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Bill's POV

"Fuck you all. Just...fuck you all." I yelled.

I sobbed hysterically as I held Dipper in my arms. His breath got shakier and shorter, with each second that passed. His eyes has started to dim a little, but he still managed to smile.

"Bill, it's not their fault. T-they were just doing w-what they though was b-best." Dipper shakily whispered.

I nodded my head and wiped my tears with the back of my arm. Pressing my forehead against his, I stared deep into his blue eyes, that were bluer than a thousand oceans. 

"Don't die Pine Tree, stay awake forever. For me." I whispered.

"I will always be awake with you Bill," Dipper grinned.

Dipper wrapped his arms around my neck, and pressed his lips against mine. I could taste my tears on his lips, even after her pulled away.

"I will always be here, as long as you promise to never fade away from the world and me." Dipper smiled.

"I won't." 

Third POV

As Ford and Stan watched as Dipper kissed Bill, all their anger and hate was washed away for a second. Both brothers realized what they did, and fell to their knees in despair.

"You love him...Don't you Bill?You actually found a human who tore down the walls around your heart." Ford said.

Bill looked at Ford and nodded. Stan just shook his head sadly.

"We're the monsters here I suppose." Mabel sobbed.

Everyone turned to see Mabel on her knees, gripping chunks of her hair roughly. 

"If we actually took the time to watch them more carefully or get more information about the situation none of this would've ever happened." Mabel cried "There is no one else but ourselves to blame."

Mabel snapped her head up and looked at Dipper tearfully.

"I'm so sorry bro bro. This is all my fault. This would've never happened if we-I started that stupid fight five years ago." 

"Mabel it's not your fault you-" Pacifica started.

"No, it is my fault. And I'm sorry too Pacifica, you were always there for me when I was drowning in my regrets, but what have I done for you? I've been a terrible lover to you." Mabel interrupted.

"Mabel...y-you were just doing what you t-thought was best. That doesn't make you a bad person." Dipper commented. 

Dipper tried standing up to go to Mabel, but his body felt weak, he could hardly feel his legs anymore.

"Help me s-stand up Bill. I need to hug my sister to let her k-know it's alright." Dipper mumbled.

"I don't think you can stand" Bill responded sadly.

"Carry me then. I need to do this for her. She was always looking after me, and I need to the same."

Bill nodded and picked up Dipper. It took a second for Bill to gather his strength. He was getting weaker as well, even though he wasn't stabbed as much.

As soon as Dipper was close enough to Mabel, he squirmed out of Bill's arms. He ignored the pain he felt in his body as he hit the floor, and just wrapped his arms around Mabel.

"You are a good person Mabel. You were just following your heart. You just forgot to look deeper within the surface." Dipper whispered.

Mabel nodded and hugged Dipper back. She swallowed back all her tears and held her brother.

"Your my sister Mabel, and I love you, no fight can ever change that." Dipper smiled.

Dipper turned to his uncles and smiled. He motioned them over so he could embrace them as well. 

Both of them awkwardly moved towards the twins, and kneeled beside them. They all held on to each other tightly. Everyone had forgotten what it felt like to be a part of a family again.

"Get in on this as well Bill, you're a part of this family too," Dipper declared.

"Even if I don't like it," Ford mumbled.

Mabel and Stan elbowed him to shut him up. 

Bill warped his arm around each twin. And Dipper held onto Bill's waist. For a second Dipper felt no pain, he only felt happiness. Mabel felt no regret, but peace as well.

Dipper's POV

I tightened my grip on everyone and took a long look at everyone. Noting every detail of their faces and watching them just breathe.

"I love you all so much. Never forget me please." I pleaded.

My eyes felt heavy. It was getting harder to keep them open and to breathe. I began to cough. Blood came out of my mouth as I coughed harder.

"Dipper!" Mabel and Bill yelled.

I wanted to shake my head and show them that I was fine. But I'd be lying. I coughed up more blood as they sat me upright. Everyone around me became silent as they watched me choke on my blood.

"Stay here with me just a little longer Pine Tree. Don't leave me yet." Bill whispered.

"Yeah..don't leave me either Dipper. I just got you back. Don't let me lose you again so soon." Mabel added. 

I wanted to stay for them. But I can't. No matter how hard I try. And we all knew it.

"I won't leave yet. Just hold my hands I won't go away if you just hold on." I murmured.

Both Bill's and Mabel's hands felt warm as I held them. I didn't want the warmth to disappear. 

At least I get to die surrounding the people I love. I don't have to die watching everything go to hell. I thought happily.

"Bill...don't blame them. This was all our fault in the end." I said.

"I won't. I promise." Bill smiled.

"And Bill?" 


"I love you. Even if you were evil all those years ago. I still love you and I always will."

"I love you too Pine Tree. I-" 

But at this point I couldn't hear anything. Everything was blurry and the edges of my vision were also going dark. 

It's time. I thought.

I felt hot tears stream down my cheeks as the world I knew and loves faded away into nothingness. 

"Goodbye." I said, crying.

"Dipper please!" Was the last thing I heard, before everything disappeared forever. 

Bill's POV

I couldn't hear anything. I watched as Dipper took his last breath and left me alone in the world. What was I going to do now?

Hey my lovelies, I apologize on my behalf of not updating. I just didn't know what to write. But yep that's all. The book is finished! 

I'm kidding but only two more chapters and this book is done. Thank you all for reading this book and voting and all that it means so much. What will happen next? 

Until next time my beautiful humans, I love you all :3 <3

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