Chapter 1

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Dani's POV
It was an early Monday morning which means it was a school day. I rolled over and looked at the clock it said 6:30 am. So I got out of bed and went to get dress. I put on black high rise jeans a black t shirt and beanie. Dani hates school because she was bullied because her parents died when I was only 4 and she was also a witch no one but her family knows meaning she has powers and so dose all of her siblings it's just Dani was lucky to get every single power.Where her siblings didn't. Micheal had the powers to create fire and lightning bolts. Christina was able to make energy balls and Shields in the color blue. Katherine was able to see into the ahead in time and was able to see what you were thinking. Lisa had a dark power and was able to speak to ghost. Amy had healing hand and could seance what you were feeling. Alex has telekinesis and could teleport .Lauren had the same as Christina but in yellow and she could also think about some and see where they where and was be able to talk to them. But the only good part about school was that Lauren and Alex would be there but they are seniors so they will leave me this year. I was a sophomore so I had a few years left. I went down stairs and saw that I was the only one up so I made a pot of coffee. Once the coffee was done I got a cup. Then Amy and Lisa came down they are both in college so they also school.
Morning Dani said Lisa and Amy. Morning Lise Morning Amy I made coffee I say as they both grab a cup from the cupboard.
Thanks dan Lisa says.
Aww thanks Dani Amy says.
It's Nothing I said. Then Alex and Lauren came and they go coffee as well but then the started making breakfast so I left because my coffee was along. I went up to my room to do my make up. Then Christina came in my room and asked if I wanted breakfast I and I said no it's okay.
Dani are you feeling okay you seem off lately Christina said.
Chris I'm fine you don't need to worry I say .
Okay Dani but you should come down now it almost time for school Chris says.
Okay I say.
Once I'm done with my make up I make my way downstairs and I see all my sibling in the kitchen so I sit in the living room to waiting for  the other that go to school because Lisa drives.
After 30 minutes Lisa, Amy, Alex, and Lauren and Chris walk out and say it time to go to school. As we walk out Kath, and Micheal leave for work so now one will be home. Chris pulls in to the parking lot and parks the car the we walk towards school. Once we got on the side walk I feel as if I was thrown. I look up and see Alex and Lauren and Christina look over me.
Dani are you ok Lauren ask me.
Yeah what happened I ask .
You were liked pushed Alex say with his hand out.
Yeah I'm fine I say as I he lifts me up off the ground.
Dani your arm is bleeding Lauren say.
I'm fine I'll go to the bathroom and put a band aid over it and clean it I say.
Want me to go with Lauren asked.
No I'm fine I say.
Are you sure Lauren asks.
Yes Lauren  now let get into class I say.
As I walk into school I go to the bathroom and clean my arm and put the bandaid on and walk to class.
Time skip to lunch
At lunch I walk to the table I sit at with Lauren and Alex. On my way Tiffany walks up.
Oh look what we have here the girl with no parents she says.
Leave me alone I say.
I can do what I want Dani and I know what I can do to help your face she says as she slaps me.
As I feel the pain in my cheek I put my hand up to my cheek.
Ohh look the baby is going to cry she says.
Leave me I alone I say as I walk to the table and sit down.Once I sit down I pull out the lunch I packed. As I pulled my lunch Alex and Lauren come and sit down.
Hey Dani they both say.
Hey I say.
So how was school so far Lauren asked.
It was okay I say.
Time skip to when Lisa picks them up
So how was school Lisa asked as she picks us up.
It was fine I say.
Hey Dani why do you have a bandaid on your arm Amy asks.
Oh um well something pushed me and I didn't see what did it I say.
What do you mean Dani Lisa asks.
Well it like someone was inviable and then left I say.
Well okay then Lisa say we she tell The others when we get back.
Okay I reply.
The rest of the ride home was silent.
Once we got home it was 3:30 pm we had to wait for Christina and Michael because they had to stay longer for work, Michael was a personal trainer so she stay till 5 pm and Christina's a music/ choir teacher for all grade at the school is a k-12 school, so she won't be here till 4:30 pm. And Katherine was a receptionist and she got home at 3:00 pm. So most of my sibling won't be home until about dinner time . I decided to go up stairs and do my homework I start with English and global because they were easy but then I had to do math and I can't do math so I walk to Lauren's room and she she done with homework so I decided to ask for help.
Hey Lauren can u help me with my math homework I ask.
Sure dan she say.
30 minutes later we finished.
Thanks Lauren for the help I needed it I say.
Of course Dani when ever you need help or need to talk I'm here Lauren says.
Thanks Laur I'll Keep that in mind if I need I say as I walk out.
It was about 4:30 so Christina should be back I decided go to the attic and read the book we have on demons to see there is an invisible demon on the book. The book was something my mother and father wrote before I was born. As I read I found the demon that I think pushed me at school. I looked at the time and saw that it was 6:00. I went downstairs and could hear all my siblings in the kitchen talking so I decided to go out on the front porch. I sat on the porch swing. As I siting I start thing about thing Tiffany said to me. I was so in my mind that I did not see Lauren walk out.
Hey Dani she said snapping me out of my trance.
Oh hey laur .
Dani are you ok she asked.
I don't know laur I just keep thinking about what Tiffany keeps saying to me.
What dose she keep say to Dani you know you can tell me anything she says.
Well she keeps say that I'm over weight, that I stupid and I should stop wearing makeup to school because I shouldn't look beautiful I say crying
Oh Dani don't listen to her those are all lies your the perfect weight and your not stupid your so smart and your always been beautiful with and with out makeup she say.
She reaches out and hugs me and I return the hug.
Dani we need to tell the other they can help plus we still need to tell them about what happens before school she says.
I will Lauren and dinner I promise but can I sit near you I might need you I say.
Of course I will dan she says.
Once we are done hugging we got called in for dinner.
As I ate all I could think about what they would say and I think Lauren could tell by the face she was giving me.
After dinner I said I need to say something. They all stayed in there seats and Christina says okay Dani take it away. I start with what happened at school and how I think I found what demon it was and I told them . After that I start telling them what I told Lauren and of course I started crying, I finished and I next thing I knew I was engulfed in Hugs. Then Christina told me we will all help you Dani as long as you tell up something is working okay she says.
I will Chris I will I say. After dinner I go upstairs and take my makeup off and go to bed.

Next chapter will be more about demons as I am skipping to Friday night.
And I will be trying to post a chapter every day
Word count 1573

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