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Rose stood there, frozen in shock and fear. That couldn't have just happened. There was no way. Yet she had just witnessed it. Every awful second.

Rose felt a hand wrap around her wrist. "Rose, come on, we've got to get out of here!" When Rose didn't respond, the person pulled her forward and dragged her after her. Rose followed after them, being lifeless as a ragdoll.

Loud footsteps could be heard behind her, which probably belonged to Oskar. But Rose didn't feel scared. She didn't feel anything. Pain was the only thing inflicted upon her.

After what felt like hours, they finally stopped. Everyone was panting after that long run. Hopefully they'd finally lost Oskar.

Varian let go of Rose's wrist. "Rose, why didn't you run?"

Rose stared at the ground, tears starting to swell in her eyes. She blinked, trying to get rid of them, but it only caused there to be more. Soon enough, she was sobbing into Varian's shirt.

Varian didn't know what to do at first-- he was just shocked. But he eventually put one arm around her and the other stroking her hair. THey sat like that for a few moments, until Rose finally got control of herself.

"What happened?" Varian asked, his voice barely audible.

"Oskar... Oskar killed Rae," Rose told him.

There was a deafening silence as everyone took their time to process what Rose had just said. Rae was dead. How was that possible? She was too strong, too determined, too courageous. There was no way she could be dead.

"A-are you sure?" Varian inquired.

"I saw the knife slice down her throat. There was no way she'd survive that." New tears rested in her eyes. "I just can't believe she's really gone."

"She died fighting for us. Her death won't be in vain," Varian reassured her.

"Yeah," Olympia piped in. "And Oskar deserves a punishment for killing her."

"He doesn't realize just how important Rae is to us," Kenny added. "We'd do anything for her."

"And she'd do anything for us," Splash put in.

"So Oskar's going to see just what we'd do for her," Viper said.

"A storm's coming for him." Ulla put her hands on her hips.

"And he's not going to make it out alive," Nova narrowed his eyes.

"We're going to have to get some weapons, though," Olympia said. "We're no match against him in this state."

Everyone muttered their agreements.

"Well, is there a town anywhere near here?" Splash asked.

Varian took out his map. He observed it for a few moments before a large smile came across his face. "Ohoho. Just our luck!" He tucked the map away and turned to the left. Everyone's gazes followed to where he was looking. On the horizon was an outline of what looked like a castle.

"Ingvarr!" Varian exclaimed. He turned his head to look at the others. "And I've heard that they have a pretty excellent variety of weapons."

. . .

It was a few miles to walk, but they eventually reached the kingdom of Ingvarr. This had to be the largest kingdom yet. A large wall surrounded it, giving it a not-so-welcoming look. A large gate sat before them, though it was closed. How were they supposed to get through?

A head suddenly popped over the top of the wall. Then another. "What're you doing here?" the first head asked.

"We, uh, came here for some weapons!" Varian shouted.

Lost (Trequel to "Sight")Where stories live. Discover now