The Journey Begins

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“You… you what?” Rose asked, surprised.

    “I want to find my mom,” Varian repeated. “Do you… do you not want me too?”

    “What, no, of course not! I’m all in for it. But, why all of a sudden do you want to do this?” Rose inquired.

    Varian sighed. “I’ve actually been thinking about it for a while. It’s just… I don’t think she’s really dead. I never really thought that. I just want to find out for myself. To finally have a solid answer.”

    “So… you want to go on an adventure to find her?!” Rose said with excitement.

    “Well, yeah-”

    “This is so exciting!” Rose exclaimed. “We should get ready!”

    “You want to leave so soon?” Varian’s eyes widened.

    “It’s fall right now. It’ll be winter before we know it. We should leave as soon as we can, so we can return sooner.”

    “That’s… a good point,” Varian admitted.

    Rose started running down the pathway, back into Old Corona. Varian stared after her, not moving. 

    “Where are you going?” Varian shouted at her.

    Rose turned around, slowing down her pace. “To see Rae! We’ll want more people on our adventure than just us!”

    Varian sighed before following after her at a walking tempo.

                        . . . 

    “Adventure?!” Rae exclaimed, causing a potion to explode in her face. She grabbed a nearby rag and wiped the green off her face. “I’d love to come!”

    “Great!” Rose said with a huge smile. She lightly jabbed her elbow into Varian’s side. “Look at how many people want to help you.”

    “Yeah,” Varian laughed nervously. “But are you sure you want to come, Rae? We’re traveling through all the seven kingdoms. It could be dangerous.”

    “All the more reason to come,” Rae told him. “Someone needs to look after you two.”

    There was a knock on the open door, and they all looked up to see Kenny, bandages wrapped around his wounded arm.   

“Hey Kenny,” Rae greeted. Rose and Varian followed suit.

    “What’re you guys talking about?” Kenny asked, walking into the room and leaning against a nearby table.

    “We’re going on an adventure to search for my mom,” Varian explained. “Would you like to join us?”

    Kenny waved his hands. “No. Adventures are not my thing.”

    “Aw, come on, Kenny. We need you with us,” Rae told him in a pleading tone.

    “Yeah,” Rose agreed. “You can’t just let us leave all by ourselves; you are the oldest.”

    “Nope. Not doing it,” Kenny said, looking away.

    “Please,”the girls pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes.

    Kenny glanced at them from the corner of his eye. He sighed irritably. “Fine. But just remember, I didn’t want to!”

    “So, when are we going to leave?” Rae asked, turning to Rose and Varian.

    “As soon as we can,” Rose told her. “With winter on its way, we’re going to have to leave earlier so we can get home earlier.”

    “Well then what about tomorrow?” Rae suggested. “We’ll spend today gathering our things, then set off the next day. That is as soon as we can.”

    “I think it sounds reasonable,” Rose agreed. She turned to Varian. “What about you?”

    “Yeah. Sounds fine.”

    They all turned to Kenny, who’s eyes widened before narrowing in annoyance. “Alright. We’ll go tomorrow.”

    The girls squealed in excitement, and Kenny couldn’t help but smile. Rae suddenly gasped. “We’re going to need some new outfits!”

    “We-we do?” Varian asked.

    “Yeah, something more adventure-based.” A large grin came across Rae’s face. “Good thing I’ve been practicing my sewing.”

    “How’re you going to make us new outfits if you don’t even know our sizes?” Kenny quizzed, folding his arms and raising an eyebrow. 

    Rae whipped a tape measure from what seemed like thin air. “Can I take your measurements?”

                    . . .

After a little bit of awkward measurement taking, Rae stared creating sketches of outfits, with a little bit of everyone’s help. She’d make a concept sketch, hand it to the person she was making it for, then they’d tell her if they wanted anything changed. The process didn’t take long, since Rae had a bunch of great design ideas, and before they knew it, they were heading off to Corona to gather supplies.

 Rae and Rose stopped at a clothing store to buy cloth and other things needed to make outfits. Kenny and Varian went to the blacksmith to buy tools from Xavier. The girls were done in no time, talking and laughing as they found their way to Xavier’s shop. Kenny and Varian were observing a strange tool in their hand. 

“What do you think this does?” Varian asked.

“I don’t know...” Kenny watched the tool with narrowed eyes.

“Do you guys even know what you’re doing?” Rose asked, causing them to jump. 

Varian set back down the tool then gave the girls a nervous smile. “O-of course we do.”

“Pfft. Suuuurre.” Rae said, rolling her eyes with a smile.

“Did you get everything we needed?” Rose asked, setting down her large pack full of sewing items.

Varian brought out a list from his pocket, mumbling underneath his breath as he went through it. “Yup.”

“Now all we need is food and water,” Kenny said. 

“We should each pack a small bag tonight, once we get home,” Varian told them. “We won’t be gone too long, so we don’t need to pack a lot.”

Rose turned to Rae. “Are you sure you can get four outfits done by tomorrow?”

Rae waved a hand at her. “Of course. But I may need a little help.”

“We’ve got you,” Rose told her with a smile.

Rae beamed back before putting her fists on her hips. “Alright. Let’s get to work!”

                    . . .

Rose could never be a seamstress. She pricked her fingers countless times with the needle, and never seemed to sew the right way. Even the guys seemed to be doing better than her. But no matter how frustrated she was, Rose would continue to help Rae.

They didn’t finish up until just after midnight. They were all very tired, but were proud of what they had done. They each grabbed their own outfit, saying thanks to Rae, before heading off to their own homes.

They’d need lots of rest, for in the morning, they were starting a great journey.

Woo, man, that was the shortest hiatus I've ever seen. What was that? Four days? Well, I bet my readers are happy.

Don't mind the cover, I'm just using it for a temporary picture until I create the actual one. But I love my potato cat.

Welp, that's it. Byeeee


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