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Rae still hadn't given in to Oskar, and she probably never would. There wasn't much to do in that small room except sit there with her thoughts. She was even on the verge of talking to herself.

Oskar would come in twice a day-- once to give her food and the other to let her have a bathroom break. During that bathroom break, she'd actually get to leave the room, and see some things on the outside. There was a long hallway outside of it, with lots of rooms on either side. She'd thought about escaping multiple times, but Oskar was always there, breathing down her neck.

There was no chance of escaping in the bathroom, either. It had no windows. So she continued to live this awful life of being treated like a dirty rat.

And so it went on. For four days.

Rae wondered if her friends were looking for her. If so, what was taking them so long? Or had they just decided there was no hope for her, and bailed out? Did they really not care about her?

She mentally shook her head. Of course they cared about her-- especially Rose. Rose is too determined to let her friend be kidnapped and not do anything about it. They were probably searching for her at this moment.

But the doubts still remained.

On the seventh day, Oskar entered the room, though he didn't have any food with him. Strange, Rae thought. It's not the right time of the day for a bathroom break.

"What do you want?" Rae asked, her voice hoarse. Though she was pale and abnormally thin, her confidence prevailed.

"I was going to make a deal with you," Oskar said coldly. "In exchange of you becoming my queen."

"Whatever it is, I'll still say no." Rae narrowed her eyes at him.

"Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't speak so quickly. You don't even know what I'm exchanging."

Rae sighed in irritation. "Fine, what is it?"

Oskar went behind her, only to untie her from the chair. "Best if you see for yourself."

Oskar led her down the long hallway, farther down than she'd ever been before. The hallway didn't have any lights, and since there weren't any windows, it was pitch dark-- besides the small candle in Oskar's hand. What was up with this guy and not having hardly any windows?

"Less windows means more privacy," Oskar said, as if he had read Rae's mind. For all she knew, he did.

Finally, they'd reached the end of the hallway, in which a door stood in their way. Oskar took out a key, then unlocked the door. It led down into a dark basement. Oskar pushed Rae forward. She glared at him before continuing down the cement stairs.

Once in the basement, Oskar lifted his candle up to a torch on the wall, giving the room light. He continued to do this to a few other torches, until the lighting seemed almost normal.

Rae would've put her hands on her hips, though they were tied together. "Alright, what did you want to show me?"

Instead of answering, Oskar waved forward, motioning for Rae to turn around. She rolled her eyes and did as told, only to gasp in shock and terror.

In front of her was a set of bars, and behind that, people. But not just any people-- her friends. All of them, even Ulla, were sitting there in the darkness. They looked beaten up and exhausted-- and they were all passed out. Rae couldn't peel her eyes off of them.

"How-what-why?!" was all Rae managed to get out.

"Would you like me to answer all of those questions?" Oskar smirked. Rose glared at him. "I'll take that as a yes. How. Well, it's quite simple with my handy dandy necklace." He brought out the Reversion, swinging around the onyx that was attached to the gold chain. "What. Well, I don't really know how to answer that one. And why. Well, obviously they were trying to find you to set you free. We can't have that."

"So you knocked them out and put them in a cell?!" Rae exclaimed.


Rae opened her mouth to yell at him again, but instead took a deep breath. "So what do they have to do with your deal?"

Another wicked grin came across Oskar's face. "If you become my queen, they get to live."


"You heard me. Now, what's your choice?"

Rae closed her eyes as she thought. Of course she wouldn't let her friends die. But becoming this guy's queen... that's just gross. But her friends' lives were at stake.

Rae sighed, opening her deep brown eyes. "Alright."

"Alright, what?" Oskar smirked.

"Alright, I'll be your queen," Rae forced through clenched teeth.

"That's more like it!" Oskar clapped her on the back. "How about we celebrate?"

Rae just stared at the cell that contained her friends. "Look, I know you don't have a heart nor care about anything, but can I please at least talk to them, to make sure they're alright?"

Oskar sighed. "Fine. You have five minutes." He walked up to the bars and banged on them, waking everyone inside the cell. "You have a visitor!"

"Rae!" That was Rose. She stood up and rushed over to where Rae stood. "Oh my goodness, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I promise," Rae told her. "What about you? You don't look so good."

"Yeah. That's what happens when someone takes you against your will." Rose glared at Oskar, who just shrugged.

"How long have you guys been in here?" Rae asked.

"Probably a day or two," Rose replied.

"How the heck did I not hear you guys?"

"I have my ways," Oskar said.

"Stop listening to our conversation!" Rae yelled at him.

"I'm only two feet away, how can I not?"

"What did he want with you?" Rose asked, drawing Rae's attention away from Oskar.

"He... he wanted me to be his queen, for when he 'ruled the world'." She air quoted those last words.

"Ew," Rose said. The others agreed. "You didn't agree, did you?"

Rae was silent.


"I had to. Otherwise... otherwise, he would kill you."

All of the others stared at her in shock.

"That's right," Oskar stepped forward. "I think that was five minutes. Now, before we leave, I'd like to show you all something special."

From his pocket, he withdrew the Gift, which was dull and dark. He took the Reversion from off his neck and held it dangerously close to the other necklace. "Ready?"

They all stared in shock. There was nothing they could do. A majority of them were locked behind bars, while Rae knew there would be consequences if she tried to stop him. They were completely helpless.

The two necklaces fused together in a flash of light, and left behind one necklace. This necklace had a rose gold chain, and a yin and yang symbol hung from it-- one side made of onyx, the other crystal.

"I present to you: the Heirloom."

Lost (Trequel to "Sight")Where stories live. Discover now