~Chapter 8: Okay...your freaking me out~

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Squip= Squat pass it on.


I awkwardly stepped into Jeremy's room, surprised to see it clean and tidy. Usually his bed's unmade and there's clothes on the floor, but today it was spotless.

It was freaking me out, honestly.

"So, uh, ya' wanna play some video games?" I nervously asked. 

Jeremy smiled wide, like usual, and was about to answer, but before he could say anything he dropped to the floor, groaning in pain. "Ow," he squeaked, closing his eyes.

"J-Jere?" I jogged over to him and kneeled down by him. "Are you okay?"

All of the sudden, Jeremy's eyes fluttered open. Except they weren't his usual stormy blue, but a bright, electric blue. They seemed to almost glow.

Jeremy smiled at me, but it wasn't his usual wide smile. It was almost a smirk. "J-Jeremy, um...what's up with your eyes?" I asked, helping him up. 

"My eyes? I'm on a acne medicine right now that has that side affect. Oh, and sorry for freaking you out just then. I stepped on a tac," He explained. Not one stutter, which was super strange. 

He smirked-smiled at me as he grabbed my hand. "So, do you wanna ditch this place and maybe grab some fro-yo?" 

Nope. Abort mission. This is NOT Jeremy. He doesn't even like frozen yogurt! "Um, Jere, you hate frozen yogurt."

"But you like it."

"Yeah, but your acting strange."

"The only strange thing is that your going out with that Rich guy. Why don't you ditch him?"

I felt a couple tears prick at my eyes. "Even though he may kinda be a jerk, at least he didn't change himself for me!"

Jere stopped smirking and frowned, raising an eyebrow. "Wouldn't you prefer to date someone who would give you the world? Because I assure you that Rich wouldn't give his life for you. I can treat you right, y/n!" He shouted at the end, walking towards me. Before I could even take in what Jeremy said, he slightly bent down and started to kiss me.

I quickly pushed the taller male away from me. "WHAT THE HECK, JEREMY? I'm dating Rich! You...you've changed. I'm sorry, but I can't like you back. Your acting too strange. I'm sorry." And with that shaky statement, I sprinted out of the house. 

Jeremy's POV

I felt my knees buckle as the Squip left my body and went back to his pixely, normal self. His eyes were filled with sadness, like he was about to break down and cry. I was about to, too.

"What the heck was that?" I yelled, angrily flopping on my neatly-made bed.

The Squip sighed and glumly said, "I honestly thought that y/n would be won over by my—er, your charm, but it turns out that my predictions were wrong."

"I thought you were a super computer and knew how to win y/n over?" I angrily huffed.

Squip shocked me while he said in an annoyed tone, "I do! It's just y/n's different: she's unpredictable." He got quiet at the end, and I swear I saw a small, blue blush spread on his cheeks.

"I'm n-not blushing," he yelled, glitching a bit. "It's just a bug!" I started to snicker, but he angrily shocked me, and I squeaked as I rolled off the bed and fell onto the cold, hard-wood floor. 

Squip's POV

That night, I wanted to go through plans to win y/n over for Jeremy, but all I could think about was how gorgeous she looked today. Why did she object my advances? Maybe because I was using Jeremy?

Whatever it was, it was clear that y/n didn't like Jeremy being slick and flirty with her. I knew that Jeremy wanted y/n, but maybe he could settle for someone...more popular?


That would be going against my code! Sure, I was in love with y/n, but was I willing to go against my code to be with her?


I mean, Jeremy doesn't really deserve someone as perfect as y/n.....


I could just get him together with one of those stupid popular girls, like Brooke, and hope that he forgets about y/n....


Y/n's POV

Frustrated, I plopped on my bed. Great, not only is Rich a jerk, but Jeremy is, too. What's up with me and guys? I would of actually considered Jeremy if didn't try to be all Mr. Slick on me!

I felt a couple of tear roll down me face as I turned on my phone. No apology messages from Rich or Jeremy.

Yeah, Jeremy would of sent a million by now.

Something's up.

I then noticed one new message.

Micha: Y/n, Jeremy just blocked me.

Yay Jeremy and Rich are jerks! We haven't seen Michael in a while, so I hope your glad he's back. Aight, have a good day/night❤️🦙❤️

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now