~Chapter 3: Squip makes an entrance!~

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I have more time to write in the evenings! That means more updates! Btw, this whole chapter will be in Jeremy's POV. 

~Jeremy's POV~ 

"Jeremy, are you sure this is a good idea? What if this is a scam?" Michael said to me as we walked towards the Payless store in the mall. 

"Think about it Michael! Rich is popular and can...can even win over someone as great as y/n! It has to be this Squip thing, right?" I replied. Michael sighed.

"I'm just saying, man, you never even tried asking her out. You don't need a pill. Y/n and I already think your great! I'm sure she'd say 'yes.'" He said while taking a sip out of his slushy. 

"Yeah, yeah, your right. But...but y/n is pretty helpless when it comes to Rich. If this Squip thing can give me that type of charm, then I'm willing to pay $600 for it!" I stated, opening the door to Payless. 

"Alright, then," Michael said, following me in. 

I didn't think Michael knew how much y/n meant to me. She's just my other half. My soulmate. I don't think I could live without her.

I walked up to the man at the counter, shakily saying, "Cool s-sideburns—" 

"Where's the money?" He snapped. 

"I, uh, how do you know I'm here for a S-Squ—" 

"DON'T say it out loud!" He snapped. I nervously glanced at Michael, who just gave me a "you asked for this" look. "Come to the back," the man huffed. 

I anxiously stepped into the back of the store, hoping I wasn't about to make the news for "gone missing."  

The man preciously opened a box of ladies running shoes. "But that's ladies—"

"Shut it, kid, now where's the $400?" The man growled. 



"NO, not at all! What a..uh..steal," I awkwardly said, handing him $400 while secretly handing Michael the other $200. 

The man darkly laughed as he counted the money. "Just so we're clear, this is dangerous untested technology. I take no responsibility in what you do to it or what it does to you." 

I nodded eagerly, grabbing the small, gray pill from him.

"Take it with Mt. Dew, I don't know why," he said while glaring at Michael. "Oh, and one more thing—"


"WE'RE SOLD OUT!" The suspicious man barked at a confused Jenna Rolan. 

"Of...shoes?" She queried. 

"Oh...your here for shoes..." he said slowly. 

"It's a Payless," she stated, flipping her purple-black hair out of her face.

"Well, right this way!"

"But you were saying something important—"

"Scram kid!" The man snapped at me. Michael and I scurried out of the Payless, grabbed a Mt. Dew, and sat down.

"Alright, the moment of truth," I murmured, holding the pill in front of my mouth. 

"Are you sure this thing isn't poison?" Michael asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't think," I said struggling. "Well...here goes everything," I said. I popped the pill into my mouth. 

 This could change everything.

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now