World Burn

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 Everyone stood in shock. Oskar had actually done it. He'd actually pressed the Heirloom. It was just a matter of seconds before the whole continent exploded. Countless people would die. All of the Seven Kingdoms. All of Corona. All of their friends. It was all over.

A minute passed and still nothing.

"So, uh, how long does it take for the continent to blow up?" Viper asked.

Oskar looked just as shocked as everyone else, if not more. He pressed the Heirloom again. Then once more. "Why isn't it working?!"

"Are you sure you did everything right?" Ulla asked. "I know for sure you..." she lowered her voice, " murdered someone for the Reversion. But did someone give you the Gift, or did you just take it?"

"Of course I just took it! No one cares enough about me to give it to me!"

"Well then there's your problem," Ulla told him. "You can't use the Ultimate Power if you didn't receive the Gift the right way. You've lost."

Oskar gritted his teeth. "Oh, ho, ho. I think not. While I might not have the Ultimate Power, I still have the Heirloom itself." He put both of his hands on the necklace's yin and yang symbol while closing his eyes. A large pang shot into everyone who surrounded Oskar. It was fear. Once again, he was using the Reversion's Great Power; shooting fear into those all around him.

Once he opened his eyes, a large grin came across his face. "I still have the Heirloom's great powers. Fear and a shield of protection. You think you can beat that?"

Ulla, who had fallen to the floor from all the fear, reached forward, trying to grab her spear. Once in her grip, she flicked a lever, causing it to row to double its size. With all her might, she threw it at Oskar, though her vision was blurry, so all she could do was hope it was Oskar.

There was a yelp of surprise. Oskar looked down at his leg. The spear was planted in it, blood pouring from it, causing his pants to stick to his leg. He clenched his teeth in pain, but managed to not fall over. He grabbed the spear and ripped it out of his leg, throwing it off to the side.

"You fool," Ulla told him. "If you can't use the Ultimate Power, you can't use the Gift's Great Power either. You should've thought this through if you really wanted to destroy humanity. Now all you can do is make us afraid. Now that's not very powerful, is it?"

Oskar growled at her. "Not very powerful huh? Then why are all of you laying on the floor, unable to move because of how frightened you are? I am powerful. Just because I don't have some stupid Gift's powers doesn't mean anything. I still have power and there is nothing you can do about it."

"How're you going to destroy a whole continent with just the power to emit fear into everyone?" Ulla demanded. "Sure, they'll be weaker, but how exactly will that work?"

"I'll figure it out," Oskar told her with a snarl. "But mark my words, I will find a way to get rid of this awful society and replace it with a better one. The world will have a full restart. A second chance to actually be good. To actually give everyone a happy life. Not to be pushed around by their brother, who's loved by everyone, while they're in the shadows, being unnoticed."

Everyone was confused at that last part. What did he mean by that? Rose had the courage to speak up. "What do you mean?"

Oskar laughed. An awful laugh that made the feeling of fear even worse. "Of course it's you who speaks up, Rose. You didn't know your father very well, did you? He died when you were very young."

"How did you-"

"I wasn't ever allowed to see you. My whole family rejected me. And it was because I ran away from them, never to return. But guess what? I ran away because they rejected me back then too! How sad is it, that this is the family that I had? Always pushed aside, always looked as if I was the only one who did something wrong. And the only family that I could restart with, I couldn't ever see. And that was you, Rose."

Rose blinked a few times. "You're-you're my-"

"Uncle! That's right! And you never even knew. How sad is that?" Oskar said. "I was basically banned from my own family. All because of what they did to me."

Rose struggled beneath the effects of the Reversion. Little did she know, a few of the others had passed out from the fear. The effects were getting stronger the longer it lasted.

Rose took a deep breath, trying to relax herself. "I know that seems really awful. I can't believe our family did that to you. You obviously did not deserve that. And, in all reality, that's probably why you're so negative now." Oskar narrowed his eyes, about to retort something, but Rose kept speaking. "But that doesn't mean everyone deserves to get our family's punishment. If you stopped trying to be so mean, maybe you'd get all the love you deserve back. I'll give you the love you deserve."

Oskar stared down at the ground. The weight of the Reversion's effect seemed to decrease ever so slightly.

Then a loud crack could be heard. It rang throughout the clearing, and the fear completely disappeared.

Someone stood next to Oskar, the two broken halves of the Heirloom resting in their hands. Oskar fell to the ground, obviously drained from all the power he had used.

Slowly, Rose's vision returned back to normal, and she got a better look at who had destroyed the Heirloom

It was Kenny.

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