~Chapter 6: Just "fascinated"~

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It's 1 in the morning help me.

~Squip's POV~

"Jeremy Heere, welcome to your super quantum unit intel processor: your Squip."

I knew the moment I uttered those words, I was stuck with a MAJOR idiot. You see, Jeremy is very simple-minded. He loves video games, hanging out with his friends, y/n....


Love interest: targeted

"You look like...Keanu Reeves," the boy muttered in amazement.

Like I said: simple-minded

"My default mode," I said, preparing for another "get your crush motives."


After going through my whole beginning speech, I asked Jeremy, "So, you want to be more chill."

"And get my crush, y/n. Also, don't you mean cool—"

"I do not!" I snapped at him. "Also, I'll help you get her. In fact, why don't you show me her right now?"

Now, I'll admit: I could easily pull up a picture of her from Jeremy's mind. That's exactly what I did, in fact: I just wanted to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me.

The most gorgeous h/c girl with warm and slightly mischievous e/c eyes. In this certain memory, y/n and Jeremy were at the beach eating shaved ice together. Her smile could light up a city, and her thin/curvy/chubby body complimented her f/c crop-top perfectly.

She was unlike any other girl I've ever seen.

I've had MANY owners, most of them girls. None of them had that certain glow that y/n had: even if it was just a picture.

"But, your in my head. Can't you just...I don't know...look at my memory and see a picture of her or s-something—AH!" He squeaked out.

I shocked him for stuttering. I'm so used to shocking my user that it doesn't really have an affect on me, but I have a feeling this was going to be a different experience.

"Don't stutter! And to answer your question, some of your memories and secrets are unaccessible to me. Since your crush on y/n is a secret, I cannot view anything about her. If I see her and observe her behavior a little, I can help you win her heart easier," I lied. Honestly, I just wanted to see if she really was that perfect. Funny how my whole life changed when I saw her.


On the way over to Chipotle to find y/n, I couldn't stop staring at the picture. Why was she so eye-catching? And an even better question: why doesn't she have a boyfriend yet? Are people that blind?

I could heere (hehehe) Jeremy think to himself about why I wanted to so desperately needed to see y/n. I quickly retorted, "I told you already, Jeremy: getting to see y/n helps me determine how to help you win her over. Now, I accessed the mall security cameras and it seems y/n is done with her date and is going to be here now—"

I heard a snort like-giggle that made my quantum processor melt. I turned to see a familiar girl walking toward Jeremy:


She was prettier than I expected. I couldn't help but stare. I could see why Jeremy was so smitten with her, though: everything about her was so....


As y/n walked over to Jeremy with a concerned look plastered on her face, I heard Jeremy cry for help through his thoughts. I blocked him out, though. I felt my quantum processor heat up as she got closer.


Why was I feeling this way? I wasn't programmed with emotions.........

It could be....I guess....



What was I thinking! It was probably just a bug. Even though I kinda hoped it wasn't.....


This couldn't happen! It's impossible! I was just "fascinated," that's all!

Because I was so "fascinated," I pulled up the picture of y/n again. I dreamily gazed at her. She looked radiant, and I couldn't help but slightly giggle to myself when I thought of her even being aquatinted with Jeremy.

I was caught off guard when I heard Jeremy say, "Squip? Hell-o?" He tried peaking at my screen, but I quickly shut it off. I quickly reviewed his conversation with y/n and his thoughts. Oh great, she hugged him. And she's apparently pretty close to getting together with Richard Gorinski.


Rich had a Squip.

I quickly made a note of syncing up with his Squip. That way I could know his intentions with y/n—I MEAN his goals.

I recomposed myself and stiffly said, "AH! I, uh, mean: yes, Jeremy, I understand she hugged you, but your going to do a LOT of self-tweaking to make y/n like you."

I sadly sighed at the thought of y/n getting together with anyone: especially Jeremy. I mean, come on: he's a loser.

She needs someone on her level.

Someone who understands her every need.

Someone who would shower her with love and affection every day.

Someone who would trade their life for her's.

Someone like....

I thought back to what I was created for: motives, not feelings.

Besides, I wasn't crushing on her,

I was only fascinated.

Y'all, it's getting s p i c y. Don't you love having to choose between the cute, nerdy Jeremy and sassy, tsundere tic-tac? Aight, don't forget we're just getting started, and have a lovely day/night❤️🦙❤️

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now