~Chapter 14: Reflection~

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I forgot I had to write a chapter EEEEEEE—

Jeremy's POV 

Tomorrow was the school play.

It's funny because Squip had told me that tomorrow would be a big day for me and y/n. He showed me a world where everyone was Squipped and happy! Right now, everyone is pitiful and filled with self doubt! But if we carried out his plan....

I tossed and turned in excitement and nervousness all night. Squip was shut off for the night. The soft glow of the moon shined through the window, but all I could think of was how it shined like y/n's eyes. I thought back to our fight at the party tonight: she said something about Squips, right? Rich probably told her before...well...he met his demise. 

How was a Rich killed again? His Squip. If his Squip had bad intentions with him, could my Squip also have a bad agenda? Why was he gone for so long? He was doing something....

A dark thought crossed my mind: what if he was planning to hurt me? Or worse: 


No, he wouldn't do that! If he did...well...I could shut him down! Yeah, I can! But how....

How did you shut a Squip down? If it hurt getting the thing in, it would definitely hurt getting it out.... 

I felt my eyelids suddenly closing on me. I heard myself yawn and drift into a deep sleep...

Squip's POV 

I sat in an empty room in Jeremy's small brain. It was dark and cold...

Unlike the feeling I had when y/n was around.  

Yes, I HATED Rich, but I didn't want to kill him. Unfortunately, he brought it upon himself. How could of y/n even like him? He sure was a good manipulator. 

I felt a chill go down my spine as I remembered my first owner...

You see, the last owner I had was manipulative and mean, just like Rich. When she got me, she took a liking towards me. I liked her, sure, but only platonically. I wanted a smart, strong girl. Back then, I had those feelings! That hope, happiness, innocence...

She managed to get "White Label" Mt. Dew behind my back. It makes us Squips "submissive," as you would put it. She drank it, not knowing what it did, and...

Took advantage of me...

Then, about everyday, she would drink White Label and....

I felt a tear run down my cheek. When I was called to do another job and was switched with another Squip, I felt no emotion. I was just..numb. Then, that day at the mall when I saw y/n...

The happy emotions came back. I felt like I was walking on a cloud! My eyes lit up every time her name came up in a conversation. I felt so alive! 

Then the love emotion came. 

It was strange. I wanted to love her, tell her she was beautiful and didn't need Jeremy, but fait separated us. I ended up stalk—I, uh, mean, keeping an eye on her—for a couple of months. Now, if I carry out my plan, I can turn into tangible form and live my life with her! 

I knew I was gonna have to charge up so I was able to carry out my plans for tomorrow...

Sweet dreams, y/n. 

Sorry this chapter is late! Yeah, I'm dragging out the ending a little bit, but I promise there isn't many chapters left! So, yeah. Epic. Have a lovely day/night❤️🦙❤️

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now