~Chapter 5: Something New in His Eyes~

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This book may have slow updates cuz I'm still really busy. But I want to make sure the chapters are q u a l i t y. So yeah. Also, i'M a BuS.

~Jeremy's POV (again, I know)~

I walked around the mall, searching for Chipotle so I could find y/n and Rich. I didn't even know why Squip wanted to see y/n—

"I told you already, Jeremy: getting to see y/n helps me determine how to help you win her over. Now, I accessed the mall security cameras and it seems y/n is done with her date and is going to be here now—"

A giggle interrupted Squip's rambling. I quickly checked behind me, and there was y/n: holding hands with Rich.

Just what I wanted to see.

Y/n looked up and noticed me. Confused, she cocked her head and walked towards me.


Squip didn't respond, but before I could ask him why he wasn't being helpful, y/n worriedly asked me, "Jeremy? I thought you went to the hospital or something! Are you okay?"

"I—uh, y-yeah! I'm f-fine!" I squeaked out, confused at why Squip didn't shock me for stuttering like a total idiot.

"Well, my date with Rich went FANTASTIC! He's gonna drive me home. I think we could be a good fit, ya' know?" She excitedly exclaimed, giving me a quick hug. "Bye!"

She waved to me and I dreamily gazed at her with a goofy grin on my face. Rich gave me a sharp glare as he dragged y/n out of the mall.

I sadly sighed at the thought of y/n and Rich together. I would never win y/n over without help!


Speaking of help.

"Squip, did you see that? SHE HUGGED ME! And you...you didn't even shock me for stuttering," I exclaimed mentally, trailing of at the end.

I saw Squip reform into his holographic self. He seemed to be dreamily gazing at a blue pop-up screen, smiling and slightly blushing bright blue.

"Squip? Hell-o?" I slowly said, leaning over a bit to see the screen—

"AH! I, uh, mean: yes, Jeremy, I understand she hugged you, but your going to do a LOT of self-tweaking to make y/n like you."

He said the words so lifeless, but there was something new in his eyes. They weren't as cold as they were before. It seemed there was passion in them. I didn't know where this change of expression came from, but I knew for sure it wasn't because of something I did.

"What 'passion?' I don't feel emotions, Jeremy. I'm...I'm a computer..." he said sadly.

"Okay, whatever: but how am I going to win y/n over?"

He sighed almost dreamily as he said, "Trust me, I have a plan. But trust me: your going to have a MAJOR upgrade, okay? You must comply."

I stiffly nodded and said, "Whatever it takes for y/n to love me."

He quickly nodded back and stiffly turned as he spat, "Now, let's get to work."

It's 12:30 in the morning I'm so tired. I don't know about y'all, but I think it's time we get a chapter is Squippy's POV. Aight, Imma go to sleep. Have a great day/night❤️🦙❤️

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now