A Small Talk

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Bill's POV

Walking away from the library, I sighed heavily and looked back. I wasn't sorry that I killed her. I was sorry for not doing it a long, long time ago. She deserved to die a century ago. Maybe even two centuries.

Opening the door to our room silently, I saw Dipper sleeping heavily. He murmured a few words before shifting in his sleep. Dipper had to sleep at least seven hours a day, which is way too much if you ask me. I could go a few decades without sleeping and I'd be fine.

Walking over to him, I brushed my fingers softly against his cheek. He shuddered from my touch but continued sleeping.

"Pine tree, wake up love," I whispered.

Dipper didn't open his eyes as I shook his shoulder gently. I couldn't tell if he was still actually sleeping, or if he was faking it. So I shook his shoulder again.

"Dipper. Baby wake up, you've been sleeping for a while." I cooed.

Dipper opened his eyes for a brief second, before shitting them again. He mumbled something about sleep cuddles. I rolled my eyes and lifted him up, so his head was on my lap.

"C'mon Pine tree, we need to talk about something. It'll only take a few minutes." I began to pout, "Please?"

"But I need. I wanna cuddle sweep now" Dipper said.


"I want to cuddle sleep, you stupid Dorito," Dipper mumbled.

"We can cuddle but no sleeping until we're done talking. This is kind of important Pine tree."

Dipper gave an "mmm" as a response. He obviously was beyond tired.

Cuddling next Dipper, I began to play with his hair, while also stroking his shoulder gently.

"What do you need to tell me, Bill?" Dipper asked, yawning.

For several seconds I didn't say anything. I looked to put the window, replaying everything that happened in my mind slowly.

"There was an incident in the library, and I ended up killing someone who used to be close to me a long time ago." I paused for a second, "I had to kill her because she betrayed me and told everyone about you."

Dipper didn't say anything, but his shoulders tensed up when I mentioned that everyone knows that he's a human. That was enough to tell me that he was either upset or uncomfortable.

"I'm not going to lie, not a lot of demons we're happy with it. So I think they'll warm up to you when they meet you in three days." I continued.

Dipper sat up, his eyes shy. His mouth turned down in a scared and disappointing way. He averted his eyes from my gaze.

"What! No, Bill. That's not a good idea, I'm a half-demon! That isn't going to help me at all. I'm like an unpure demon, like that girl in Harry Potter. Even if I become a full demon, I'll never be as pure as a born demon." Dipper exclaimed.

"We're actually bred to become more as pure as possible, but that's not the point. The point is that you're going to meet all the demons, and they're going to like you because you're amazing. Also because I'll snap their necks if they don't." I pointed out.

I gave Dipper's shoulder a gentle squeeze, to let him know it was okay. But he turned his head and pressed it against my chest harshly.

"They aren't going to like me, Bill, they are going to hate me. I tried to get rid of you all when I was twelve. Whatever opinion they developed about me isn't going to change."

"Dipper! You are the most amazing guy I've ever met, you're smart, adorable, caring, and the best damn half-demon I've ever met. They will grow to like you over time. Trust me."

"Are you sure?" Dipper asked, lifting his head off my chest to look at me.

"I'm infinitely sure Pine Tree," I reassured him, "Even if they don't like you, at first sight, they will grow to like you. Even if it takes a thousand years."

Dipper just nodded and pressed his head back onto my chest again. He grabbed my hand and wrapped his fingers around it.

"Was it the pink demon, that you killed. Pyronica?" Dipper inquired.

"Yes..it was her. Truth be told, I stopped liking her as a demon a long, long time ago." I answered.

Dipper just nodded awkwardly into my chest. He gripped my hand a little tighter, I squeezed it back, hoping to let him know that I was here for him and that he was going to be okay.

"I wouldn't make you do anything you wouldn't want to do, Dipper. But this is something that we-you have to do if you want people to accept us..do you understand?" I questioned.

"I understand. I have to do this to earn their trust, so I can finally be somewhere else other than this room all the time. " Dipper replied, looking up at me with a mischievous smile.

"Yes, that too." I smiled.

We didn't say anything for a while. We just started outside the window as the sunset over the desolate clouds. When the sun disappeared, Dipper fell back to his world of sleep. Leaving me alone with my thoughts about what has happened to me over the past ten centuries.

I've been so many places, and I've experienced many things. But I've never experienced this. And I honestly wouldn't care if I spent every day holding Dipper in my arms and doing nothing.

Dipper is my everything. And I will kill any demon or human who even tries to hurt or kill him. Even if it's his own family. Dipper is mine, and no one is going to destroy what's mine.

As long as Dipper is with me, I will protect him with every bit of my good and evil powers. Even if it kills me in the process. I love Dipper, and I will always be at his side. Even if one day he tries to kill me.

Those were my last thoughts before I decided to fall asleep, and see what Dipper was dreaming about in his sleep.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for the 730 reads, I really appreciate it! The gravity one-shot book should be coming out in the next month or so. I think that you can feel that we're nearing the end of our story. Probably only six more chapters before I'm done :(. The next chapter may be a while cos' I have school and my first quarter tests are coming up.

I hope you liked this chapter!


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