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They all stood there, in shock. What had just happened? A sudden rush of fear, then Oskar had disappeared. Was it all connected, or coincidental?

"What... was that?" Viper asked the question they had all been thinking.

"I-I don't know," Varian replied. "It was so strange." He sighed. "But we're nowhere nearer to finding my mom."

Rose put a hand on his arm. "Hey, it'll all be alright. It just means that we'll have to search a little longer. More quality time together!"

Varian smiled sadly at her. "Yeah. You're right."

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, then." Kenny held out a hand to the Society members.

"Goodbye?" Viper asked with a laugh. "You guys have never been through the seven kingdoms. You'll need help."

"All four of you are coming with us?" Varian quizzed, surprised.

"You'll need all the help you can get with finding your mom," Splash told him with a smile.

Rose ran forward and hugged all of the Society members. "Oh, you guys! You are the best!"

"I don't do hugs," Musica said with a strained voice.

"Sorry." Rose let go of them with a small chuckle.

"So, where are we going next?" Rae inquired.

"Well, we were planning to go to Neserdnia next," Kenny explained. "But that's pretty much out the window."

"What's the next kingdom over?" Splash asked.

Varian had already taken his map out. "Koto."

"Ah, yes, the kingdom full of classy people," Viper said. "They've got lots of beautiful gals and handsome guys. Let's go!"

"Hold up," Musica said. "Varian, think about this. Instead of aimlessly wandering throughout the seven kingdoms, why not think about the ones she'd most likely be in."

Varian put a hand up to his chin. "Well, I definitely don't think she's in Koto-- she wasn't the classiest person. She also wouldn't be in Galcrest-- she really didn't like the cold. She never liked Pittsford, either."

"So that leaves Bayangor and Ingvarr," Rose said. "Which one's closer?"

"Well, Bayangor is just past Koto. But Ingvarr is... on the whole other side."

"More walking, woo!" Kenny said in an unenthusiastic voice.

Rose glared at Keny as she nudged him with her elbow. "At least we're closer to finding her."

Varian's arms fell limp at his sides, and his eyes seemed to twinkle. "I can't believe it. We're that close to finding my mom." He went to the nearest person-- which was Viper-- and violently shook his shoulders. "I'm that close to finding her!"

Viper put his hands over Varian's and threw them off. "Great, hun, but can you not shake my brain out of my head?"

Varian chuckled nervously. "Sorry."

"Well, what're we waiting for?" Rose asked, excitement building inside her. "Let's go!"

. . .

A figure ran throughout a large forest, trying to escape the world behind them. Blurs were all they saw as they kept running and running. No matter how tired they were, they would continue to run. Nothing was safe. No kingdom or village would ever let them in anymore-- but they didn't care. They had one thing that they wanted most, and that's all they cared about. Well, that, and one other thing.

But where to find it? How could they find it, when absolutely no one knew where it was? Hope was slowly fading from them, but they would not give up-- not that easily.

The edge of the forest was nearing. Soon they'd be out in the open again. They quickly grabbed the hood of their cloak and draped it over their face, blocking the sunlight from their eyes.

A tiny village was in view. They recognized that village. And someone inside it. Maybe if they could keep a low profile long enough, they could sneak inside. Sneak inside and find the other thing they longed for.

. . .

Rose hated to admit it, but she was starting to agree with Kenny. All this walking really wasn't any fun. But they were one step closer to finding Varian's mom-- and that's what mattered most.

They made sure to avoid Nesernia-- but that required them to take a long detour around it. Before long, it was night, and the stars were their only source of light.

"Don't you think we should stop for the night?" Rose asked. "It's getting kind of dark."

The group stopped walking. Musica turned to Rose. "But there's no villages or anything for us to stay in."

Varian cleared his throat with a smug grin. "I have a solution." He brought out a tiny folded material, then slowly started unfolding it. It took shape of a small tent.

"Yeah, 'cause we're all going to fit in there." Sarcasm dripped from Musica's voice.

Varian glared at her before taking out a small vile full of a bright orange liquid. He shook it, causing it to foam, then set the tiny tent on the ground. He poured the compound over the tent, and in a matter of seconds, it was big enough to house all eight of them.

Musica's eyes widened. "I stand corrected."

Varian stepped next to the entrance and motioned to the inside. "Please, come in."

Rose padded up to him. "Have I ever mentioned how amazing you are?"

A smile spread across his face. "Maybe a few times." Rose pecked him on the lips before walking inside the tent.

It was huge. It was crazy to think this used to be able to fit in Varian's hand. Rose shook her head with a smile. She didn't know how he did it.

There were even sleeping bags inside it. How the heck did he get those in here? A sarcastic voice came into her mind. Magic!

Everyone found their own sleeping bag and got settled for the night. Tomorrow was going to be another long day, and who knew what was going to happen. They'd need all the rest they could get.

Rose opened her eyes, then sat up to see if anyone else was awake. But no one else was there. In fact, she wasn't even in the tent. She was sitting at the edge of a forest.

Quickly standing up, she turned around to see where she was. But this place didn't seem familiar. She didn't even know how she got there. She didn't even remember waking up.

A sudden movement caught her eye. A figure running out of the forest, and into the sunlight. Rose couldn't catch who they were, since their face was covered, but they looked as if they were in a rush. She turned to see a village in the distance-- that must be where they're heading.

She took a step forward to follow after them, only to step on a branch. A loud crack echoed throughout the area, but the figure didn't turn. That's strange, Rose thought. Wouldn't they have heard the sound?

The thought soon passed her mind, and instead she ran after the figure. They were fast, sure, but Rose was faster. They looked like they were struggling a bit, as if they were slightly older. Rose stretched out a hand towards them, trying to grab their arm. And then, she did.

But she didn't grab it and stop them. Instead, her hand went through them, as if she was merely nothing but a ghost. She halted to a stop, causing herself to stumble to the ground. She lifted her hand to look at it-- sure enough, it was transparent. Panic rushed through her.

Had she died? If so, how had she? Tears swelled in her eyes.

And then she woke up.

Lost (Trequel to "Sight")Where stories live. Discover now