~Chapter 17: Like Fire~

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday I had some stuff to do! But now...I'M BACK! Since Squip is human now, his dialogue won't be in bold.

~Squip's POV~

She was even prettier in person.

Her hair messily fell around her shoulders and her e/c eyes glistened under the spotlight. Unfortunately, the one thing I love more than anything in the world is holding the thing I hated the most.

Mt. Dew Red.

Luckily, she doesn't have a Squip hooked up to her brain, so she couldn't just drink the killer soda and kill all the Squips. As long as she didn't toss the drink to Jeremy....

~Y/n's POV~

I quickly grabbed the Mt. Dew Red in front of me and held it out in front of me. "S-stay back or I'll d-drink it!" I yelled.

He chuckled a bit and said, "You can't deactivate Squips if you don't have one in your brain, y/n."

Jeremy weakly stood up and cried, "LEAVE HER ALONE YOU OVERSIZED MICROWAVE!"

Squip smirked at me as he snapped his fingers. Jeremy immediately dropped to the floor, groaning in pain.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?" I sharply yelled, trying to punch him.

He quickly took a step back and grabbed my fist. He was surprisingly strong. "Oh, I just paralyzed his legs in one electric shock. No big deal," he said, shrugging.

Frightened for Jeremy, I tried running towards him to make sure he was okay. Squip still had a grip on my hand and pulled me back, though.

"Who are you and what do you...wait, you're Jeremy's Squip, right?" I asked, trying to pull my hand away from his iron grip.

"Correct, y/n! I'm glad you're smart," he grumbled, looking back at Jeremy. "But yes: I'm Jeremy's Squip, but you can call me Eric," He cooed, softly kissing my hand. Why was he being so kind to me? It was oddly...comforting?

"What do you want from Jeremy?" I asked, my voice quivering. Yes, he was being extremely kind and elegant towards me, but I had to remember he was about to KILL Jeremy.

"It's not anything from Jeremy I want: it's something from you." He grabbed my other hand. "It's your love~" he cooed, drawing my closer.

I tried taking a step back, but I was so enticed by him...like fire: so beautiful and elegant but can burn you and kill you at any second. I had to keep strong.

"W-What? I've barely known you!" I exclaimed, tugging away.

He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "Guess it's time to come clean...." I turned away from him, avoiding his deep, electric-blue eyes.

"Y/n, when I was first activated in the mall a few weeks ago, I thought I was going to have to complete another "get your crush" motives. When Jeremy told me you were his crush, I immediately couldn't believe it: a beautiful, smart, funny girl like you shouldn't even be friends with a sad, weak loser like him," he scoffed, pointing at the crippled boy on the floor, his face white with pain.

I couldn't believe my ears: Jeremy liked me? I couldn't believe it! We could be together!

"Anyways, I immediately decided that Jeremy couldn't have you and forced Jeremy to date Brooke, disguising it as part of his goal. When I notice your sad face when you saw Jeremy kissing Brooke, I finally thought you were ready to cut ties with Jeremy and I could finally turn into my human form and get together with you!" He exclaimed a brightness in his eyes. "But when I quickly connected to your brain for a couple of minutes, you decided that you had—"

"A crush on Jeremy," we both said, our voices syncing.

He chuckled a bit at that and continued, "Yes, but I immediately made a NEW plan that would guaranteed you to be mine. After "observing" you for a bit and falling even MORE in love with you, I noticed your now ex-boyfriend was being quite a douche towards you. At the Halloween party, I hacked into Rich's brain and killed his Squip and killed him!" He proudly stated. "And...here we are now."

I turned around to see the proud gleam in his eyes turn into sadness. "Y/n, what's wrong?" He asked.

I backed up from him. "You maniac! You k-killed Rich And we're trying to kill Jeremy!" I yelled.

"He was manipulative and stealing you from me! He had to go!" He yelled, coming towards me.

"NO! Y-you're insane!" I suddenly tripped over a broken prop.

"Insane for you, love~" He cheerfully cooed, a dark, loving gleam in his eyes.

He grabbed my hand and forcefully pulled me up. "We'll rule this sad, depressed world! After everyone is Squipped, we can make this world a better place! And you'll be my queen: wether you like it or not!" He bellowed, holding me close to him, like if he let go I would die. His form started to glitch a bit, his eyes becoming a stormy blue with love and bloodlust.


I saw a fist punch and push him out of the way. Eric grunted And clutched his side.

My hero held out his hand, and I looked up and gasped:

If I was the y'all right now, I would have slammed down my phone and sobbed cuz I really don't like cliff hangers: But I do like leaving people on the edge of their seats. Aight, have a good day/night❤️🦙❤️

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now