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"Oskar," Ulla growled, glaring at the middle aged man. "What're you doing here?"

A large, wicked grin came across his face. "Just wanted to show off my new necklace." He swung the Gift around his finger. "Isn't it beautiful?"

Ulla just glowered at him.

"No? Well, that's a shame." He took out the Reversion that hung around his neck, and held it dangerously close to the Gift. "What about my third necklace?"

"No!" Ulla leapt at him, causing them to crash to the ground. The two adults started strangling each other, and in the midst of it all, Rose saw the Gift fly from Oskar's hand.

The light blue crystal skidded across the floor, just a foot away from Oskar and Ulla. Rose rushed forward and grabbed it. Hopefully now it was safe from Oskar.

Of course, she spoke too soon.

Ulla was thrown away, crashing into a wall as Oskar stood up. But there were many more people than him. Nine, to be exact. There was no way that he stood a chance.

But Oskar still tried. He glanced around, trying to find where the Gift had gone too, only for his gaze to land on Rose, who was still staring at, mesmerized by its beauty. He quickly ran for her.

Only to be knocked back down.

But this time, it was not Ulla. She was still laying next to the wall, most likely unconscious. No, this was Varian.

Rose looked up in surprise, suddenly taken out of her trance-like state. Her eyes widened once she saw the scene before her. Varian was raising his fist, as well as his voice.

"This is for trying to hurt my girlfriend!" His fist came down onto Oskar's face. "And this is for lying about my mom's location!" Oskar's face was struck again. "And this is for just being a sadistic creep!" Blood crawled down Oskar's nose and into his beard. Rose stared in horror. She'd never think Varian would do something like this.

Oskar had looked better. His nose looked as if it was broken, and his eye was swollen shut. But no matter what, he still had some strength in him to raise his hand. He touched the onyx that rested on his chest.

Everyone in the pub fell to the ground, fear striking through them. It was unexplainable, the amount of pain that flared through them. Tears rested in the corners of their eyes, ready to fall. Their arms shook, and their eyes widened.

In the middle of this all, Rose had dropped the Gift, letting it fall to the ground. A large grin snaked across Oskar's face. Just what he had been hoping for. He quickly grabbed it from off the floor, holding onto it tightly. He went to the pub's door, only to turn back once more.

There was one more thing he needed...

. . .

Within time, the fear subsided, and everything was normal again. But something was wrong. The first thing they noticed was that the Gift was gone. Oskar must've taken it again, which was not good. Not good at all.

But something else was missing. Or, more so, someone. Only eight of them remained...

And Rae was not one of them.

That creep Oskar must've taken her while they were all weak, taking advantage of his power. But why had he taken her? What did he want with her?

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no." Rose paced back and forth, her hands fidgeting, for she didn't know what to do with them. "Oskar has both of the Heirlooms, and now he has Rae?! Can this get any worse?!"

Ulla was sitting at a table, a pack of ice sitting on her head. Varian was next to her, staring at his hand-- the one he had used to punch Oskar. The others were all standing in shock and confusion.

"We have to go find her!" Rose exclaimed, turning to the large group in front of her. She couldn't believe just how many people had joined this journey. First it had only been Varian, Rae, Kenny, and her. Then Olympia, Viper, and Splash had joined them. Then Nova, now Ulla. It was kind of crazy.

"But we have no idea where she is," Olympia stated.

"Then we'll have to start looking," Rose said with determination. "She's our friend and we can't just leave her behind."

"Correction: she's your friend," Olypmia told her. "We just met her a few days ago."

"But that doesn't mean we can't help her," Splash spoke up.

"Yeah," Viper agreed. "Plus, these guys are growing on me."

"I will do whatever it takes to help you find her," Nova told Rose with a shy smile.

Rose put her fists on her hips. "Then we better start searching! Who knows what Oskar has planned for her."

Rae was dragged along, her vision blocked by a blindfold, and her arms tied together. She didn't know where she was headed, but she knew who was taking her.


The stupid guy had taken her when they were all infected with fear, taking advantage of his power and how weak they were. But what he wanted with her... she did not know.

Suddenly, she was pushed downward, landing in what felt like a chair. The blindfold was ripped off her face, hanging on her neck. In front of her was Oskar, with a scowl-like smile.

Rae growled at him. "What do you want with me?!"

Oskar tsk-ed. "No yelling. That's not very lady-like."

"Oh, lady-like up your-"

"Now, I brought you here for a reason," Oskar told her, standing up to his full height. Rae exaimined the room they were in. It was dark, the only light coming from a small window. The walls were painted a light gray, and the floor was a dark wood. A door was not too far away. Rae wondered where it led. Could she possibly escape...?

Oskar stared at her. "I was thinking-"

"Bet you don't do that a lot," Rae muttered.

"-Since I'm going to be ruling the world, I'll need a queen to rule with me." A wicked grin appeared. "You have potential."

"I don't want to be your queen," Rae said. "Plus, that's a large age gap. It's gross. Plus plus, I don't even like guys."

"I don't care," Oskar told her through gritted teeth. "You will be my queen."


A hand smacked against the side of Rae's head, causing it to throb. Oskar glared at her before walking over to the doorway. "You will stay in this room until you agree." He opened the door, then looked back with a cold expression. "Don't even try to escape. Death would be less painful of a punishment."

The door slammed shut. Rae stared at the door.

"Well, sh-"

Lost (Trequel to "Sight")Where stories live. Discover now