Would you?

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Yeah, sorry smut lovers. I thought about writing smut, but I didn't, there are references, and maybe a few actions, but not pure smut.

Bill's POV

I've been watching Dipper sleep for the past two hours. He looks so cute the way he clutches the pillow like a child holds a stuffed animal. Dipper is just a little kid in an older person's body.

"Pine Tree, wake up, love, " I purred.

"Mmh?" Dipper mumbled.

"Wake up, you're a demon now, you don't need to sleep anymore, so wake up and play with me" I whined.

Dipper groaned. He opened his eyes and sat up, or slouched really. His mouth turned down in a grumpy pout.

"But it's sleep, sleeping is the best thing ever, whether you need it or not. And in this case, I didn't sleep long enough. Give me a few more minutes, or hours, " Dipper complained.

I rolled my eyes. Dipper was either going to get up the easy way or the hard way.

"Pine Tree, if you don't get up, you don't get any kisses or cuddles for two days, " I grinned.

"Mmh, I'll live, lemme go back to sleep, okay?" Dipper said, rearranging his body into a new sleep position.

I clicked my tongue. I guess I was going to have to do wake him up the hard way.

Leaning down, I attached my lips onto Dipper's neck. Bitting and sucking gently, leaving marks on his neck. Dipper stirred a little. He was trying to hold back the sexual tension that he felt.

"Pine tree, wake up, or I'll send you back down to town, and make sure that you will never get back here again, " I murmured against his neck.

To my surprise, Dipper pushed my head away and pushed me onto my back so he could end up on top of me. I raised an eyebrow in question.

"You wouldn't do that, would you?" Dipper inquired, pressing his forehead against my own.

I smirked in amusement. I definitely liked this demon side of Dipper more.

"I don't know, would I?" I whispered.

Dipper began to press his body against me. I pressed a finger against Dipper's bottom lip.

"Is that something you're willing to find out?" I asked, hitting back a smile.


"Good," I said.

Pushing his head down, I crashed my lips onto Dipper's. He gasped and moaned slightly in surprise.

Asserting my dominance, I bit down on Dipper's bottom lip, causing him to open his mouth ever so slightly. Seizing this small opportunity, I slipped my tongue into Dipper's mouth, exploring every single inch of it.

Dipper's POV

Slipping my fingers through Bill's hair, I moaned loudly as Bill bit my tongue ever so gently.

Bill's hands found there way up onto my shoulders. Gripping them harshly, Bill flipped us over so he was on top.

Starting into bill's yellow cat-shaped eye, I couldn't help but blush slightly.

Snickering, Bill bent down and began to bite my neck once more.

He's so freaking hot when he's dominant. I thought.

"I'm glad you think so Pine Tree, " Bill smirked again my neck.

I forgot that Bill could read minds. I would have to learn how to block my thoughts off from him better.

Maybe I should ask...or maybe I'll just figure it out myse-

Bill bit down on neck, like how a wolf kills it's prey, clearly trying to interrupt my thoughts.

"Come on Pine tree, over-analyzing everything isn't the fun I invited you over for, " Bill declared.

Pressing his lips against me, bill grabbed my hands and held them up above my head.

But before we could get any further than that. Someone knocked on the door.

Bill's face changed from lustful to annoyance.

'Who the hell is it?" Bill shouted.

"It's Eight Ball, Bill, we uh, have a problem, " Eight Ball replied coolly compared to Bill's tiny rage.

"Is it that bad that you have to disturb me?" Bill questioned, his face getting more and more annoyed.

"It's pretty bad, Pyronica is out of control, she's setting everything on fire, a few other pheasant demons are joining her," Eight ball says.

"F*ck, Dipper, stay here, under any circumstances, do not leave this room. I don't want you to see what I have to do, Okay?" Bill whispered.

I nodded. Bill sighed, bitting down on his bottom lip in anger. Shaking his head, he kissed me for a good minute.

With a snap of Bill's fingers, a black dress shirt and his tailcoat appeared on him.

Grabbing his cane, Bill opened the door. But before he closed it, he threw a quick glance back at me.

"Stay here, " He said while shutting the door.

Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Bill's POV

"Where are they?" I asked eight ball.

He pointed down the hallway, towards the library. One of Dipper's favorite places.

Storming down the hallway, I slammed open the double doors. I look all around, demons we're fighting each other, some were crying, and some were dead, all while fire burned everything in its reach, and right there in the middle of the room was Pyronica, smirking at all the chaos.

Hey! So I have no idea what I was doing in this chapter. I guess I was just improvising, also because I know its been a while since I've updated, I tried to write a few new chapters. But keep in mind, I wrote this at two in the morning, so there may be some spelling\ grammar mistakes. But enjoy the next chapter. Also did this chapter kinda suck?

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