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Third-person POV. This chapter may be extremely violent to some readers.

"Pyronica! What the f*ck is going on?" Bill roared.

Smirking, Pyronica strode over to Bill. Malice and satisfaction reflected in Pyronica's eye like a moon over a motionless lake.

"Oh Bill, everything has been to calm since you've stopped hanging out with us. I felt that I just had to create some chaos. And what a better way to start chaos then tell everyone that our beloved leader, has fallen in love with a filthy human?" Pyronica seethed gleefully.

The color began to drain from Bill's face as the demon heads slowly turned towards him. Whispers spread around the room like a mini wildfire.

Human?... Gross...unnatural.Kill the human..kill them both.

Bill heard it all. He heard all the accusations, the sneers...the hate. Anger boiled underneath Bill's skin.

"All of you! Shut the hell up!"Bill yelled.

Everyone went silent. Their glares and turned down frowns of hatred and disgust disappeared and went to blank faces as they saw Bill's red skin and a black eye. No other demon dared to move or show any emotion. But Pyronica kept up her sly smile.

"You!" Bill growled, turning towards her.

Pyronica shrugged her shoulders, almost as if she was saying What did I do? Walking over to Bill her smile widened, as she brushed her fingers over his cheek.

"Oh Bill, you've become such a terrible mess ever since that disgusting human came here. All this hatred, this nightmare could all end, if you just kill him and be with me instead." Pryonica said, pressing her lips against Bill's.

Bill touched Pyronica's face lightly, he decided to give her one more moment to enjoy this. Pyronica thought that she could already feel him giving into her suggestion. That was until Bill moved his fingers from his face down to her neck. Grasping her throat tightly, he began to choke her harshly, but not hard enough so she couldn't breathe.

"You think that I would be willing to kill the love of my life for you? Wow, you must be dumb as hell, and to think that I even considered you as a partner in crime." Bill laughed darkly.

Using his other hand, he grasped her neck even tighter. He faces fading from hot pink to pearl pink. Fear and regret was the only thing she could feel and show as he gripped her neck even tighter.

The other demons tried to show emotion. But there was no doubt of their shock and fear in their small almost insignificant unpure hearts.

"To think that I even considered you my friend is utter bullsh*t. You're nothing more than a stuffed animal, a toy that I can play nicely but tear apart in seconds. That's all you've ever been, and that's all you'll ever be." Bill seethed, his skin becoming a darker shade of red, his eyes an infinite shade of black.

Breathing heavily Pyronica squirmed under his grasp. Staring into his eye, Pryonica grasped his arm.

"P-please...please...please!" She screamed.

She screamed again. Begging Bill for a second chance. Her screams were so loud and piercing that it could almost starter glass.

But Bill only smirked maliciously at that. He grasped her throat tighter. Rising a few feet off the ground, Bill gave a small sincere smile, drilling with hidden hatred. Pyronica's eye rolled to the back of her head, as he slammed her onto the ground. Red tears dropped down Pyronica's face.

Loud gasps filled the room. Bill had just kill Pyronica, one of his closest friends, one of his favorite partners in crime for over a century.

Rising again into the air, Bill's cleared his throat, trying to get the demons to look at him other than Pyronica's body. Red flames surrounded the room.

"As that vile vermin said, I have fallen in love with a human or a half-human now. I have used my powers to make him half-demon for the time being. And he is Dipper Pines, although his idiotic uncle tried to kill me, I still love Dipper." Bill stated.

Taking a deep breath, Bill fell back down to the floor. His eye color fading from the endless shade of black to grey, and finally to white.

"I know for that few thousand years, I've shown my hate for humans quite clearly, but Dipper has shown me that there is more to some humans than I thought." Bill took another deep breath. "I'm not saying that you have to stop hating all humans, I'm saying that there are some humans that are different. There are some humans that see us for who we actually are."

"Give my Dipper a chance, you'll see that he's not like everyone else. If you don't like him, that's fine, but if I see any of you trying to harm him, I will kill you. Do you understand?." Bill asked, nodding to Pyronica's slowly disintegrating body.

Everyone nodded. They'd try their best to not hate this particular human, but after a few hundred years, it was going to be hard to give up their hatred.

Snapping his fingers, Bill had the whole place cleaned up, all the fires put out, and all three demons, including Pyronica's body, removed.

"In three days, I want you to be back here so you can meet him, and if you don't want to try and accept me loving a half-human, don't bother coming. Now leave my sight!" Bill exclaimed.

One by one, all the demons walked out or disappeared. Except for a demon child, who stood where Pyronica's body was. His expression blank and empty.

Bill watched him silently as he heard the child whisper a few words in Latin. The child smiled and then disappeared as he finished whispering.

Bill didn't question what the child was doing, for he already knew. The demon child was saying goodbye to the demon who taught him for the past four decades, how to control his powers and how to become a respectable demon.

Walking put of the room, Bill went down the corridor, back to his and Dipper's room, where his precious Pine Tree laid, fast asleep. Not knowing what had even happened just down the hall.

Hey! So im not exactly happy with this chapter, but I am satisfied with it. Did you guys like it? If not im sorry that I didn't meet your standards.

We go back to Mabel, Ford, and Stan in the next chapter. So I hope this chapter wasn't so bad. Next one should come soon! Anyways thanks for all the reads and votes!


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