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Bold italics means there's a flashback/memory

Mabel's POV

Empty. That's the only thing I feel these days. Yesterday Dipper and I would've turned eighteen together. But he was with that stupid demon, Bill.

My hatred grows more and more every day. He hypnotized dipper into thinking Bill's world is paradise. When it was only really death, tears, and madness.

Kicking away my fleece blanket with a beyond faded rainbow, I sat up and held my face into my hands. Sighing softly, I began to cry.

This was all my fault if I hadn't tried to get Dipper to give up his small dream of Wendy magically falling in love with him, maybe he would still be here with us, maybe Bill would be dead once and for all.

Maybe...maybe if I didn't try anything, I could still be happy. Maybe if I didn't try anything, everything could go back to normal. Dipper could be the nerdy, but caring person as I know him as, and I could be Mabel again. The old Mabel. The happy Mabel.

I began to cry harder. Attempting to fight back the tears, I bit my bottom lip.

Don't cry Mabel, there are other people who might hear you. Shut up, you can cry at night, where nobody will hear you. I thought.

My tears slowed down, but I didn't stop crying. My emotions that I've been bottling up for years, are threatening to crash like waves on a beach.

"I hate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" I sobbed softly.

Running my fingers through my hair roughly, my tears began to dry out. I took a deep breath and blinked back any excess tears.

Standing up I walked over to the bathroom mirror. I could see every single little flaw in me. And every single little flaw in me threatened to unfold with each passing moment.

"I hate you, I hate you me, " I shuddered. "This is your fault."


"Hey there kiddo, something wrong?" Ford asked, standing outside my bedroom door.

"No, yes, I don't know. It's nothing really I just..." I stumbled.

Ford nodded and leaned against the doorframe. He understood for the most part on what was going on inside my hellish head. He was the only one who could seem to understand.

"He's stuck in you mind again?" He asked.

"Yeah..he's been stuck in there a lot lately," I replied softly, averting his gaze.

He walked over to me and sat down next to me, grabbing my shoulders, he pulled me into an awkward hug. It was comforting, but also heart breaking.

"Awkward sibling hug?" Dipper said.

"Awkward sibling hug," I nodded.

"Pat, pat," we both said laughing.

Our childish laughter ringed in my ears as I recalled every single hug we've shared that I could remember.

"Alright?" Ford's voice said.

I shook my head, causing our laughter to disappear into nothingness. Blinking a few times, I tore myself away from Ford.

"Sorry..what was that?" I questioned.

"I said, we will get Dipper back, I promise. And we will put an end to that dream demon for once and for all," Ford declared.

I nodded. I was going to fix this. I was going to get my brother back.

"Yeah...I..Ford..I want to be the one to kill him..I want to be the last thing he sees before he's dead forever," I whispered.

Ford's mouth went agape. He sighed and nodded.

"Are you sure you want to be the one who kill him?" Ford asked.

I nodded grimly. Standing up, I walked and stood next to the window, resting my hands on the window sill.

"I want Bill to feel all my pain and sadness in the end. I want him to know how much he royally messed up my life. Our lives. Especially Dipper's," I angrily said, gripping the window sill until my knuckles turned white.

Glaring at the floating pyramid outside my window, I scowled in hate of Bill holding Dipper hostage, and of hate of not being able to help him these past four years.

"Teach me how to kill him, I'm going after Bill in three days, to end Dipper's misery," I demanded.

All I got as a reply, was a pat on my shoulder.

I was going to finally end this nightmare once and for all.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. For the past few weeks I've been dealing with my depression. And I just couldn't write anything at all. I updated a few other books, but very rarely. To try to make it up to you, I wrote two other chapters. The third one may not come out until tomorrow because I don't like how I'm starting to tie everything together. But I promise that it will come out soon. At the very latest, Monday. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

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