Lost and Found

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Third person POV

"Bill, you're not going to find him." Stan said as Bill started to float away.

Bill stopped and turned around. Glaring at the four of them, he smirked and laughed for a second. Growing in size, he leaned over all of them.

"I'm going to find him. I'm sure as hell not gonna give up." Bill shouted. 

"Are you sure?" Pacifica asked.

"Yes. Now get out of my sight. All you have to do is step inside the pentagram and say down." Bill said, before he turned away.

Shrinking himself, Bill continued his search for Dipper. He wasn't ready to give up on his Pine Tree yet.

Mabel's POV

I stood in the pentagram, holding Pacifica's hand. I sighed and gave her hand a squeeze. She looked at me and tried to give me a reassuring smile.

"Have everything?" She asked softly.

I nodded and sighed again. Ford and Stan stood a few feet away arguing quietly. Bill had ordered us to leave, so I wasn't sure why we weren't leaving yet. 

"Do...do you think we're making a good choice? Leaving him here all alone?" Mabel asked.

Pacifica tilted her head for a second. She seemed to be lost in thought. 

"No. I think that we should try and help him. Even if we don't manage to..y'know find him. I think it would help him not feel so alone." She replied after a minute.

I nodded, taking in what she said. To be honest, we could've looked and tried harder. But our doubt held us captive from thinking positively.

"Should..should we help him?" Pacifica asked.

I stared at the floor. She was still hopeful, but the doubt I felt weighed down the hope I had in my heart.

Is it worth it? Helping him find Dipper, even if we'll never see him again? I thought.

My heart and mind felt so conflicted. My head was telling me to leave and try to forget Dipper, but my heart was telling me to help Bill and get my brother back. It was like a war, neither side doing much damage to their rival.

"I don't know." I said simply. 

"Hm." Pacifica mumbled, she rested her head on my shoulder.

Third person POV

An hour has passed, and Bill had no luck of finding Dipper. Even though he was a demon, he felt so tired and he wanted to fall to his knees and sleep for an eternity. 

But his hope kept him awake. He kept on searching. Bill figured out that if he moved the cloud's he's already seen to one side, he wouldn't have to recheck the same ones every time. That was something they should've had done to begin with.

"Come on Pine Tree, where are you?" Bill murmured.

He stuck his head into another cloud and sighed when he didn't see any memories of Dipper or someone he knew. 

Sighing, Bill moved the cloud to the side and looked I side another one. He grinned when he saw  a picture of Mabel, Dipper, and a teenage girl laughing. He thought it was Dipper's soul, but it trumped out to be some old man that was a mayor of Gravity Falls at some point. 

Clenching his hands into fists, he punched away the cloud. He was upset that he couldn't find him. He feared that Sixer and Mabel were right about him being gone forever. Taking a deep breath, Bill looked above him and stared at the stars around the room. 

It brought tears to his eyes as he remembered the time he rearranged the stars for Dipper.  He flung the net to the ground and screamed. Lowering his head down in defeat, he sat down and rested his head in his hands. Bill felt in his heart that Dipper was gone.

"Oh god. I've lost him. I've lost my precious Pine Tree." Bill cried softly.

"Bill?" A voice said softly.

"What do you want?" he replied, his voice muffled.

"Bill!" Mabel shouted. 

"What the fuck is it!" Bill shouted back lifting his head. 

"Look!" She said, pointing.

Bill looked up and saw a ball of light floating in front of him. Baffled, he stood up and touched the ball of light.

"Bill! What the fuck have I told you about touching my ass?" Dipper yelled.

"Dipper!" Mabel cried, she wrapped her arms around the ball of light.

Bill almost fainted from exhaustion and excitement. He couldn't believe it. It's was more or less Dipper. But it was still him. 

"Where..how. What?" Bill mumbled.

"I was fast asleep, and something colorful dropped down on me. And then I see you here crying." Dipper explained.

"The net!" Bill smiled. 

He still couldn't believe his eyes. The thing that he thought he lost, was now found and could soon be back into his arms once again.

Mabel and Bill wasted no time by bringing Dipper's soul back to the pentagram. Stan and Ford's eyes almost popped out of their heads as they looked at the two of them smiling, with Dipper in between them. Pacifica just smiled at Mabel.

"I can't believe this." Ford whispered as Bill sighed happily.

They all entered the Pentagram and went back down to Dipper's body. Mabel hugged Dipper tightly choking on tears.

"I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry Dipper. Please, don't ever leave us." Mabel said crying. 

Dipper reassured her that he would never leave her again. Dipper hugged both of his uncles, tightly and apologized for running off. When it was Bill's turn, he hugged him never as tight as he could. 

"I love you." Bill whispered into Dipper's ear as he embraced him.

"I love you too." Dipper whispered as he kissed Bill.

Bill kissed Dipper back and grinned at him.

"I told you that I'd do anything for you." Bill smiled.

"Anything to stay with me?" Dipper asked.

"Anything to stay with you, Pine Tree." Bill said, before he kissed Dipper again.

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