know this because your a child. You only ever think about yourself. Has it ever once occurred to you, that maybe I'm not happy?"

Mabel tried to say something as her brother paused to take a quick breath, but her brother cut her off and continued yelling.

 "Haven't you ever noticed how everyone loves and talks to you, but when they look and talk to me they think I'm a freak? No, you don't because you caught up in your own little damn world, " 

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