A Chance of Freedom?

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Everyone stared at the necklace sitting in Oskar's hand. The Heirloom. The all-powerful object that was pretty much the end of the world. And it was sitting in a psychopath's hand.

"Now conquering the world will be easy," Oskar grinned. "Nothing could possibly stop me now."

Irritation spiked throughout Rae-- but there was also a trace of fear. What would this guy do, now that he had unlimited power? How would he exactly "conquer the world"?

Rae glared at Oskar, but instead turned her attention to the cell, in which her friends were trapped in. At first, it didn't look as if there was a door. But after a little bit of searching, she found it, with a small lock attached to the side. Rae examined the lock. Would there be a way she could pick it? All she had was the rope attached to her hands. She hurriedly started observing the floor. Could there be something laying around?

"Now, I promised we'd celebrate you becoming my new queen," Oskar told Rae. He placed the Heirloom around his neck, tucking the yin and yang symbol into his shirt. "Come on."

Rae gave her friends an apologizing glance before following after Oskar, her head down. She'd find a way to free them, no matter what.

. . .

Oskar had moved Rae out of her small room and into an actual bedroom. There wasn't much in it-- just a bed and dresser. Unlike the other room, though, it didn't have a window, just some lights on the wall. Oskar obviously still didn't trust her; frankly, she wouldn't either.

Her door remained locked, another sign that Oskar still had doubts. The only time it would open would be for bathroom breaks and food-- which she would get more often now. While life still was awful, at least she wasn't being treated as badly. He'd even gotten her some paper and quills to draw with; by her request, of course. Even the ropes that tied her hands together were removed.

Days passed by, and still Rae didn't know how to free her friends. Her hope was slowly fading from her. Maybe this would be her life from now on, being Oskar's queen.

Rae often wondered what Oskar was doing while she was being stuck inside her room. Was he trying out his new "all powerful" necklace? Or was he just sitting by himself, thinking?

Then a sudden idea popped in her mind. She may know how to free her friends. It was risky, but possible. All she had to do was wait.

The bedroom door's handle jiggled before it swung open. Oskar stood there, with his usual scowl on his face.

"Alright, it's time for your-"

Rae brought her fist onto his face, causing his head to jerk to the side. Though he still stood. A trickle of blood ran down his face. He lightly touched it, examining his bloodied finger.

"That wasn't a very smart choice, now was it?"

Rae struck again, harder this time, but still he stood. She gritted her teeth. Time to take drastic measures.

Ras grabbed onto the door's handle just as Oskar reached out to her. She slammed it as hard as she could, causing there to be a loud thump. Blood ran down his face as he fell to the floor, unconscious.

Adrenaline rushed through Rae's veins. She quickly grabbed the keys from Oskar's hand and rushed down the hallway, halting in front of the basement door. She quickly fiddled around with the various keys. Ugh, which one was the right one? She anxiously glanced behind her. How long would he stay unconscious? Did she have enough time?

After trying what felt like hundreds of different keys, the lock clicked, indicating that it had been unlocked. She quickly scrambled down the stairs, then started searching for the cell's key.

Her jumbling around caused everyone in the cell to wake up. At first they were just annoyed with the sound, but once they understood what was going on, they were very confused.

Rose walked up to Rae. "Rae? What're you doing here?"

"I'm busting you guys out," Rae told her. "We can't let Oskar get away with this."

"That's my girl!" Rose exclaimed, causing Rae to smile.

"What'd you do with Oskar?" Varian inquired, standing next to Rose.

"You know, just slammed a door in his face," Rae answered, still struggling with the keys.

"Nice!" Olympia piped up. "Man, I wish I'd been there to see that."

Another click could be heard as the cell door opened. A large grin came across Rae's face. "Tada!"

Everyone rushed out of the cell, eager to get out. Rae turned towards the stairs. "Alright, now all we have to do is get up those stairs and outside the house."

"You're not going anywhere."

Oskar was a blur as he ran down the stairs. He stood at the base, holding something in his hand. A knife. Rae could feel her heartbeat race. Now what were they going to do?

The redhead turned to her friends. "I'm going to distract him. You guys get outta here."

Rose's eyes widened. "Rae, we're not just going to leave you-"

"There's no time for that. Just go!"

Rae rushed towards Oskar, who swung his knife around, trying to draw blood. Rae managed to block a few, but the knife would sometimes slice her skin, causing her to wince. The others stared at her for a moment before doing as she said. They all scrambled up the stairs-- except Rose. She stared down at her best friend. Her brave, best friend.

Maybe Rae would get out of this in time. Maybe Rose could go down there and take Rae's place.She tensed as she went to turn around.

And that's when she saw it.

Oskar towered above Rae, who's confidence stayed strong, even though she looked awful-- blood running down the side of her face and slight knicks in her arms. One of her eyes was swollen shut, as if she'd gotten punched.

But while Oskar looked almost as bad, he was in control of the fight. He held his knife above her, then stroke down. Rose could feel her arms shake as blood ran down her best friend's throat. The redhead just managed to get a small smile out at Rose, before falling to the ground. Her brown eyes were wide open. She wasn't sleeping.

Tears streamed down Rose's face. No, it couldn't be true. It couldn't. Rae was too strong. There was no way... no way...

She was dead.

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