~Chapter 12: Suicide or Murder?~

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I'm sorry in advance. H/c means "Halloween Costume" btw.

~Y/n's POV~

It had been a few weeks since Jeremy had started ignoring Michael and I and dating Brooke. Not surprisingly, Jeremy had started to hang out with the popular group and started to even treat me like I didn't even exist!

I was still with Rich. He even properly asked me out. He always would come up to me in the morning and was very...."hands-on" with me. He would grab my butt or hug me and try to go second base without my permission. Turns out that my crush was actually a jerk. Funny how Jeremy was right about that. The only reason I was actually still DATING Rich was so that I could get closer to Jeremy. Yeah, it sounds trashy: but it was the only way.

"Hey, babe," I heard a low voice say behind me.

I turned around to see Rich, being perverted as usual.

I sighed and slammed my locker. "Yes, Rich?"

For a second, I saw the confidence in his eyes flicker to sadness and regret: just like Jeremy in the gym that one day. It was really....odd.

"I just wanted to—OW! Er, I'm just making sure that you're going as my date to Jake's Halloween party tonight." He confidently stated.

Crap, I forgot that Halloween was tonight. Usually Michael, Jeremy and I would stay at home eating a bucket full of candy while laughing at old sitcoms. But, surprise surprise: when you're popular, you HAVE to go to parties.

I smiled and said, "Of course!"

He genuinely smiled back as he said, "Perfect. See you later, beautiful." He winked, and I saw the sad flicker in his eyes again.

~That Night~

I walked into Jake's house in my h/c. I wasn't planning on drinking, but all that was in the house was alcohol. Great. I grabbed a glass of tap water and sat down on the couch, texting Rich.

(Funny nickname): Where are u?? I'm in the living room.

I looked to the left and saw him:

Jeremiah Heere.

I was about to groan in frustration, but something started boiling inside my stomach. Something bad was going to happen.

I shook my head. It was probably the crowded room of drunk teens. I walked to the bathroom to get a break.

~Jeremy's POV~

I sighed as I got a cup of water in my red Solo cup. I wasn't much of a party person, but Squip told me I HAD to come so I could sync up with Rich's Squip. I asked him why I couldn't at school, but he never responded.

"Squip, can we leave now?" I asked.

He didn't respond. He was looking over at the couch.

"Squip? Hello?" I asked, looking over where he was looking.

He was staring at y/n.

What was SHE doing here? Every time I saw her, my heart freezed in guilt. I was so desperately in love with her, and I felt like what Squip was instructing wasn't helping—

"I am helping!" He snapped. "Also, I wasn't staring at her! I was just...thinking. Now, we need to find Rich and sync with his Squip. He's near the upstairs bathroom. Go find him."

I noticed a dark shine in his electric-blue eyes. He was dressed like Neo from the Matrix: A black trench coat with a black shirt and pants. To top it all of, a pair of black sunglasses.

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now