The war begins

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I am so sorry that I haven't updated, my mom found Wattpad and I got in trouble. So updates may come slower.

Third-person point of view.

"Mabel, is that you?" Dipper asked again. 

The woman holding the gun looked like At Mabel, but at the same time, she didn't. Her hair was long and wavy, just a few shades lighter then her earth colored eyes. The woman's skin was dark, wether it was from the lack of her bathing herself or it was just a tan, Dipper couldn't tell.

It looked like Mabel, but her eyes looked sad, remorseful, lost, and full of hate. Not full of wonder, happy thoughts, and glitter. This woman looked like an alternate version of Mabel. A version where her world was all black and white, full of sadness.

"Dipper?" The Mabel questioned.

For the split second that Mabel let her guard down, a demon rushed at her knocking her down. But before he could jump on top of her, Ford came out of nowhere stabbing the demon in the head with his neon orange knife creation.

Rolling off Dipper, Bill stormed over to Ford and gave him a what the fuck are you doing look. Glaring at Ford, Bill began to yell at him. 

"Hey! While I do enjoy the destruction of one of my subjects every now and then, I prefer if it were me destroying them," Bill shook his head. "So I would appreciate it if you didn't just march on in here, thinking you can kill whoever you want."

"Hm. Mabel said that you went into a human-like form, and I didn't believe her. But she appears to be correct, such a shame I won't be able to study this." Ford said, an almost crazed look in his eye.

"You really are fucked up." Bill glared.

Mabel wanted to take advantage of the situation and shoot Bill, but she found herself staring over a Dipper, who was slowly getting up.

She gasped softly as she saw his face. His eyes were no longer brown, but a dark neon blue.  His hair was no longer brown, but almost black, with what looked like natural blue highlights. But what struck Mabel as most odd was Dipper's birthmark. Instead of being a bunch of faded lines, it appeared to be galaxy colors tattooed on his forehead.

"Dipper? Is that actually you?" Mabel inquired as he got closer.

"Yes, it's me. Is that you Mabel?" Dipper asked, holding out his hand.

Mabel took his hand, and he lifted her up. Her eyes widened as she realized Dipper's pupils looked like a cat's. He looked almost like Bill. She looked down, she couldn't get her mind to adjust to this. She slide her gun into the holster on her hip and clenched her fists by her sides.

"'s me. But I'm not the Mabel you know." Mabel whispered, her eyes glued to the floor. 

Dipper was about to ask what she meant, but Bill and Ford went from a verbal fight to a physical fight. Dipper wanted to hug Mabel, after all she is his sister and it's been five years since he's seen her. But Ford obviously planned to come here for one reason only.

Dipper couldn't believe it. After all this time, his family was set on destroying something they didn't understand. Even when it wasn't to hard to understand to begin with. But that was people for you. 

"Shit! What type of fuckery is this?" Bill yelled.

Dipper could hear the agony in Bill's voice and a satisfied maniacal laugh coming from Ford. Tearing away his hand from Mabel's, Dipper began to run over to Ford and Bill. Hoping to break up the fight and maybe to get everyone to just talk it out. Nevertheless, he knew that it wasn't going to happen, but he could at least try. But before he could even get close to them, Dipper felt excruciating pain in his side.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?" Dipper growled, ripping three orange objects out of his side.

"Pacifica! Grunkle Stan! Why did you...that's not a demon! It's Dipper." Mabel shouted.

Mabel's POV

I didn't even notice that Pacifica and Stan had sneaked in until I saw something flying through the air. She was behind a marble pillar staring at Dipper confused.

"Dipper it won't hurt you, it's designed to hurt demons only. It shouldn't have even punctured your skin." Mabel explained, running over to Dipper.

Before I could even grab the orange knife, Dipper whipped around and grabbed my shoulders. My breath got caught in my throat as Dipper's face darkened as he gripped my shoulders even harder.

"Mabel. Will this thing kill any demon who touches it?" Dipper murrmured.

"Why do you care? You'll be fine, you're-" I started.

"Will it Kill any demon that it touches? Answer the damn question."

Mabel shook her head confused on why Dipper was even asking. Did he care about that son of a bitch Cipher so much?

"Yes. It's laced with a poison made specifically for any demon. As soon as it breaks the skin, a part of the knife breaks releasing the poison. So the knives that hit Bill released a poison into his blood." I took a breath and continued talking. 

"For less powerful demons it take either a knife or two to kill them. But for a powerful demon like Bill, you need to use at least five knifes, but to speed up the process of death, you have to shoot him with this."

Grabbing the gun out of my holster, I showed it to Dipper and nodded to Bill. 

"I'm going to shoot him with this once Ford stabs him. And then you can come home and everything will be back to normal.

Dipper shook and whipped his head up. Terror was laced in his eyes. I winced softly as he held my shoulders even tighter.

"Mabel. I'm... I'm a demon now. Whatever the hell these things are filled with will kill me." Dipper whispered.

"What? No. I-I don't understand...y-you are a human. A-aren't you?" I stuttered.

Grunting, Dipper let go of my shoulders and pushed me down to the ground. My gasp of surprise caught in my throat as Dipper fell down onto his knees, clutching his side in pain.

"D-Dipper?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Damn it Mabel. How long until the poison kills us?" Dipper queried.

I didn't answer. Depending on the force, and how much position entered into his blood. He may have ten minutes at most no more then seventeen. 

"For the love of god. How much time do I have? Wrap it around you're head that I'm not human anymore and that I'm going to die soon!" Dipper shouted, each word coming out of his mouth slower and slower.

"Either ten or seventeen minutes. No more than twenty."

"Is there any cure? Can you reverse it?" Dipper asked.

I looked deep into Dipper's entrancing blue eyes. So many emotions were displayed in them, hoping that there is something that will save him from his unplanned fate.

"No. There is no cure." I said, my heart destroyed knowing his fate.

I wanted to give the answer Dipper wanted. But she knew that this wasn't how the story was meant to be. Dipper is going to die, and there is nothing I can do about it.

Heh, I ended on a cliffhanger. Sorry. I have the next chapter halfway written and I know this  isn't my best work and that it's not well...revised that well, but I will make it better. I promise. So..what do you think what will happen? This chapter actually made me sad. Until next time my Darlings.


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