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Just when I finished reading a heartbreaking book and I was ready to cry my mom entered to my room,  that was odd. 

She told me that I wasn't spending the spring break with dad,  that Michael invited me to a camp and that she said yes.  I screamed to her for the first time in my life yelling her she was selling me,  ugly things and she just said to me
-Katherine when I was your age I did a lot of wild stuff in high school,  you wouldn't imagine,  you haven't done that.  For living those stories you have forgot to live. 
-I don't want to be wild. 
-Just be a teenager.  I know that he is the type of boy that can break your heart but you know better that that,  if you want kiss humble have sex with him.  Live your youth. 
-You can't do this
-Just do it,  Katherine then you can return and tell me all those ugly things you just did.  I can't teach you about math or laws,  I can teach you about sex. 
-Actually you were very good at math. 
-Sex is the biggest pleasure in life,  and you need to learn that before you regret all the positions you didn't do. 

She gave me some condoms and helped me pack.  She putted sexy clothes and gave a sex class.  It was actually fun,  I bet most moms don't do this she is actually cool.  We laughed a lot because I know nothing about sex. 

Michael arrived at the night,  my mom said goodbye and then entered to the house but she stared at me at the window.  Michael looked weird,  there was some tension between us that gave me the instint to run away from him but for some reason I stayed. 

He put my stuff on the car and I entered to the car.  My mom didn't let me bring any book,  what the hell I am supposed to do.  I really wish we had a car accident so this couldn't happen.  In the way he was super nice he made a playlist and we heard it.  We slept on a motel in separate rooms he told me that we would have to sleep in the same tent.  He couldn't tell but I wanted to run away from him. 

While we were in our beds we talked and it was peaceful he smiled at me and told me goodnight. 

We were missing a day of road and it was cool,  this time I was more comfortable.  We did karaoke carpool,  I stared at his eyes but not too long. 

He is actually very gorgeous. 

It was very awkward till we got there, they gave us a tent. And that made me so nervous. We would me sleeping in the same tent, I wish I was with dad in this moment. 

I hate mom so much in this moment. 

While they were talking with him I entered to the dinner room, I was starving and a lot of girls where there, they were the girlfriends. They asked me if Michael and I were together , I said that we are only friends, even though I don't know if that is the best word for us. 

What is the adequate word for, we have known each other for years, he notices me now and is playing a game he won't win to prove probably something to their friends. He talks with my brother and somehow my mom likes him, what makes me think mom is into assholes. 

They were really nice, told me I am special because Michael has never brought another girl here before, only Jason. That made me more nervous. What the hell is him playing? 

After an hour he arrived and it felt the most awkward. Everybody was eating but I wasn't hungry. I wanted to call dad to get out of there, but probably someone would tell me " You can't keep running", so I didn't call him. My mom sent me a text saying "Be open, live your youth". I get people think I only live in book stories, so this is for the youth everybody keeps saying I should live. When I have grandchildren I will tell them the story of when I went to a wild spring break camp with the most popular guy , playboy. It actually does sound like a good story to tell. 

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