The Society

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    On the way to the Society’s hangout, they had found Rae and Kenny, helplessly asking people about the Society. Rose and Varian explained that Myth was part of it, and soon all four of the teens were following after the young woman.

    Myth stopped in front of a large building that looked abandoned. She quickly glanced around before silently motioning for the teens to follow her. They all followed after her, careful to be quiet.

    Myth opened the door. “Quick, get inside!” she yelled in a hushed tone. The four did as they were told, and Myth peered around once again before closing the door behind her.

    “Why’d you rush us in?” Rae asked.

    “Lets just say that some people don’t exactly like what we do,” Myth told her.

    “Who are they?” a voice asked before stepping out of the shadows. What was it with these people and stepping out of shadows?

This member looked to be about 16, with her fiery red hair pulled back in a bun and her skin a mixed tone. One of her eyes was covered with an eyepatch, while the other was hazel. She wore a black tank top with a dragon sketched onto it and a black skirt. Though she wore no shoes. A distinct raven-black streak was in her hair… like Varian’s.

“This is Musica,” Myth told the others. She turned back to Musica. “This is just a group of dweebs I found. They’re looking for this thing.”

Musica eyed them. “Alright. What is this ‘thing’?”

Myth motioned to Varian to give her the paper. Varian hastily pulled the folded parchment out of his belt’s pocket before giving it to her. Musica then took it from Myth.

“Hmm. I may have seen this before. We’ll have to check in with the others, though,” Musica told them.

“Th-there are more of you?” Varian inquired.

Musica laughed. Sweet but maniacal at the same time. “Sweetie, there are hundreds of us.”

“Then where are they?”

As if on cue, dozens of people stepped out of the shadows. Not nearly a hundred, maybe about twenty, but it still was overwhelming.

“I thought you said there were ‘hundreds’.” Rae glared at Musica with her arms crossed.

“Oh, there are. But we’re spread throughout all of the seven kingdoms. You wouldn’t really think we’d all be in this small town, would you?”

“All right, listen up!” Myth shouted at the multiple members surrounding them. They stopped their hushed conversations and looked up at her. She obviously was the one in charge. “Has anyone seen this item before?” Musica held up the piece of paper that had the drawing of the heirloom.

A hand raised in the air, and everyone turned to look at the person attached to it. He looked to be 17, with long, gorgeous locks and mint green eyes. He was Mexican, with a few distinct freckles on his arm and face. There was also a tiny scar on his cheek. He wore a sleeveless, collared shirt with light brown pants and dark brown boots that looked almost black. A red ribbon was tied around his waist.

He winked at the group of teens before him before turning back to Myth. "I believe I have seen that object before."

"Where?" Myth inquired.

He pointed his thumb behind him. "The next kingdom over. I can get your dweebs over there and back in no time."

"Alright." Myth turned to the crowd before them. "Anyone else want to join Viper and the dweebs?"

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