Pep Talk

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Once they all woke up, they immediately got ready for their fight with Oskar. They practiced using their weapons outside-- half of them shooting arrows at the apple tree, while the other half used their swords, daggers, and spears to practice on each other. After about an hour or so of practicing, they felt ready, and gathered all their things to leave Ingvarr and head back to the house that Oskar had been staying in-- if he was still there.

Yvette and Rufus had visited them not too long after, carrying weapons of their own. While Rufus had a sword sheathed to his back, he now had a crossbow slung over his arm, too. Yvette had a shiny, but sharp, longsword that she stuck into the ground, leaning on the handle.

"What're you guys doing here?" Rose inquired, ripping an arrow out of an apple she had just shot.

"Well," Yvette and Rufus shared a look. "We thought that maybe you guys would need some help in defeating Oskar," Yvette explained.

"You're coming with us?" Rose blinked.

"Yes," Rufus smiled.

"Oh, you guys!" Rose wrapped them in a giant bear hug, which neither were expecting. After pretty much crushing their ribs, she let go. "You don't know how much this means to us. We'll need all the help we can get."

Rufus ruffled the top of her head. "Well with us included, you now have ten people. Think that'll be enough against Oskar?"

"I would think so," Rose responded. "I mean, he's only one person."

"With the Heirloom," Yvette pointed out. "Which means that he alone would equal ten people."

"So we should be pretty good, right?" Rose said. "We're even."

"Yeah," Rufus said. Though he still looked skeptical. Was he hiding something?

Rose squinted her eyes at him and raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Is there something you're not telling us?"

Rufus glanced between the teen before him and Yvette. "Well... the Heirloom may have one more power."

All of then teens' eyes widened. But Ulla stared at the ground. She had known about this other power, but had kept it hidden from the teens. She knew they'd lose all hope if she'd told them about it. They needed to defeat Oskar, though, or the world would pretty much be in ruins.

"Are-are you serious?" Rose asked.

Rufus sadly shook his head. "Yes. Along with being able to emit fear into those around him and create a force field around himself, he's given a special ability that can only be used once. But it is very destructive."

"What does it do?" Rose's voice was small.

"Pretty much blows everything away. The whole country would be nothing but debris." He slowly shook his head. "And Oskar can do it whenever he likes."

All of their spirits were sunken. How could they possibly fight against Oskar now? This wasn't ten against ten. This was ten against a nuclear bomb. There... there was no way of defeating him.

"How-how're we going to defeat him now?" Splash finally spoke up.

"I don't think we can," Kenny said, staring into space.

The others started agreeing with him, though their responses were muffled to Rose. Her thoughts were racing throughout her mind. Oskar could blow them off the face of the earth with a snap. There was no way of defeating that. But they couldn't give up. Oskar couldn't keep that necklace. With it, he'd continue to be a threat. And Rae's death would not go in vain. They couldn't give up that easily-- not even if there was a chance of total destruction. They still had to try.

"Guys!" Rose shouted, causing them to go completely silent. "Look, I know that it all seems impossible now. Oskar has a super powerful object in his hands that can destroy basically everything. But that can't stop us from trying. While he still has the Heirloom, he's still a threat. We can make sure he doesn't destroy everything. We just need to believe in ourselves. Believe that we can win."

Everyone was silent as they took that in. She was right. They couldn't just give up without having at least tried.

Varian stepped forward. "She's right. Oskar cannot get away with this. We're still going after him. If you want to turn around and leave, fine. But if you're willing to stay and fight... we'll need all the help we can get."

No one walked away. No one said they were going to give up, or that it was impossible. They all stood proudly with large grins on their faces. They could do this.

"Great pep talk!" Rufus exclaimed, beaming. "Now we're all ready."

Yvette yanked her longsword out of the ground and twirled it through the air before catching it. "We should leave as soon as possible. The sooner we get rid of this threat, the better."

"Do you remember where he lives?" Rufus asked as everyone grabbed their weapons and tucked them away.

"I think so," Rose scrunched up her face, trying to remember the route to the large building.

"I do," Viper said, raising his hand. Everyone stared at him. "What can I say, I have a good memory."

"Then lead the way, monsieur," Yvette said, bowing to him in a playful way. She looked up and winked at him.

Viper smirked. "I like this one. Alright, let's go!" He started strutting away, towards the gates of Ingvarr. One they were opened and they had headed outside of the kingdom, Viper led them to the east. The walk was long, and before they knew it, the sun was starting to set.

"You got that handy Pocket Tent?" Olympia asked Varian, putting her hands on her hips.

"Is that what we're calling it now?" Varian smirked, taking the Pocket Tent out of his belt's pocket.

"Yup. Pocket Tent! A tent that fits in your pocket!" Olympia spread out her arms. She grinned at Varian. "I think we'll get a fortune from it."

Varian just laughed, setting the Pocket Tent on the ground. After pouring a compound onto it, it grew into its giant form. Yvette and Rufus stared at it in wonder as the others walked inside, unfazed by now. They'd seen the cool trick already-- no need to gawk at it anymore.

Sleep came easy to them-- it had been a long day. Sleeping meant they could let all their worries go; at least for the moment. When they slept, there was no worrying about the whole country being blown up. Only silly dreams that they'd forget in the morning.

Rose was glad that she didn't have a dream tonight. No waking up in tears. No being dead. Just the black nothingness she often saw when she closed her eyes.

But wait... was that a glow in the distance? Was it getting bigger? Was it taking the form of someone?

Suddenly, Rose's eyes started to water. No, she didn't want to cry again. But these weren't tears of fear. These were tears of sadness... and joy.

The figure spread out their arms. "Rose."

Rose instinctively ran at them, wrapping them in a hug. "Rae."

Warning: Pocket Tent™ may have a side effect of emotional dreams. 

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