~A/n: Let's decide~

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It's time

To choose a new book!

Heere are your options! Vote on 3 and the top three will make it to the next round! (Thanks to all that entered their ideas!)

Delirious: A sequel to this book. You decided to give Squip—or Eric— a chance to win your heart. Unfortunately, him ruling over all human civilization isn't working perfectly because a couple of people escaped before they got Squipped. Eric, paranoid knowing these people are especially close to you, keeps you closer than ever. These un-Squipped friends of yours find you and kidnap you from the palace in a desperate attempt to save you. When Eric finds out, it's only a matter of time he goes mad trying to find you. And, yes— he's not afraid to spill blood. (This one would continue this book instead of the planned ending for Squipsquap.) This one is my idea!

2. Blue Sprinkles: Soulmate Michael x reader! La Tasse Chaude is your favorite cafe, especially during the winter. You enjoy talking to the friendly staff there and sipping all the fancy hot festive drinks! You love sitting in the cozy cafe, but you always wonder who your soulmate is. In this world, you and your soulmate have matching marks/pictures on your arms. You assumed with your mark—being some type of drink with whipped cream on it— would probably be someone who loves hot drinks as much as you!

Now, switch to Michael Mell— a nerdy, surprisingly social, retro-loving boy who works at La Tasse Chaude. He secretly loves y/n l/n— the girl who isn't his soulmate. His soulmate is Clair Frock: a charming, flirtatious destined-to-be baker. Her family owns La Tasse Chaude, witch was how he found her. His mark—a cookie— matched perfectly with Clair's. Now don't get him wrong: Clair's kind, cute, and certainly talented, but Michael slowly found himself falling desperately in love with y/n. He knows she doesn't have a soulmate yet— which is why he needs to find something that could change her soulmate mark. When he finds out from a friend at Spencer's Gifts about these special blue sprinkles that can change two people's marks to make them match. He may ruin y/n's happy ending, but they would be a perfect match, right? (Suggested by @Ama_Arthur)

3. Torching New York: Y/n Rossi is the daughter of one of the biggest Mafia leaders in all of New York: Angelo Rossi. Even though her father is rich, they live in a beat-up apartment close enough to the "main trading center." Though y/n has never been into the whole "dealing-drugs-and-if-ya'-don't-pay-up-I'll-murder-your-whole-family" type of stuff, she still is loyal to her father and his gang:  "Fare-o-morire." One day, y/n tagged along with her dad to help deal out the illegal goods. Though her father would usually not like this, Angelo let's his daughter come with him. Y/n's job is to go deliver a bit of money to another gang member. While doing so, a rival gang—"Re Klienman"— Stops her, thinking she was a prostitute. While harassing her, their leader, Jared Klienman, stops them. Jared's the youngest mafia leader: y/n's age. When he sees y/n, something blazes in him. After helping her get to her deal safely and chatting with her, he finds himself slowly falling for her. Unfortunately, his gang was there to crash. While "Re Klienman" crashed the trading party, Y/n's father was shot by Jared himself. Y/n, feeling betrayed by her new friend, helped the rest of her father's gang and him out of the ally. For the first time, Jared feels guilt. At night, he can't stop thinking about y/n. What happens when the thought of her drives him mad? (Suggested by CaprisunxXx)

4. 462 Eddington lane: A Jared x reader! Ever since y/n was little, she helped out at her Aunt Bree's Cinnamon roll's shop: Cinnamon Jar. It's always been a warm, comforting shop. Y/n loved eating the leftover cinnamon rolls form that day and rolling up the tasty pastries! Everyone in town loved Aunt Bree's Cinnamon rolls. When y/n turned 12, she was finally allowed to do deliveries. Usually, these Cinnamon rolls were delivered in panfuls, but one peculiar person only ordered 1. When y/n arrived at the house on 462 Eddington Lane, she finds that the young customer was extremely fearful of her. He quickly took the tiny pink box and shoved the money in her hands. Y/n was intrigued by this strange encounter, but moved on. After this event, y/n got an order to deliver a cinnamon roll to that same house every Thursday. Soon, the boy comes out of his shy demeanor and introduces himself as Jared Klienman. Y/n and Jared become best friends, but he's hiding something. You both went to different schools, but when you both got into high school you went to the same one. Finally a chance to hang out with him a lil' more! But when she see his demeanor in public, she realizes that's not the Jared she knew at all. Y/n knows that Jared is not the class-clown everyone knows and loves....

Whew! That was a LOT of typing. Remember, VOTE ON 3!!! Aight, have a lovely day/night❤️🦙❤️

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now