~Chapter 9: A Reason For Everything~

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This chapter would have been out earlier, but I spent my day yesterday writing a Jeremy x MacBook Pro hard drive. What am I doing with my life. 

~Y/n POV~ 

I rushed over to Michael's place. Well, more like his basement because he's always down there. When I climbed down the creaky stairs, I saw Michael sadly smoking a joint. Guessing he hadn't seen me, (Though he should had heard me coming down the stairs) I leaned against the bottom of the stairs and said, "Heya, Michael." 

"GAH!" He yelled in surprise, tossing his joint out the window. His pale, scared face went to embarrassed pink when he saw me. "Y/n, not funny!" 

I giggled a bit as I walked over and plopped on his couch, still stained and reeking of pot. "So, why did Jeremy block you?" I said in a worried tone. 

He sighed and picked at a loose thread in his blue jeans. "I don't know. He's been acting super weirdly ever since—" He immediately put his hand over his mouth. 

Suspicious, I raised my eyebrow and slowly said, "Michael, what did Jeremy do?" 

Michael sunk back into the couch as he said, "I can't tell you that right now."

Okay, Michael DEFINITELY knew something, but I could tell he wasn't gonna budge. "Well, Jeremy invited me over and was acting weirdly cool and smooth. Like, he didn't stutter ONCE!" I exclaimed, emphasizing 'once' so he knew how strange this was. "Then, he tried to flirt with me and kiss me." 

After I was done, I looked up at Michael. His eyes were wide with horror. "Uh...Michael, are you ok—"

"What color was his eyes?" 

"Oh, his eyes! That was strange, too. They were electric blue."

Michael immediately stood up and went over to his computer. "Y/n, go home, and ignore Jeremy, okay?" 

Confused, I said, "Michael, what's actually going on? Is he in trouble?" 

Michael shook his head "no." "I hope not..." He muttered. 

I sighed and said, "Okay, well, I'll see ya' tomorrow at school, okay?" 

"Okay, see ya.'" He said, not taking his eyes off the computer. 

I knew Michael was hiding something, but what? Why was Jeremy acting so weird? Why doesn't Michael want me talking to him? 

If no one was going to give me an answer, I would find one myself.

Because I knew there was a reason for everything. 

*Laughs in Squip plotting in next chapter* Aight, have a good day/night❤️🦙❤️

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now