~Chapter 16: We Meet At Last~

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Sorry for the heartbreak last chapter. I'm just saying there could be a bonus ending....

~Jeremy's POV~

I ran into the school play, following Squip's instructions. The plan was to Squip the whole school and make everyone happy: including my future girlfriend y/n. Luckily, Rich had a whole shoebox filled to the brim with Squips. After getting into his locker and grabbing the Squips, we made our way backstage.

"Okay, so go to the bottle of "Puck's Pansy serum" and dump the Squips in there. Everyone should be Squipped by intermission," Squip stated, smirking.

I poured the Squips in the beaker and peaked out into the audience. I anxiously scanned the sea of people, looking for y/n. She had to come, right?


She....wasn't there? She loved theater, though! She...loved me, right?




I was completely different now! I was now cool, popular....and kind of a jerk. I flirted with tons of girls even though I was with Brooke and was in love with y/n, bullied people, and even bullied and was mean to y/n....

It was because of the Squip.

He tore us apart.

And it was on....

"Purpose," I heard a cold, chilling voice say.

I quickly turned around and faced him. "W-why?" I yelled, taking a step back. "Are you going to harm y/n?"

He darkly chuckled and exclaimed dramatically, "Y/n? I would never hurt her!"

He wanted y/n for something, I knew it.

"Correct, Jeremy. For once you and your small mind could figure something out! Aren't you special?" He said sarcastically, taking a threatening step towards me.

"Why do you want her? You're supposed to be helping ME get together with HER!"

"Well, the one thing we agree on is that y/n is perfect. I could see how you and Rich fell in love with her: smart, charming, beautiful, witty, sarcastic, sweet...." He trailed off, almost caught up in his own admiration. "I fell in love with her at first sight! She made me feel so...alive with emotion. I knew she needed someone who could love her, die for her, kill for her! That's why I intend to Squip everyone and make the world PERFECT for her. We will rule the world with her as my queen....and I WON'T LET YOU GET IN THE WAY!" He yelled, sending a horrible shock up my tender spine.

It immediately clicked... "Y-you killed R-Rich, d-didn't you?" I weakly asked, clutching the wall.

"Correct: he decided to steal my love away from me, so I deleted him. Now, I'll have to delete you..." His left eye immediately lit up with a light blue flame.

"You m-monster! Y/n will NEVER love you!" I cried, pushing past him. I had to get rid of that beaker! I suddenly felt my body freeze up as I tried to do so, though. I may had forgotten Squip had about total control of my whole body.

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now