Chapter 24

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Dani's POV

I was awaken by mine and Chris alarm clock. Chris rolls over to turn them off and I get up and grab clothes to change into. After I'm done I do my hair into a rope twist braid. Then I do my makeup. I do a light but natural makeup look. Once I'm done I go downstairs to see Kath cooking breakfast.

Morning Kath I say grabbing a cup of coffee.

Morning Dan you going to school today she asks.

Yeah I say as I pour coffee but flinch because the wight of it doing in to my cup caused my wrist to hurt so I ended up burning my arm. Ow I say in pain putting the pot of coffee and my cup down.

Dani are you okay Kath says as she turns around to turn on the cold water.

I'm fine I just got burned that's all as she pulls me over to the sink and places my arm under cold water.

Okay I'm going to get the first aid kit and a bandage to wrap you wrist I'm but keep your arm under the water she says.

Okay I say as she runs up to the bathroom and Lauren walks into the kitchen.

Omg Dani what happened she asks running over to me to see why I had my arm under the water.

Just got burned that's all I say.

Burned that's all really she says.

Yeah that's all I say as she rubs my arm under the water to help it. Thanks Laur I say as Kath comes down with Chris following her and First aid kit in hand.

Okay Dan turn off the water and dry your arm off Kath says as Chris asks what happened.

Wait what happened Chris asks.

I burned my arm I'm fine trust me I say.

Yeah sure your fine she says. As I turn off the water Lauren grabs the towel and helps me dry my arm off. Once my arm is dried off Kath put burn cream on my arm the wrapped it up with a gause then to keep my arm in place she wrapped it up with a bandage.

Thanks Kath I say as she finishes.

Anytime Dan she says. She then starts plating breakfasts and I ask Lauren a question.

Hey Laur I say.

Yes Dan she says looking at me.

Can you help me pour a cup of coffee please I ask.

Of course Dan she says pouring me a cup and handing it to me.

Thanks I say taking the cup and taking a sip.

Your welcome Dan Lauren say. We the table and Kath giver us breakfast and me and Lauren just talk while eating to pass time. Once we were done me, Chris, Alex, and Lauren leave to school. It takes about 15 minuets to get to school. Once we were there I see Sally standing by the front door. I immediately sunk down in my seat so she doesn't me.

Dani are you okay Lauren asks.

Other then seeing Sally then yeah I'm fine I say.

Dan you'll be fine trust me we are there Lauren says.

I know I'm just scared I say.

It's okay to be scared Dan Lauren says pulling me up and giving me a side hug.

Thanks Laur I say giving her one back as Chris parked the car.

Ready Chris says look back at me.

Ready I say.

Oh and Dani of you get hurt or fell sick call Amy but also you guy have to walk home Chris say. We all say okay and exit the car. As we walk to the doors of the school I see Sally standing there. I ignore her as she start calling me names so I put my head down and Lauren pulls me back into a side hug. We stay like that till I reach my first class and we separate till choir.
         - Time skip to choir -
I walk out of my class to see Sally walk over to me. I ignore her and just walk to my next class. In the middle of class I use the bathroom and Sally followed me. After I was done washing my hands she punched me to the floor and just kicked me. She did this for about 5 minutes then she just left me on the floor I saw I was going to explode her one day. I tried to move but it hurt to much. Then I heard the door open and I got scared till I see Lauren. She look down at me and runs to me.

Dani what happened she ask helping me sit up.

I just walked out washed my hand and then bam punched and I'm on the floor I say.

Chris got worried and pulled me aside to come get you she says. Now let me help you to the nurse okay she say.

Okay I say as she helps me up and we walk to the nurse. She checks me out and just gives me and ice pack and said I'll be fine. After we left we walked back to choir to see the everyone putting stuff away and grabbing their backpacks. We walk in and Chris tell me Lauren and Alex to stay after class. After about 2 minuets later the bell rang and everyone left. We sit down near each other and Chris starts talking.

Okay dan tell me what happened she asks.

Well I began and started tell her and Alex what happened.

So what's going to happen Chris asks.

The nurse says I'll be fine just some brushing that's all I say.

Well okay then now let's eat lunch Chris says. We stay with her for lunch and I only ate a little mostly because it hurts but also what Sally keeps saying to me. So I put is away and see that there was still 40 minuets left of class. So I ask Lauren where are are meeting for when we walk home.

Hey laur I ask.

Yes dan she says.

Where we meeting I ask.

Umm how about at the front door she say as Alex agrees. Then after they go back to talking and I go on my phone for the rest of the period.
-                  Time skip                         -
The rest of the day was normal and I walk to the front door to she Alex and Lauren waiting. I walk to them and we walk home. Once we got home Kath was cook and Amy and Lisa were out back. I walk to the kitchen as Alex and Lauren walk upstairs.

Hey Kath I say.

Hey dan how was school she asks. And walk out as Chris walks in.

Hey dan can I see your bruise please she asks.

Sure I say and I life my shirt up and she checks them.

Dani the look horrible hoe do they feel she ask.

They hurt but I'm tried can I go to bed. I ask .

Of course dan she say laughing outing my shirt down. Once she left I climbed into bed and fell asleep.

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