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I do not know any Latin. So forgive me if didn't translate well.

Third-person POV

Mabel's feet slapped against the marvel floors as she looked for Bill. It felt as if her heart was in her throat as she ran faster and faster. She had to find Bill and get her brother back. She couldn't lose him again.

"Bill! Please, I need you!" Mabel shouted.

She ran back and forth in each hallway looking for Bill. Or at least that related to Bill. There was only so much time to know if this could work. 

"Bill, please. Where are you?" Mabel cried out.

As Mabel was turning the corner, she a pair of gold double doors that had painted eyes all over it. It had to be Bill's room. 

She wasted no time knocking, but simply threw the doors open. Bill who stood on the balcony turned around to face a short of breath Mabel. He shook his head in confusion.

"Sho-Mabel, what are you doing here?" Bill inquired.

"No time for questions other than this one. Is there any way you could use your magic to get Dipper back?" She queried. 

"I don't know," He replied simply.

"Are you willing to try? Please Bill, if we can get my brother back we should at least try." Mabel sighed.

Bill looked into Mabel's eyes. They were large and full of hope and dismay about the situation. It was worth the try.

"Let's go." 

Wasting no time, they both ran to where everyone was. Mabel felt her spirits rising as they got closer to where they needed to be. 

Bill's POV 

Images of Dipper flashed in my mind as Sixer instructed Stan, Shooting Star and the blonde woman what to do. I was hopeful but also controversial on the idea of this working. I'm willing to do anything to get my Pine Tree back.

"Bill, before we start I want to say two things." Sixer sighed. "I'm sorry for what we did and I hope you can forgive us someday."

I nodded. I would forgive them. Only if we got Dipper back, and it would take a while for me to trust them again. But if we didn't get him back, there was no chance of me giving forgiveness.

"The second thing I wanted to ask is, do you know any spells that can bring back the souls of a dead person?" Sixer asked.

"Yes, but Dipper isn't human anymore, so he doesn't have a soul. Or at least a whole soul anyway. If he lived for much longer, his transformation of turning into a demon would've destroyed anything human about him." I explained quickly.

"How does the spell work?" Sixer questioned.

"We have to draw the pentagram symbol on the ground and sit in the middle of it. I then chant a spell and we should be brought to the soul's place, and we have to find Dipper's." I took a deep breath. "But how we will be able to grab his soul, I don't know. I hope you have a plan for that."

Sixer held up a net that appeared to glow like a washed out rainbow. Pulling on a corner, he expanded the net until it was a three by three square net. 

"When I was trapped in between dimensions, I created this net to catch spirits and well, eat them to stay alive."

"What the fuck, you ate spirits? That's fucked up." Stan injected, into the conversation.

"Shut up. Anyways souls are like spirits so if when we find his soul, we capture in this net and shove it down Dipper's throat, and his lifeless body should come back to life." Sixer finished explaining.

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