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Bills POV

Dipper's name slips from my lips as he falls to the floor. I run over to him holding onto him as his eyes roll into the back of his head.

"Fuck...I should've told him to be careful with his emotions," I murmured as I held Dipper's face to my chest.

I put my arms under Dipper and pick him up and lie him down on our bed. Brushing Dipper's hair away from his forehead my lips press against his birthmark.

"Sleep well Pinetree," I say, before getting up and walking out the door.

As I shut the door I take a deep breath only to find an eye stare at me.

"Who the hell is that?" Pyronica said.

Pyronica's POV

Bill's face paled a little bit before it flushed to an angry red.

"What are you doing here?" Bill glared.

I rolled my eyes.

"We're worried about you Bill. You don't show up to the sacrifice, or killing spree parties anymore."

It's like you're possessed Bill. Even though that can't happen...or can it? I thought as Bill looked over his shoulder.

"Well I'm busy with...stuff." He said.

I clicked my tounge. Bill refused to meet my eyes. He was definitely was hiding something. And I was tired of him trying to hide it.

I pushed Bill away from the door, and opened it.

"Bitch! Get out!" Bill yelled.

But it was too late. I threw open all the doors, as I opened the closet door, that's when I noticed a body.

"Who is this?" I whispered as I walked closer to the lifeless thing.

Just before I could get a closer look, Bill pushed me onto the floor.

"What did I tell you? Not to come in here, I should kill you!" Bill raged as his eye became a fiery red.

"Who. Is. That." I said sternly, unfazed by Bill's anger.

"Get. Out."


I glared at Bill. He's been hiding away for too long. The truth was going to come out sooner or later, and I rather it be sooner than later.

"Who in the world of all things fucked up, is that Bill?" I asked growling.

Before bill could answer, another voice piped into our conversation.


My head whipped to the source of the sound. And there he was. The reason why Bill was never around. I streamed for a second at him before realizing who he was.

No fucking way! I thought.

Dipper's POV

If you were quiet enough, you could almost hear my heart shattering like glass.

Bill was on top of a pink girl, with both of his hands on her shoulders. There is no good way to look at them without thinking anything dirty.

"Bill...what's going on?"

Bill said nothing. And the girl underneath him gasped as she took me in.

"You''re that human guy," She said quietly.

I stared at her. Taking in her features. She was kinda cute, I could see why Bill would do things to her.

"Dipper, I. I can explain." Bill said.

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