~Chapter 13: Michael's Plan~

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I've been in a car with a brace on for 12 hours help me—

~Y/n's POV~

Michael and I escaped to his house. When we got there, I immediately called Rich to ask if he was okay and see how to get this "Squip" thing out.

Calling Rich❤️


Line is not available at this time.

"No!" I yelped, pushing the call button again.

Calling Rich❤️


Line is not available at this time.

I groaned in frustration and plopped down on Michael's couch. Michael sat next to me—a little closer than usual.

"Y/n, It's gonna be okay—"

"NO IT'S NOT! RICH IS IN DANGER AND....I shouldn't have left. He told me to get out because of this "Squip" thing...." I yelled, trailing off at the end.

Michael's eyes immediately went wide with worry. He frantically got up and said, "I forgot about that! Did he really say Squip?"

"Yeah," I responded.

"Did he tell you how to get rid of it?"

"Micha, what's going—"


I was now more scared and worried Than before: Rich said Squips are supposed to help you. Was Jeremy and Rich's Squip bad?

"Well, he did say two words before he left: 'Michael' and 'Red.' But what does that mean?"

Michael's eyes immediately lit up like a firecracker. "Mt. Dew Red! Since green Mt. Dew Activates it...."

"Red shuts it off!" I exclaimed. "Michael, you're a genius! We need to get it to Jeremy!"

Michael slumped down back into the couch. He sighed and said, "Y/n, he was a real jerk to us. I'm not sure about you, but he blocked me from his field of vision. Ever since then, I've been searching for an answer on how to deactivate the dang thing...."

We had to save Jeremy! I couldn't let him end up like....


"Micha, we can't lose Jeremy! Yeah, he was a douche, but I don't want him dead or harming others. Who knows what that thing could do! Let's save him, not just for his safety: but other peoples, too."

Michael turned towards me, our noses almost touching. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. It was oddly calming.

"I—fine. But on one condition," He huffed.


He was silent for a few seconds, but then regained his confidence. "You must kiss me."

I gulped and nodded. His lips moved closer to mine....




Our lips gently came together. It wasn't rough or hungry, but more fragile: like a flower.

It only lasted a few seconds before I pulled away. "Micha..."


"I—shouldn't have done that. I have a boyfriend..." I softly said, moving away from him.

Michael nodded and sat back on the couch. A few seconds of silence passed between us before I finally asked, "Now, can we save Jeremy?"

Michael sighed and said, "I don't see why not. How about at the school play tomorrow? He's in it, anyways."

I jumped up in excitement. "YES! See you tomorrow, Micha!" Without thinking, I gave Micha a hug. He awkwardly hugged back and gave me a sad smile.

I was starting to walk out of the basement. Then, a weird thought hit me: If it was Jeremy's Squip controlling him and making him act like a jerk, was he still the lovable dork I always knew and loved? He did try asking me out, so maybe we could....


I had a boyfriend!

Maybe if we can save Jeremy, I could just breakup with Rich...

But I still loved him!


@JennaRolandgossip tweeted: Did you here?  @Hotshorty burned down @JakeyD's house. @Hotshorty was killed along with three others injured.

I dropped my phone.


~Jeremy's POV~

I lightly dropped my phone and hugged my knees. Where was Squip? How did y/n know to get us out of the house? Yes, I hated Rich: but why did he have to die?

Suddenly, my Squip materialized in front of me.

"Where were you?" I growled.

"I got disconnected from your brain—"

"WHY IS RICH DEAD? Why did he burn down Jake's house?"

Squip boredly sighed like this news didn't phase him at all. He then said, "Rich was going through some...tough times at home. Him and his Squip were burned."

"How did you know his Squip was burned?"

"Because we were synced, Jeremy!" He harshly snapped. He then shocked me. I winched and rubbed my neck.

"You see, Jeremy: Rich was filled with human error. His Squip malfunctioned."

"Then why does y/n hate me now?" I yelled.

He kept his cool, but I could tell he was ticked. "I can't account for y/n's...human error, either." It seemed to pain him to say that. "You're fine, Jeremy. The fault...is in your peers..."

Only a few more chapters left! I feel sad this book is almost over! Anyways, have a nice day/night❤️🦙❤️

~Watching From a Distance: Squip x reader x Jeremy~Where stories live. Discover now