~Chapter 4: I'll help you, like always~

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I'm still figuring out the whole plot for this, but I think I know what I'm doing. And just a heads up: you and Rich are not going to end up being together. I was thinking about that, but there are other "plans" for him....

~Jeremy's POV~

I weakly looked up to see a man about my age with slightly curled black hair with glowing, electric-blue tips. He was pale with a blue tint radiating around him. His electric blue eyes were piercing through me and a scowl was plastered across his face. A black trench coat with blue wiring running through it hugged around his black jeans and aqua marine shirt, and black-and-blue sneakers with red-and-blue cables running through them topped off his whole outfit.

In other words, he looked like the definition of cool.

"Chill," he corrected, walking—er—floating towards me. He judged me as he looked at me whole outfit. A disgusted look was plastered on his face when he finally met my eyes.

Still in shock, I murmured out, "You look like...Keanu Reeves..." 

He rolled his eyes. "My default mode. You can also set me for: Shaun Connery," his voice went deeper as he glitched into what seemed Shaun Connery, "Jack Nicholson," His voice immediately turned raspy as he morphed once again, "Sexy anime female! Huh uh uh~" he said seductively, turning into a girl with long, blue pigtails and large cleavage.

"Uh...Keanu's good," I said awkwardly. He quickly glitched back into his normal self, sighing in relief. "Can..anyone see you?" I asked, looking around. I noticed Rich dragging y/n off. I made such a fool of myself in front of her. Great.

"No, so right now it looks like your having a conversation with yourself. Don't do that. Just think to me telepathically," he coldly demanded as I got up from the dirty food court floor.

"Like in X-Men?" I asked, in awe he could do that.

He sighed boredly and murmured, "I see this going to be difficult."  He then started to slowly circle me, looking at me like I was some foreign creature. "So you want to be more chill," he asked, but it sounded more like a cold, lifeless statement. Like he's done this many time before.

"And get my crush, y/n. Also, don't you mean cool—"

"I do not," he snapped at me. "I'm going to help you with your crush too, Jeremy. In fact: why don't you show me her right now." 

"But, your in my head. Can't you just...I don't know...look at my memory and see a picture of her or s-something—AH!" I squeaked, rubbing my neck.

"Don't stutter! And to answer your question, some of your memories and secrets are unaccessible to me. Since your crush on y/n is a secret, I cannot view anything about her. If I see her and observe her behavior a little, I can help you win her heart easier," he explained in a monotone voice. 

"A-any—OW! Anything to finally get y/n!" I nervously said—or thought—to the cold male in front of me. 

His steely, cold, electric-blue eyes stared bullets into me as he boredly sighed and said, "Lead the way." 

Alright, this was short, but I kinda wanted to make a shorter chapter cuz I've been working on homework all day q:. Thank you for all of y'all who read these fun little stories. I have a (Baja) blast writing them and reading y'all's comments! Aight, y'all have an epic day/night❤️🦙❤️

P.S. JeNnA rOlAn CaLlInG?

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