Chapter 19

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Dani POV
I was awaken by shaking again but this time in was stronger by a lot. I was scared of what was happening so I threw my pillow over my head. I felt tears starting form. After 5 minutes it still wouldn't stop why wasn't stoping. After 5 more minutes of finally stop. The tears were down my face. I stayed under the pillow till I felt someone touch me. I take the pillow off and see Lauren. She saw me crying and sat on my bed and hugged me.

Dan it's okay she said rubbing my back. I cry into her shoulder as Chris talks.

Okay we are going to do the same thing we did this morning she says. Lauren I want you to stay here and comfort Dani she say.

I will she says. They then leave to check for cracks and smell of gas. I continue to cry in Lauren's shoulder.

Shh dan it's okay she says hugging me.

B-but I n-never been t-though an earthquake I say crying.

Dani okay we are together and we are safe thats what matters right Lauren asks.

Y-yes I say lifting my head up from her shoulder and wiping a tear away.

Good she says. She then pulls me back into the hug as everyone walks in.

Well we smell no gas and there is no cracks so how we doing in here Chris asks.

Well dani's calm now Lauren says.

Good Chris says. What time is it she asks.

It's 5:39AM Amy says.

Okay then how about me and Kath get breakfast and the rest find something to do Chris says. We nod in agreement as they both leave.

So what we going to do Lisa asks.

Well me and Alex are going to train anyone want to come Michael asks.

I will Lisa say.

Me too Amy says. He then looks at Lauren and I.

What about you two he asks. Lauren looks at me knowing she not going to leave me.

Well go I say. We then all go down to the basement and tell Kath and Chris we will be down there. Once down we go to are own little room to practice are powers. I start with my telekinesis. I decided to try and run though all my powers. Once I finished with that I move on to my fire power and water. Then I try my explosive power. I've never used it but I was told to be careful when I do use it. I start up and send a explosive energy ball at the wall and it caused me to fly back. As my back hit the wall I relived I never did that before. Right after the door flys open and Lauren Lisa and Amy come running in.

Dani what happened Lisa asks helping me up.

I-I don't know I was trying my explosive power bit it some how mixed with my energy ball I say.

Well that's new Amy say checking me to make sure in not bleeding.

I know but i did a weak one I say.

Weak Dani that was very strong we all heard it and you hit the wall Lauren says.

Oh well I have no idea what happened I say. Just as I finished Kath and Chris came down with breakfast. They had eggs, bacon and toast.

So can I go back to school Monday I ask.

Well the doctor called and said you can so I guess as long as you are careful Chris says.

Thanks I say taking a bite of food. My sibling now put less food on my plate so I can eat all my food. Once we are done eating we go back to trying. We still have to be careful of aftershocks though. I decided to try my explosive energy ball again but a lot weaker this time. But it still sent me back just not as hard. I stand up and shake it off as the others watch though the window. I decided to see what else can be combined with the explosive power. I start with water and that just caused me to become wet. Then I Trued fire with it. And that cased me to get sent harder to the wall then the first time. All my sisters came in and checked on me before leaving. I then get set up to try my teleporting power. But as I am I feel shaking. It wasn't my powers so it must be an aftershock. I ran to the door but it wouldn't open. I didn't know what to do I had no table. So I ran to a corner and sat holding my head. After it stoped I rand to the door and it still wouldn't open. I see my sibling grouping in the hall but I could join. I banged in the window m. They came over and opened the door. I stood I shock after I could open that. We decided it was enough trying for the day. I went to my room and grabbed clothes so I could go shower. After my shower I went downstairs and went to the kitchen. I got a cup of water when Kath came down to the kitchen as well.

Hey dan she says.

Hey I say back.

So why could we get the door open but you couldn't she asks.

I don't know I say. All I know is it wad scary I say taking a sip of water.

So ready for school Kath asks.

Yes and no I say. You know what the no is but I don't like being stuck at home I say.

Good point she says. So what do you feel like for dinner she asks.

How about food I say.

Haha very funny but I mean it what sounds good she asks.

Well the how about tacos I says.

Ok she says. But tomorrow we need to go shopping she says. I finish my water and go upstairs. After about 1 hour of doing nothing I was called down for dinner. We ate dinner the I change into pjs and went straight to sleep.
Sorry it's late haven't felt well and I'm sacred for later. I'm also hungry and thirsty as we speak. But I will be posting later today but bye for now I'm going to try and sleep. Also stayed up till  2:10 AN for this but it had to be done.

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