Inner Warrior

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Mabel's pov

"Like that?" I asked, holding back my arm then extending it forward, throwing a dark blue knife.

My knife landed about three feet in front of me. Picking up the knife, I watched as Ford shook his head, and showed me again how to aim and throw the knife at a graceful yet powerful hit. His knifepoint hit the middle of our fake Bill's forehead. We just stuffed a pillowcase with leaves and painted Bill.

"You want to have a good amount of power when throwing it, you also want to hold the knife horizontally, so you get a good rotation after you release it if you keep holding it vertically your knife may not rotate that well or at all," Ford explained.

I nodded. For the past four days Ford and I have been working on my knife-throwing skills and my shooting skills, while I was okay at shooting, mostly hitting the correct target, I sucked at throwing knives. My upper body strength lacked power that was necessary to at least harm Bill.

The knives we were using we're using are laced with some sort of demon poison, that Ford calls, Demonic No More. While it was harmless to humans, it's could be quit deadly for demons. We tried it out on a pheasant demon. But because Bill was a powerful demon, the knives we're laced with a heavier dosage. We also made weird neon orange bullets that felt like dried clay and smooth metal.

We came up with two different ways to kill Bill in case one plan failed. We had a third plan that we could also execute, but it lacked the correct physics, or something like that according to Ford. All I knew is that I had to practice for at least two and a half hours a day.

Except for today. I had to get as much practice as I could. I hoped that I would've gotten a lot better today, but all my work seemed to make me better at an insignificant rate. We are coming after Bill in three days, and if I couldn't even get to where I needed to be.

"Ford...what if I can't kill him? What if this is just a lost cause?" I sighed heavily.

"Mabel, you can do it, you just got to unlock that inner warrior in you. It's in there somewhere, you just need something to trigger it to come out." Ford smiled softly.

I nodded. Even if I couldn't find my inner warrior in time, I wasn't so sure if I even had a inner warrior. But I need to find this supposedly warrior, because if I didn't, I could potentially lose the only person that's been there with me for my whole life.

"Mabel, you should come inside, it's getting dark and you've been at this all-day. You can try again tomorrow." Pacifica called out.

I looked at Ford, nodding his approval I walked back towards the house, where Pacifica sat on the reaming porch steps. She smiled sweetly at me and patted the seat next to me. I was tired and grumpy, but I'd try to be less of a sour puss around her.

For the past two years, Pacifica has been living with us ever since her parents were killed. And during this time she has become a whole different person, she smiles more often and she's way nicer than she was before. She was also willing to listen to anyone's problems.

It's like me and her switched personalities somehow and I ended up being her on a lower scale. The only thing that's the same with Pacifica is that she still thinks that she has to be perfect, that her ghost parents will punish her if she's not perfect enough.

But other than that tiny detail, Pacifica has changed a lot. I was also able to find out that she was mean to me a lot those years ago because she liked me. Thus, leading us to our current relationship. I love her and she loves me. Pacifica has been at my side for the past year and never once left it.

"How was your day Mabel maple? Did you find that warrior thingy?" Pacifica asked.

Shrugging, I took a seat next to her and rested my head on her shoulder. Her once blonde hair now brown due to lack of it being washed whipped around her face gently.

"No, nothing seems to make me snap into a state where I don't care anymore. But I don't think this inner warrior even exists. I'm not even sure I can kill him anymore." I mumbled, turning to look at her face.

"But you were so sure a few days ago. What happened?"

I averted my eyes from her soft gaze.

"There's a part of me, a really small part that thinks that maybe Dipper wasn't brainwashed or whatever into loving Bill. There's a small part of me that thinks that maybe Dipper is in love with him and that he doing better off. Better off with me." I sighed.

Pacifica wrapped her arms around me. Her embrace is warm and caring as she kissed my head twice before resting her head gently on top of mine.

"Dipper is not in love with Bill, Mabel. That small part of you is nothing but guilt from you thinking it's your fault for making him run away," Pacifica whispered. " Dipper isn't better off without you, that small part of you doesn't even know what it's talking about."

"You think so?"

"I know so. You'll find your inner warrior. You're Mabel Pines for god's sake. You have this fire that comes out when you're passionate about something or someone you care about. And if anyone could kill Bill with a glue stick, glitter, and some safety scissors, it'd be you." Pacifica grinned.

I couldn't help but give her a small smile. I really didn't deserve Pacifica's love and enthusiasm. Which made me love her even more.

"You just need to find what makes you snap into your passionate state and to control that snap to make you into the ultimate badass warrior." Pacifica smiled broadly.

"Thanks for everything, especially the pep talk. I just hope that you're right." I said, kissing Pacifica's temple.

"No problemo Mabel maple."

So...what do you think? Also do you like the new cover? I like it. One last thing I want to ask is, that I'm thinking about making Gravity Falls one shots. Would you read it? I'd take character and plot requests. Anyway next chapter should come out soon!

I hope you liked this chapter.

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