~Chapter 18: Choose!~

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Okay, I need to clarify something: Rich is dead. He ain't coming back.

~Y/n's POV~

"Jeremy?" I asked.

He smiled and hugged me. "He can't paralyze me for that long. It's gonna take more than a shock to keep me away from you!"

I softly cried into his tattered Eminem shirt. "J-Jeremy—"

"Y/n, it's okay: we'll defeat Eric. We can be together!" He exclaimed.

I stopped crying and smiled at him. I felt my lips moving closer to his...


~Jeremy's POV~

I collapsed to my knees, holding my head. My Squip—or Eric, as he's now calling himself—stormed over to me, a dark gleam in his eyes. I noticed the bottle of Mt. Dew Red near my feet. There was still a bit left! Eric was so close, I wouldn't have gotten the drink into my mouth, though.

I looked at y/n and screamed, "Y/n, catch!" She frighteningly turned towards me and caught the mostly empty soda.

Eric tried stoping me, but it was to late: the soda was in y/n's hands.


~Y/n's POV~

I had to do something, quick. But what? I could've come up with some complicated scheme like all the other antagonist in the movies and books I watch/read do when they're in danger, but unfortunately I'm not the best under pressure. I did what any normal person would do in that situation:

Tackle Eric off of Jeremy.

"TAKE THIS YOU COMPUTER VIRUS!" I yelled, tackling him off of Jeremy. We tumbled around on the floor for a bit, both struggling to gain control.

"Love, I'm not gonna hurt you," Eric said calmly, chuckling a bit.

"Don't call me love," I said, struggling to get him off of me and possibly break every bone in his body. But there's something about him that makes me feel...calm and safe? Just the way he's so calm as I try to thrash him about. Almost like a cup of tea on a cold, winter evening.

"You know, your stronger than I expected," he said, almost yawning like this fight was boring.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, ask he pinned me to the floor.

"That I admire you more than I already do~" He cooed, now on top of me. He stupidly beautiful blue eyes stared into my e/c ones. His signature smirk was painted on his face, and he was only a few inches away from my lips. I now noticed he had some type of ocean-y cologne on. It reminded me of a rainy day at the beach...it was beautiful.

"GET. OFF. OF. HER!" I heard Jeremy yell. He came soaring in, pinning Eric to the wall against the stage. I quickly got up, the Mt. Dew Red in my hand.

"TOSS THE—UGH—MT. DEW!" Jeremy screamed, fighting Eric.

"NO, DON'T! I CAN'T LOSE YOU, Y/N!" Eric yelled in response.

I anxiously held the bottle. I needed to toss the bottle to Jeremy somehow...

"Y/n, think about! You and I will rule this sad world together! And..and I'll even spare Jeremy! He'll get a room in the palace along with your family and friends! You can still see them and be happy with me!" He said, a desperate look on his face.

"Y/n, don't! He's lying!" Jeremy cried, still fighting Eric.

I squeezed the bottle: if What Eric said was true, then maybe being with him wouldn't be to bad. But then again, this dude killed Rich and his Squip AND tortured/used Jeremy! Not to mention I still love Jeremy...

"Well, who's it gonna be?" Eric calmly asked while trying to punch Jeremy's lights out.

I gulped.

"I..uhm...I choose—"

To be continued~

HEAR ME OUT! I was gonna put Michael as the hero, but there will be a special ending for that! Remember, this is a Jeremy x reader x Squip story. Anyways, final voting for a new story will come out soon! Aight, have a nice day/night❤️🦙❤️

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now