~Chapter 7: A cooler dork~

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I want to move the plot along and my gosh it's takin' me FOREVER to get to the exciting part of the storyyyyyy. Sorry if this sucks :/

~Y/n's POV~

After Rich drove me home and gave me his number, I immediately flopped on my bed and let out an excited squeak. The Rich Gorinski asked me out on a date, AND IT WAS AWESOME! But something felt...I don't know...missing? Like the date was great and all, but it didn't leave me wanting more.

He was really flirty, which is great and all, but he acted so chill and sounded so scripted that I almost thought he was a robot: like he had no emotion behind his eyes.

As I thought about the strange date, I saw a text from Jeremy:

Jerebear: You want to come over to my place to chill?

Chill? I knew right off the bat that this did NOT sound like Jeremy. He never was smooth like that.

Y/n: Sure, but are you okay? Your acting really strange. Your never so smooth.

Jerebear: 1. I'm fine, I'm just trying to be more chill, ya' know? 2. Ouch

I chuckled under my breath at his last statement. I've always knew that Jeremy wanted to be cool and chill, so that made sense. Still, it was strange to see him act all reformed.

Y/n: lol, Sure, I'm on my way.

~Jeremy's POV~

I nearly dropped my phone in excitement. Don't get me wrong: I've had y/n over to my house before, but that was always with Michael. Besides, this time Squip was going to help me make a move on her!

"That's right: now go get changed into something...cooler."

I nodded and practically skipped with glee to my closet. I opened it up and took out a shirt I particularly knew y/n liked: a Hamilton t-shirt.

I smiled and turned around to show Squip. "What about this shirt? It's y/n's favorite!"

I saw him in deep thought, his eyes warmly glowing. When he noticed that I asked him for his opinion, he snapped out of it and coldly stared at me. When he saw the shirt, his face twisted with disgust as he remarked, "No way. You need to wear something cool. Do I need to spell it out for you?"

I sadly sighed and turned back to my closet, hanging the shirt back up. "But it's y/n's favorite shirt..." I quietly said.

~Squippy's POV~

"But it's y/n's favorite shirt..."

There it was: that warm, joyful feeling when Jeremy said y/n's name. I absolutely knew y/n would love it if Jeremy wore that Hamilton shirt, but somehow I felt something nagging me to tell Jeremy to wear something "cooler." Of course, I knew it wouldn't work in favor for Jeremy, but I convinced myself that it would make him more aesthetically pleasing for y/n.

For y/n.

Not Jeremy.

I knew something wasn't right when everything I changed for Jeremy was for y/n. I mean, y/n is his goal, so everything should be for her, right?

"Put on that Eminem shirt, Jeremy, it'll make your aesthetic shine in y/n's eyes."

He sighed, but obeyed me. After changing and me yelling at him to fix his messy hair, the doorbell rang.

It's showtime.

~Y/n's POV~

I waited at Jeremy's front door, fumbling with my phone. Rich had just texted me.

Rich❤️: Hey cutie, wanna come over?

I sighed as I replied to him. The more I thought about our date, the more I didn't like him.

Y/n: Can't, I'm at Jeremy's house rn

Rich❤️: Your still hanging out with that nerd? Whatever

Frustrated, I shoved my phone in my pocket, muting it. As soon as I did, the door swung open to revel Jeremy in an Eminem shirt. Since when did he like Eminem?

"Oh, hey, y/n. What's up?" He said smoothly, leaning against the door frame.

"Very slick, Jere," I said sarcastically, giggling a bit. I thought this was a joke. I mean, really: Jeremy's hair was slicked back, he had an Eminem shirt on, AND was being smooth? It must be a weird prank.

"Anyways, wanna come inside and play—OW—I mean, chill?"

I suspiciously eyed Jeremy as I slowly said, "Okaayyy."

I stepped inside the surprisingly clean house, uncertain of why Jeremy wasn't acting like his usual dorky self. For some reason, he was acting all slick and stuff, but I saw past that. Something was wrong.

Once we got to Jeremy's bedroom, it looked like he was forced to smirk as he smoothly said, "So, do you wanna hang?"

I'm just gonna make shorter chapters cuz I'm posting twice a week on this story. Don't you love it when a super computer AND a nerdy dork falls in love with you? Aight, have a good day/night❤️🦙❤️

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