~Chapter 19: An Ending~

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Last chapter!

~Y/n's POV~

"I...uhm...I choose..."

~Jeremy ending~

I quickly turned to Jeremy and screamed, "JEREMY!" I tossed it up in the air, watching Jeremy snatch it.

"Wha—JEREMY! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SACRIFICING? YOU CAN HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN Y/N AND I'S NEW KINGDOM!" Eric yelled, trying to pry the drink out of Jeremy's hand.

He smirked and replied, "But I wouldn't have the one person who I love with all my heart: y/n. And I sure as heck would never give her up to you. Even if it meant I could have all the popularity in the world!" And with the statement, Jeremy downed the last bit of the drink.


Eric immediately began malfunctioning, glitching out of control. He looked me straight in the eyes and corruptibly shouted, "9 12-12 3-15-13-5 2-1-3-11 6-15-18 25-15-21 13-25 12-15-22-5 20-8-9-19 9-19-14 20 15-22-5-18 9 12-12 3-15-13-5 2-1-3-11 5-22-5-14 9-6 9-20 13-5-1-14-19 9 2-18-5-1-11 15-21-20 20-8-5 12-1-2 6-15-18 9-20 25-15-21 23-9-12-12 2-5 13-9-14-5!"

Jeremy sprinted over to me and hugged my confused self: what the heck was he saying? But, after one final agonizing scream, he exploded into a shower of pixels.

I turned to Jeremy. "A-are you okay?" He asked me, tucking a strand of my h/c hair behind my ear.

I nodded. "He's...he's gone."

Jeremy stared into my e/c eyes and moved closer to my lips...

"AAHHHHHUGGH!" He screamed in pain.

"JEREMY?" I cried, bending down near him. All of the sudden, everyone else around us erupted into screams.

~A few hours later~

~Jeremy's POV~

I weakly opened my eyes and was immediately greeted by a killer headache.

"Owwww," I groaned as I rubbed my aching head.

"J-Jeremy?" I heard a familiar, beautiful voice whisper.

Even though every muscle and bone in my weak body was screaming in pain, I quickly turned towards the voice.

There was y/n, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks.

"JEREMY!" She yelled with joy, squeezing me so hard that I thought my fragile bones were gonna break.

"Y/n..." I whispered, stroking her h/c locks.

After a few minutes of just basking in each others presences, someone cleared their throat.

"Michael?" I asked as y/n pulled away.

Y/n sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck, awkwardly giggling. "Oh, yeah: I brought Michael with me!"

Michael huffed a bit and glared at Jeremy. "I only came because I need an apology. Also because y/n dragged me along and I can't say no to her..." he said the last part like a whisper.

I sighed and gave him a slight smile and nodded. "You're right: I'm sorry, man. In fact, I'm sorry to both of you. I was a jerk, and I should have known getting a Squip wouldn't have made anyone like me better. Especially you, y/n."

Y/n and Michael looked at each other and smiled. "Well, you're forgiven," Michael said. He then sadly smirked at y/n and pushed her near me. He then mouthed 'Make your move.'

I took a deep breath, (that was surprisingly not shaky) and looked y/n in her lovely e/c eyes. "Y/n, I know I may had caused the fall of all of human civilization, and maybe even made you date that crazy, tyrannical Squip of mine, but I kinda wanted to ask if you could...."

"Give you a shot?" She asked, smiling. Her face was bit red.

"Yeah. But it's totally okay if you don't want to! I understand completely—"

Y/n grinned like a Cheshire Cat and grabbed my hand. "I'm free next Friday at 6:40 pm."

I smiled back and squeezed her hand. I suddenly felt a jolt go through my body. As I jolted my arm back, I pulled y/n with it. Suddenly, our lips collided.


And with that last glitchy, ineligible remark: the Squip was no more. It was now just y/n and I.

~Michael's POV~

I held back the tears as y/n and Jeremy kissed. I had to remember that this wasn't my time. Y/n and Jeremy were gonna be happy together and I wasn't gonna intervene. Besides, if you love someone:

You let them go.

~Squip ending~

~Y/n's POV~

I gulped and turned towards Eric. "Y-you promise you won't hurt Jeremy and my friends/family?" I asked, shaking quite a bit.

Eric and Jeremy immediately stopped fighting for a second and both looked at me. Eric was smirking and Jeremy looked taken aback.

"Of course," Eric firmly said. "You have my oath." He showed me both of his hands to show he wasn't gonna double-cross me.

I nodded. "Okay, I'll become your queen," I nervously said, dropping the Mt. Dew Red.

"W-wha? Y/n, you can't be serious!" Jeremy exclaimed.

Eric raised his hand in anger but then looked at my anxious, pleading eyes. He slowly put his hand down and calmly said, "Yes, she is. All of her friends and family will have their own place in the palace."

"But there is no palace—"

Eric quickly snapped. Suddenly, the whole School seemed to rise. Electric currents pumped out from beneath his feet and traveled throughout the walls and floor. Everything seemed to be changing so fast. Eric had his fist raised in the air, a determined look on his face. Blue pixels and electric currents surrounded him, changing his outfit.

Jeremy, with a terrified look, yelled, "Y/N, YOUR CLOTHES!"

I looked down and realized pixels and electric currents were swirling around me like a funnel cloud. Tiny shocks peppered me as the currents and pixels moved up and faster around me. "What the—"

All of the sudden, everything stopped. I noticed that instead of the school auditorium, we were in a beautiful, techno throne room. Large windows looked down upon New Jersey, the palace being even taller than the skyscrapers around us.

In the windows, I could see my reflection: a black, slightly—cropped hoodie with blue cords going through it— like Eric's. I had on a quite short skirt that was completely electric blue the surprisingly looked really good on me. My h/c hair had an electric blue streak going through it. The most important is what was on top of my head: a beautiful, sliver crown with multiple different blue gems lined up on the fancy arches. From the darkest blue to the lightest, airy blue.

It was gorgeous.

"You like your new crown, my love? It looks beautiful on you," Eric said, coming up behind me.

He had on a similar outfit, except he was wearing pants and a shirt. A sparkly, black shoulder cape was draped over his shoulders and went well with his matching crown.

He thrusted and arm around me and planted a kiss on my cheek. "You'll be happy here, don't worry. I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy."

Ayyye it's the end! Thank you all for reading it! If you didn't know, Blue Sprinkles (Soulmate! Coffee shop! Michael x reader) will be coming out soon! Really excited because I know y'all are gonna like it. Aight, have an epic day/night❤️🦙❤️

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now