How was it?

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Dipper's POV

I felt cold. Opening my eyes, I stared into the abyss. I was floating around, in a dark and light blue place that looked like clouds or fog. There were dim white stars all around giving wherever I was a warm glow. 

Am I in demon heaven, hell, or wherever you go when you die? I thought.

I tried to stand up right, but I could only just float on my stomach, looking down further and further into the cloudy fog. I felt sleepy.

I was about to shut my eyes when I saw a flash of yellow and black. 


I struggled to keep my eyes open as I looked around for what I thought was Bill. Then I saw him.

From what I could tell, there was a mirror like window below me, and I saw Bill crying. My heart ached and felt creeped out as I watched Bill kiss my forehead before Stan And Ford said something to him.

I watched as Bill let go of my body and cried even harder.

Bill don't cry. I'll get back to you. I promise that I'll come back to life somehow. Just hold on for me. 

That was the last thing I thought before my body went stiff and my eyes shut closed. And I was swallowed up in darkness all over again.

Third person POV

Bill sobbed into his hands as Ford and Stan pulled Dipper's body away from him. He felt tired and was wanting his life to end right then and there. But he knew that Dipper would want him to be strong.

He felt his heart shatter into another million pieces as Dipper's body was disappears from his sight. 

"Bill...I know that you will most likely hate me for the rest of my life. But I am sorry." Mabel whispered. "We thought...I thought that you put him under a spell to hurt and taunt us. I didn't know that he loved you. 

Bill looked up at Mabel silently weeping. He didn't need to say anything, but the look on Bill's face was enough to tell her that he understood. 

Kneeling down, she wrapped his arms around Bill and swallowed back the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes. She embraced him gently, not wanting to hurt him anymore than he already was. 

"I know that you're lost and depressed. I am too. But I lost my brother for almost six years. If you can or I guess want. Will you tell me what it was like? Watching him grow older? Loving and just being with him?" Mabel asked.

Bill hugged Mabel for a quick second before letting go and sniffing. He wiped the tears from his face and swallowed. He crossed his legs and stared at the floor for several seconds, not saying anything.

Mabel knew that he was still in a bit of a shock. Standing up she was heading towards the door where Stan, Ford, and Pacifica stood. Looking at Bill solemnly. Before she got further than six feet, Bill spoke.

"At first, I didn't really care for him. He was just another human that I could destroy in seconds if I wanted to. But one day, about almost a year after I took him. I walked into here and found him on the floor. Reading and studying our history or culture I guess." Bill sighed. 

"He looked up at me, and he smiled. And he asked me to tell him about my life. So I did." He continued.

Mabel turned around and tilted her head. This wasn't the explanation she wanted, but she was curious to hear what he was going to say next.

"And then after that, he'd follow me around, and just listen and watch everything I did. One day he asked if he could go outside and see the stars. After we went outside, he showed me all the constellations you and him made up. He missed you Mabel."

"The next thing I know, I'm taking a moving a bunch of damn stars in the sky, creating you and him. He smiled and hugged me, and I think that when I realized that he was someone who cared deeply about the ones he loved. And I guess that I wanted to know what it felt like. So I hugged him back." Bill said.

"Did he hug back?" Mabel asked.

Bill stood up and looked at the ground. He clenched his fists and Mabel heard him starting to cry again. 

"He did. And I fell in love." Bill answered.

"What else did you experience with him Bill? Please tell me. I need to know." Mabel pleaded.

"A lot of things. After that night. I became so interested in him. So I watched him every single day. He didn't see me for the most part, but he basically lived in the library. He read at least two books a day. He would write out discoveries. And sometimes he would stare a picture of you and your uncles." Bill cried softly.

"Never think that he didn't love you or the rest of your family. He really cared about you all." Bill said, turning around.

"Then why did he never come back?" I inquired.

"He wasn't sure if anyone he knew still cared about him. He told me this once. I love them all, but I don't even know if they care about me anymore. But that's alright, you care for me, and that's good enough.

"I'm sorry. I-I don't know what to say." Mabel stuttered.

"It's okay. I'm going to my room for a while if you don't mind, I need to be alone." Bill sighed.

He snapped his fingers and disappeared. Mabel turned and threw her arms around both her uncles and Pacifica. They all hugged her back.

Mabel's POV

He cared for me all this time. He cared for all of us. He never gave up on us. 

"We fucked up. Please Ford, we have to do something. We have to bring him back. There has to be a way." I cried.

But Ford just shook his head. He patted my head and I watched as he fought back tears.

"There's nothing we can do Mabel. Please understand this." He mumbled.

"You can't even try to reverse it?" Pacifica asked, trying to help me in this situation.

"No." He said.

Stan sighed and tore himself loose from everyone's embrace. He shook his head and he got a crazed look in his eye.

"What about Magic and Science? Could it do anything to bring him back?" He questioned.

"We should at least try!"Pacifica exclaimed.  

Ford looked thoughtful for a second. Then his eyes glimmered with hope and scientific ideas. 

"It's a small probability, but we could try. Mabel run and get Bill, time may not be with us." He explained.

I didn't have to hear him twice. As soon as he said run, I was gone looking for Bill. We were going to try and get my brother back before it was too late. 

We were going to get my brother back. I knew that we were.

Important notice:

I am so, so, so, so sorry for not updating. I've been busy with schoolwork and my other books. 

Anyway, do you think that they will be getting Dipper back? Comment what you think. Two more chapters and then this book is over. Then I'll be doing like mini gravity falls stories where you can request to have sort adventure or something with any chandlers you choose.

Have a good day or night! And if you're interested in learning some random stuff, check out my book Things you Probably didn't know. 


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